Weather in Top of Tei in April 2022-2021 ☁ – accurate forecast at "365 Celsius"

Weather in Top of Tei in April 2022-2021 ☁ – accurate forecast at "365 Celsius"

Weather in Top of Tei in April 2022-2021 ☁ – accurate forecast

Weather in Top of Thea in April

According to our rating system, which is confirmed by the reviews of tourists who have visited Russia, the weather is good in Top of Tei in April, this month's rating is 4.2 out of five.

Temperature in Top of Thea in april

Average temperature during the day: +5.9°C
Average temperature at night: -2.5°C
Number of sunny days: 7 days
Number of rainy days:
14 days
45.8 mm

Is it worth it to go on holiday in April?

The weather is cool in the city. According to perhaps the most accurate forecast, the weather in Top of Tei in April is good and the tourist season is in full swing. In this spring month, the average ambient temperature is 5.9 during the day and about -2.5 at night. It rains a lot, about 14 days a month, with 45.8 mm of precipitation. There are more clear days, at least 7 days. The same spring weather in other cities of Abakan, Abzakovo, Abramtsevo, with a similar rating of 4.2, the air warms up to 3.0°C. According to the reviews of tourists who have visited Russia, it is worth going on vacation to the Top of Tei in April, but in any case, we will help you decide what clothes to take.

    Note: : rating 2.5 (out of 5), air -2.5°C , rain 8 days : rating 4.4 (out of 5), air +11.9°C , rain 19 days

in detail

Monthly weather comparison in Top of Thea

Air temperature

If you want to know how to dress in Top of Thea in April and what to wear, you can check the average data for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021: the air temperature varies from +1°C to +13°C and it is considered relatively pleasant . For example, in the previous month, the air is colder by about 8.4°C. In comparison, next month the environment is 6°C warmer. At night, the temperature at the Top of Tei in April drops to +3°C. -6°C. Temperature fluctuations between day and night are 8.5°C. What is the weather like in Top of Tei at the end of April at the beginning and middle of the month is shown on the chart, according to tourists in Russia, the situation is similar almost everywhere.

Rating, rainy days and precipitation in April and other months.

The rating in the period February – June fluctuates from 2.5 to 5.0 points. The number of rainy days in April is 14, and it ranks 1st for this indicator for the year. Precipitation is 45.8 mm, this is the 4th place among all months. At the same time, in the previous period, 12.3 mm less rainfall, in the next period, 16.1 mm more. According to the most accurate forecast from the hydrometeorological center, the hysmeteo weather in the Top of Tei in April in the first and second half of the month (decade) is shown in the summary table for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.