Weather in the Dominican Republic for months. A detailed weather forecast

Weather in the Dominican Republic for months. A detailed weather forecast

Weather in the Dominican Republic for the best resorts of Boka-Chika, Punta Cana, Puerto Plat, Santo Domingo, Juan Dolio

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Weather in the Dominican Republic for months. A detailed weather forecast

Weather in the Dominican Republic by Seasons

The Dominican Republic is a fabulous country that has settled on the part of the Haiti island in the East. Washed the dominic of the Water of the Caribbean, surround the beaches and mountains.

In the Dominican Republic of Tourists, at any time of the year, heat and sea with warm water awaits. In the afternoon, the air temperature does not have less than 26 degrees, and at night – 20. Only in the areas located in the mountains the thermometer scale can drop to 12 degrees. Fans of conquering the peaks can even catch snow on the top of the Duarte Mountain in the winter.

The weather in the Dominican Republic almost does not change throughout the entire calendar year. The local places for relaxation-Bavaro and Punta Kana are fascinated by beauty and weather. Nevertheless, some more like to relax in the Dominican Republic in winter than in summer and vice versa. Winter is cooler and windy, and the summer is hot and sunny.

Weather in the Dominican Republic

We will get acquainted with the weather of the Dominican Republic by month in the winter

January in the Dominican Republic. In January, the local population loves to the dominic most. A pleasant cool wind is felt here, the body feels sea coolness. The weather practically does not change all year round, so the wardrobe remains unchanged. But it is in the January evenings that you can wear your favorite jeans and feel comfortable. In the afternoon, girls can dress up in a light beautiful dress, the weather in the Dominican Republic will not let them freeze. The January climate allows you to spend more time on the beaches of the Dominican Republic, while the risks of burning are approaching zero.

A characteristic air temperature for January is 28 degrees during the day and 20.5 degrees at night. Water temperature – 27 degrees Celsius.

February in the Dominican Republic. In the winter month of February, the weather in the Dominican Republic can cause a feeling of deja vu and are very reminiscent of January days. You can still enjoy pleasant coolness and fresh air. The heat and burning sun do not threaten lovers to lie down on the beach. In winter, the Dominican Republic Like tourists the most. Having left the cold Belarus, the local climate does not shock the endless heat, but pleases with a soft breeze. Some prefer hot weather, then they follow them to go on vacation closer to the summer.

The average February indications of the air and water temperature are as similar as possible to those in January.

Weather in the Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic: Weather for months in the spring

March in the Dominican Republic. As mentioned earlier: the weather in the Dominican Republic is stable and practically does not change. In March, it becomes warmer and the hot summer is gradually approaching. The sun heats the beach harder, and it is better to sunbathe with a protective cream. March is considered the most rainy month of the year.Rains rarely fall out, but fruits such as mangoes and firewood appear. In March, it is as nice to relax as in other months of the year. The air in March becomes warmer – 29 ° C during the day and 20 ° C at night, and water does not change the temperature and holds at the February level.

April in the Dominican Republic. The heat is gaining momentum and the approach of the summer period is already felt. The weather does not particularly change, so April is still warm. The ocean wind is weakening, and the air heats up. The season of new spring fruits comes. In April, the Dominican Republic walks an annual holiday. Which is called Holy Week. In Bavaro, they come from all over the island to celebrate a religious tradition. They dance Bachata, Merienge around, everyone drinks rum and beer. For lovers of noisy parties, April is the most suitable month to plunge into life and enjoy the beautiful weather in the Dominican Republic.

The air heats up to 31 degrees in the afternoon and 22 degrees at night. Water reaches a temperature of 27 degrees.

May in the Dominican Republic. Whoever loves the heat, in May in the Dominican Republic will have to love. But if you are more likely to cool, be afraid of the May scorching sun or at least stock up on tan creams. In May, there are more rains, but they are very warm. Moisture rising after the rain creates the heat that not all vacationers like. At this time, a lot of mangoes appear in the Dominican Republic, fruit lovers are stored vitamins for a whole year. The cost of May tours is usually lower, due to a lower flow of tourists.

The air remains warm and stably holds at 31 degrees in the afternoon, by night it decreases to 21 degrees. The water is also warm-at the level of 21-22 degrees.

Weather in the Dominican Republic

Summer in the Dominican Republic weather by month

June in the Dominican Republic. June in the Dominican Republic is famous for its heat and paired, like milk, water. The season of Dominican rains continues, but the rainwater from the sky is very warm, and the precipitation itself is short and carry their benefits as refreshing the Earth and the air of the effect. But then, the resulting moisture creates the effect of the bath. Not all such a vacation appears. The sea here becomes very warm and calm by June. Fruits overwhelm the shelves, and the prices for them are very pleasing. June nights are so warm that you will spend all night on the beach, it will not be possible to freeze.

The weather in the Dominican Republic has the following indicators – the air temperature in the first month of summer is 31 ° C during the day and 22 ° C, and sometimes 23 at night. Water – at a standard level of 27 ° C.

July in the Dominican Republic. The July Dominican Republic surprises with its heat! In such weather, only air conditioners will be saved. July is characteristic of a large amount of rains. But no heat will frighten vacationers. In the summer there are many couples in love walking along the beach. The newlyweds are in a hurry to spend a “hot” honeymoon here.

Air temperature usually has a level of 31 degrees in the afternoon and 22 degrees at night. Water heats up to 27.5 – 28 degrees.

August in the Dominican Republic. August weather in the Dominican Republic is characterized by a smooth improvement and is considered a transition period. At this time, the rain time ends, and the wind season begins. August is the warmest of all months. In August, tourists are becoming smaller and it becomes calmer until spring. There are fewer bathing and sunbathers on the beaches.

The air in August heats up even more, reaching 32-33 degrees in the afternoon and 23-24 at night. Water stably holds a mark of 28 degrees.

Weather in the Dominican Republic

Autumn in the Dominican Republic: Weather by month

September in the Dominican Republic. The hot Dominican summer has come to an end. In September, the amount of precipitation increases, it becomes easier to breathe. As in any country in the Dominican Republic, there may be violations of the usual climate. For example, in 2013, summer was distinguished by a small amount of rains, and in the winter of 2014 it was quite rainy. September beaches are deserted, hotels are free from tourists. The weather in the Dominican Republic carries cool and pleasant winds appear. Sometimes the wind can be quite strong, so a ban on access to the Caribbean is possible.

The air temperature is 31 degrees during the day and 22-23 degrees at night, and water-29 degrees.

October in the Dominican Republic. As in other autumn months, it is nice to relax in October. The winds subside, the weather goes from the summer season to winter. The ocean becomes colder and calmer.

October – concluding a month of deserted beaches and hotels. Many find for themselves the joy of such weather in the Dominican Republic. Agree, enjoy the empty ocean, immersed alone, sometimes very pleasant and sincerely. For those who do not like a large crowd of people, October is the last opportunity to relax with comfort.

The air temperature in mid -October is 31 degrees in the afternoon and about 22 degrees at night. The temperature of the water off the coast in October – approaches 29 degrees.

November in the Dominican Republic. In November, the season of tourists begins. The beaches are again filled with people, happy foreigners and our countrymen bathe in the sea. In November, winds may occur, but not often. You can rejoice at the approach of winter and the onset of coolness. You can enjoy the sparing sun, a pleasant breeze and a view of the boundless ocean.

The temperature is still pleasing: air – 31 degrees Celsius during the day and 21 degrees at night, water – 27 degrees.

Weather in the Dominican Republic

December in the Dominican Republic. Winter is approaching and in the Dominican Republic becomes more comfortable every day. The weather in the Dominican Republic, according to many vacationers, is the most perfect! But for many local residents in December, the weather becomes too cool, and they dress warmer. For tourists, wintering in such a climate gives great pleasure. The ocean is refreshing in December, and the sand does not heat up much from the sun. At night you can sleep not including the fan.

The air temperature is 30 ° C during the day and 20 ° C at night. The water temperature is all the same – 27 ° C.

Have you been convinced that the classic vacation in the Dominican Republic is wonderful and beautiful in any month in the year? Whatever time you choose for vacation, you will like it here. There really is no bad weather in the Dominican Republic.We wish you not to save a trip, but to collect suitcases now.

The graceful temperature of water and air in the sides, ° C day and night