Weather in Athens ☁ The most accurate forecast 2022 on "365 Celsius"

Weather in Athens ☁ The most accurate forecast 2022 on "365 Celsius"

Weather in Athens ☁ The most accurate forecast 2022

Weather in Athens

According to the most accurate forecast from the hydrometeorological center, the weather for 7 days in Athens is characterized by the average air temperature +23.9 ° C during the day and +11.4 ° C at night, which is 0.6 ° C is colder than usual at this time of year. Climatic phenomena promise us for 3 days variable cloudy, 4 clear days. Atmospheric pressure ranges from 763 to 767 mm Hg. The water temperature is 16..18 ° C. The relative humidity of the air changes from 30 to 83%. For the next 7 days, the weather in Athens is predicted by Gismeteo with the wind from the north 1 m/s to a strong northern 8 m/s.

Weather forecast for Athens


Detailed weather information

A detailed weather analysis

The maximum ambient temperature according to the hydrometeorological center +26 ° C is reached on Thursday 12. For the next 7 days, the weather in Athens, if you look in detail and by the clock, predicts the minimum values ​​+10 ° C on Sunday 08 May. Visibility in the environment changes from 10 to 10 km, while the worst visibility will be May 06 – 10 km. During the specified period in the region, 0.8mm precipitation will fall, the most precipitation of 0.8mm on Sunday 08 on May 08 will fall, and the smallest amount 0mm on Thursday 12th. Cloudness covers the sky on average by 19%, the smallest of 6% of the clouds in the sky on May 12, and most of all 47% cloudiness on May 10. The nature of the weather in Athens in Gismeteo will change 7 days as follows at the beginning of the period, and at the end – clear.

Six ways to have fun in bad weather in Athens

So, you came to rest in Greece, and rain outside. Do not despair! In Greece, you will find even under such conditions a lot of classes. Here are 6 ideas, how to save your vacation:

Shopping in Athens

    Get shopping. The shopping trip in its own way can bring joy, and if this campaign is still in Athens, then doubly. You can wander around ancient shopping centers, or you can take a walk in new colorful department stores, where not only tourists, but also indigenous residents themselves are purchased.

In many boutiques of the shopping center you will find the clothes “from the couture”, created by both local and foreign manufacturers: clothes, shoes, accessories, toys, antiques. The main concentration of such shops in the city center.

Erma Street was directly created for those who cannot live without stores for a second. Here you can buy high -class clothes and souvenirs. What, what, but you will not find shoes here, but if you go a little further, you can buy a couple of beautiful shoes in the store.

Vukushtau Street, which is sometimes called Bucharest, is famous for its jewelry stores, which have already won world fame. You will also find bookstores that specialize in foreign literature.