Residents of Buryatia will be able to see the best Russian films of recent years

Residents of Buryatia will be able to see the best Russian films of recent years

On April 6, the XII online film festival Dubl dv@ starts. Unknown cinema of Russia.

Residents of Buryatia will be able to see the best Russian films of recent years On April 6, the XII online film festival Dubl dv@ starts. Unknown cinema of Russia.

Residents of Buryatia will be able to see the best Russian films of recent years

Rossiyskaya Gazeta announces the opening of the XII festival Double Dv@. Unknown cinema of Russia (18+). Its main task is to provide an opportunity to meet the best Russian films of recent years and to everyone who wants to watch them. The festival will show the best films of the last two or three years, which are designed for a mass audience and have significant artistic merit, but for various reasons have not received wide distribution at the box office. The Internet nature of the festival not only expands its cinema to the scale of the entire planet, but also provides an opportunity for feedback – direct and immediate – between viewers and filmmakers. The former write reviews, publish them on the festival forum, the latter can enter into a direct dialogue with them at any time. The authors of the best reviews published on the festival website will receive memorable gifts.

The program director of the festival is Valery Kichin, a columnist for Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

11 full-length and 13 short feature films of recent years are participating in this year's competitions.

There are two professional juries, they will award prizes for the best feature film, the best short film, the best directorial and acting work. The third panel of judges is the audience, who will choose the winner of the Audience Choice Award by voting on the Internet. In addition, this year the Theatrical Intermission was again announced as a separate competition. Spectators from all over the world will be able to see selected musical performances and vote for the best of them.

The jury of the main competition in 2021 included: People's Artist of the Russian Federation, film director Vladimir Khotinenko (chairman), film director and screenwriter, laureate of the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary Ivan I. Tverdovsky, film producer, member of the Union of Cinematographers Natalya Ivanova, critic, columnist for the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets” Svetlana Khokhryakova and actress Natalya Pavlenkova. The founder of the festival Rossiyskaya Gazeta is represented on the jury by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Yadviga Yuferova.

The jury of the short films competition will be made up of GITIS students.

Films and performances of the festival will be available on the site for free anywhere in the world, each within 24 hours. After the announcement of the winners, there will be an additional premium screening of the films that received prizes.