Tver football player got into the national team Amateur League – TIA

Tver football player got into the national team Amateur League – TIA

The 25-year-old Tver football player Yuri Silantyev passed the All-Russian selection and will play in the Russian national team at the international tournament in Tunisia. Amateur League is an amateur league that was created about a year ago. At international competitions in Tunisia on March 26-30, for the first time, the Amateur League team will present for the first time.

Tver football player got into the national team Amateur League

The 25-year-old Tver football player Yuri Silantyev passed the All-Russian selection and will play in the Russian national team at the international tournament in Tunisia. Amateur League is an amateur league that was created about a year ago. At international competitions in Tunisia on March 26-30, the team of Amateur League will be presented for the first time for Russia.

As the football player himself said, the league is mainly based in Moscow, but since it is developing rapidly, it is already represented in several regions of our country. In Tver with the League, Roman Yuryevich, director of the SSR, began active cooperation by Ulyanov.

Roman Yuryevich is actively promoting amateur football in our city. Since this is an amateur league, at first a vote was organized, a friend of which 5 best of the votes of candidates from Tver was held in the next stage. And the second stage was that the characteristics of the players were transmitted directly The leadership of Amateur League., where they chose a suitable candidate for the national team. So I got there.

Full composition of the national team:

Yuri admitted that so far he did not really have time to get acquainted with the rest of the national team players.

The editorial staff of the Tver football player gave a detailed interview:

We know Tver as a large and truly football region, respectively, you are entitled to high hopes. What feelings overwhelm you in anticipation of the tournament? What do your club partners say?

I would not want to upset you, but I’m not going to cunning either. Football in Tver is going to say the best of saying the best. The disbandment of the professional football club Volga. The reconstruction of the main stadium Chemist is delayed due to poor -quality laying of the artificial field. Former players of FC Volga have not yet been paid a salary, and in general there are a lot of problems. But against the backdrop of this, amateur football lives and flourishes, thanks to the director of SSHOR Ulyanov Roman Yuryevich. A person who makes every effort so that football is interesting and remains a priority with the inhabitants of the city of Tver and the Tver region as a whole.

The first feeling is a sense of responsibility, hopes assigned to me by those who support me personally and the Amateur League national team!

In general, for me personally, this is a big challenge, where I simply must contribute to achieving the highest results of our team!

The most important thing is that the guys believe in me and support, in turn, I will try to justify their hopes.

What position are you in? Have you already taken part in international tournaments? What is your performance experience? Are you familiar with the 6×6 format?

I play as a striker in the 5×5 format, in big football 11×11 I play as a central midfielder or various variants of the CP, COP, CAP, and also played as a central defender and forward.

Little is known about the 6×6 format, but still there was a little practice in games of this format. In minke I play attack, I think this position will be optimal for me.

I will take part in international tournaments for the first time. But I hope that this tournament will allow me to show my abilities, and in the future I will have the opportunity to be involved for the national team in other tournaments and competitions on a regular basis.

For as long as I can remember, football has been an integral part of my life. He began his football career in the city of Kyiv – Ukraine. Due to injury and relocation, football activities had to be suspended. At the age of 9, he persuaded my parents to bring me and my younger brother to the Volga Tver Sports School, where I trained until my graduation. After the crossing, he got into the double of FC Volga Tver. Unfortunately, the coach believed that the young players bought by the club for the purpose of “strengthening”, who took a place in the first team on a permanent basis, were stronger than me, and frankly, at that moment I lost interest in football. Then there was the army, where I missed my favorite sport so much that I tried to play as often and as much as possible. And I can say that after serving in the army I became stronger, and I developed an uncompromising disposition, a fighting character that helped me both in life and on the football field. At the moment, in addition to training and playing, I am the coach of the sports club Sparta Tver, which was created by my brother Anton Silantiev. We have 150 children in the club, of different age categories! We strive to grow them into good athletes and, not least, good people.

Who will support you at home? Do you know anyone from the Amateur League Russia national team?

First of all, at home I will be supported by my family, which always and in everything supports me, as well as my friends. And, of course, my second family is the pupils of our sports club. For them, the entire coaching staff is an example and authority. My call to the Russian Amateur League team will be an additional incentive for them to achieve their main goal. And, of course, I am sure in the support of those who know me and who are not indifferent to the fate of our team at this tournament!

Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to meet the guys, but there is no doubt that we will find a common language, both on and off the field.

What is the most important thing for you in this tournament? With what mood are you going to Tunisia? How will you get teammates for the most important games?

Take first place! To show that football in our country is developing at all levels.

I have a serious mood, you can say a fighting one. I am sure that the other players of the national team go to Tunisia with the same attitude.