We will find out where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg? Addresses, shops

We will find out where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg? Addresses, shops

If you relate to the number of people who have never attended such football events, be sure to go to one of the above offices and get a ticket for a football match. Perhaps, for the first time at the stadium surrounded by people who have devoted part of your life to this, you will not only become part of this fraternity, but also discover new places for purchasing tickets for matches. Well, as they say, the flag is in your hands! Zenitsky!

We will find out where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg? Addresses, shops

Who is waiting for spring with great impatience than anyone? Russian football fans. Winter for them is a real test. White fields instead of green, empty stands of stadiums that are comparable to the best football arenas of the world. Believe me, winter is hardly tolerated even by a sofa fan, and if you are used to being involved in the atmosphere of all this “football madness”, you will have to wait. A certain part of the fans, of course, amuses itself with football ups and downs on Western arenas, where winter is not a serious obstacle to internal championships. But still a true fan, and it is worth considering primarily representatives of the cities where their favorite club is based is waiting for spring!

And, of course, she comes to all at different times! Zenit fans will be able to enjoy the fresh smell of spring on February 22 with pleasure. It is on this day that the first official match of their favorite club will be held. Within the framework of one sixteenth League of Europe, Zenit will meet at home with the Scottish football club Celtic. And before that, February 16, a meeting with a team at a party will take place. Experienced fans, of course, know where and how to purchase or get tickets, but sometimes newcomers do not immediately manage to figure it out. We will help them. So, there are a lot of options for the question of where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg.

Companda before the match

Client office FC Zenit

Tickets for meetings of your favorite club, seasonal subscriptions are distributed here. It is located in the Arena Hall business center. On the first floor. You can find it at the address: Dobrolyubova Ave., 16, lit. A, K.2, near the stadium Petrovsky. On the part of the Yubileiny SK, the main entrance is located. From the Sportivnaya station, you will reach it in just a few minutes. It works every day from ten in the morning to eight in the evening.

So, let's continue to deal with the question of where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg?

Cash desks

SK Petrovsky (directly on the days when Zenit plays at home). It is located at the address: Petrovsky Island, house 2. You can use his services on the day of the match of the main team from ten in the morning until the end of the first half.

SK Jubilee. Address: Dobrolyubova Ave., d. 18, Art. m. Sports.

Every day from ten in the morning to eight in the evening.

Shop Zenit Arena

They sell tickets for meetings of the Zenit football team.It is located at: Nevsky Prospekt, 20. It works seven days a week, from ten in the morning to ten in the evening.

Ticket terminals

As a rule, they are located in some M. Video stores, Gazpromneft gas stations and Zenit stores. Here you can buy tickets for the club’s fights in the Russian championship.

And, of course, where we are without the ubiquitous Internet! He will make life easier for any Zenith fan, wherever he is.

This is a football field

Where to buy inexpensive tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg? For example, using the Internet resource https://zenitbilet.ru/#buy you can order a ticket for matches of your favorite team. At your disposal will be the choice of the match, sector and order of the ticket! And by phone indicated on the site, you will receive any detailed information.

If you relate to the number of people who have never attended such football events, and still ask yourself where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg, then be sure to go to one of the above offices and purchase a ticket for a football match. Perhaps, for the first time at the stadium surrounded by people who have devoted part of your life to this, you will not only become part of this fraternity, but also discover new places for purchasing tickets for matches. Well, as they say, the flag is in your hands! Zenitsky!

This is Zenit Arena


Soon, the branded Zenitsky colors will flutter over the stadiums of our country, and the question where to buy tickets for Zenit in St. Petersburg will become truly relevant. Zenit fans sincerely believe that the geography of foreign routes will expand by at least four points and bring them to Lyon. And the most daring believe that they will be able to enjoy the most striking moment of the feast of the football fan – the moment when the long -awaited trophy is in the captain's hands! And then each of them will be able to feel his involvement in this triumph! We hope that you, dear readers, found answers to all questions of interest in our article, and in particular, where to buy tickets for the Zenit match in St. Petersburg.

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