TOP-10 board games for children and adults: interesting games for the family

TOP-10 board games for children and adults: interesting games for the family

TO-10 interesting board games: from fantasy to detective. Games for children and adults. The mafia, monopoly, uno, crocodile and others.

Best board games: TOP 10

how to choose a board game

Board game – This is an excellent entertainment for everyone: men and women, adults and children, companies of friends and strangers, work colleagues and classmates for study, introverts and extroverts. In stores you can find a huge number of games: from simple, small and fast to large, with complex rules and dashingly twisted plot.

Our article will help to find a fascinating table for everyone!

Genres and theme: from fantasy to detective

The genre is a kind of game that determines its thematic and game features. As a rule, the genre is indicated in the description and helps to understand how the game will look and what to do in it. It is customary to highlight The following genres: Games for a fun company, detectives, economic and intellectual tables, strategies, fantasy games and adult games.

If your favorite character in childhood was a scrooper MacDak, you will definitely like

Tips on the package: age, company, time of the game and more

When choosing a game, you should pay attention to Three main criteria: The age of the participants, their number and time of the game. If you choose a development for a child, also take a closer look at filter skills. With it, you can choose the game not only for fun, but also for good and help the child to “pump” concentration, accuracy, observation, memory, etc.

By age Games are divided into:

  • Children's – These are “light games” that should not get bored, but at the same time help the child improve his skills;
  • Teenage – The average version between children and adults. In such games, a complex and unusual plot is important, which can enrich interest, as well as an educational element so that time is not in vain;
  • Adults – Games that help relax, get closer, have fun in the company or pair.

Children's board games

Some games have age restrictions: the manufacturer announces this on the package. Use for convenience filter AgeWhere in the input field you can set the necessary years.

The number of playersnecessary for the game, is another parameter that is on the packaging. As a rule, the minimum and maximum number of participants is indicated. In some games they play only together, in others – a large company, dividing the teams, couples or “puffing” alone.

“Time, fun of an hour” – says folk wisdom, but sometimes fun can drag on time. To plan a party or game sabantuy at work, pay attention to the approximate time of the party. On average, the games last from 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Depending on the company, the regulations of the evening or your own playing tastes, you can choose a soil type Mechanics. It determines the course of the game, the number of players, pumped skills and dynamics. So, Abstract games – These are calm intellectual entertainment, gambling check nerves and pockets, and Role They will give an opportunity to go beyond their own personality and try on different masks.

It is important to know: Do not forget about the type design. The game is basic or with additions and extensions. In the first case, this is the original option, in the second – improved. Also found variations, i.e. reprints of old games with updated design, topic or purpose.

TOP 10

To facilitate the search, we offer to familiarize yourself with the top 10 board games based on the statistics of search queries from Yandex.Vordstat as of December 2020.

1. The mafia


The city falls asleep – wakes up mafia. Every night she methodically kills civilians. Its goal is to be in the majority. But after the night there is always a day – the time of civilians.

During daytime discussions, players drive out of the city the one who seems the most suspicious in the opinion of the majority. The mafiosi, which have been superimposed among the population, also take part in this exile. Whether the choice was true, the exile will tell, opening his card before leaving.

Compliance with the rules and regulations of discussions is monitored by the leader who conducts a secret draw at the beginning of the game, and subsequently moves the course of time. A variant of the game that divides the world into “white inhabitants” and “black mafia” is classic and the easiest.

In variations, other characters with special skills can be added: beauty, doctor, commissar, maniac, Don Mafia and others. The mafia is played by a large and cheerful company – from 6 to 18 people.

2. Monopoly


At the beginning of the game, residents of the city are in equal terms: each has the same amount of money and real estate. Everyone dreams of becoming businesses of business and are ready to go to this by any way. Their goal is to build as many houses, hotels and business facilities as possible that bring money. Along the way, it is advisable to ruin competitors and crush under yourself as much as possible the market in the city.

Anyone who does not cope with competition and sells all his property will leave the field of the game. The most successful, cunning and dodgy eventually redeems all property and single -handedly captures the market, thereby installing its monopoly.

This table is played both together and by a company of up to 8 people. Participants need to think a lot, sometimes rely on good luck and periodically take risks.

Interesting to know: At the auction in 2011, for $ 145,000, the first edition of the business game was sold Monopoly.

3. Uno


A simple, compact and never boring card game, which you can play both a small and a big company. The goal is to reset all the cards before others. The main part of the deck is multi -colored cards with numbers from 0 to 9.In his move, the player can drop a map of the same color as the previous one, or with the same figure. In addition to the main maps, there are “jokers” that allow the opponent to “plant” the opponent!

Uno – Great game for friendly and family travels. She does not take up much space, and the time on the road with her will pass faster and more fun.

Lifehack: If the box from the card game has broken or lost, use stationery elastic bands to fasten the deck.

4. Crocodile


Crocodile – One of the most famous and emotional games. The players have a set of cards in which a few words are written. The participant takes the card and selects one word, after which he tries to show it to the rest of the players only with the help of gestures. Anyone who is the first to give the correct answer takes the card to himself and takes another to show a new word. The one who has more cards with guessed words will win at the end.

It’s easy to look at an inexperienced look, but have you ever tried to show a little flour or abstract “hope” without words?

5. Jenga


AT this game It’s better not to play at night: you can accidentally wake your neighbors. The main sound of this game is a loud Bam!, Which no one wants to hear in their move.

The rules are simple: at the beginning of the game, a high tower is built from wooden brick bars. And then the players take turns pulling out a brick and put it on top of the tower. But you need to pull out the bar so that the structure does not collapse. Even better, if it not only does not fall into your move, but will also be as unstable for the next player. Lost by the one who scared his neighbors with a roar in his move!

The game is funny, especially if a large company participates. As a rule, beginners try to pull the brick on top, but experienced and insidious players immediately pour oils into the fire and pull from below.

6. Imadzhinarium


Imadzhinarium – This is a game of association. It all depends on how similar or unlike you think with other players. At the beginning of the game, all participants have the same set: 6 cards with pictures, tokens with numbers and a chip-slice.

The elephant is installed on the playing field: it will jump in the clouds. In each move, one of the participants becomes leading. He chooses one of his cards, puts her shirt up on the table and speaks aloud to her. The rest of the players for this association choose one of their cards and also put a shirt up. The host mixes and opens the cards with which he assigns serial numbers.

The most interesting begins here: the players are trying to guess which of the above cards belonged to the host. This is an important point, because it depends on the answer which way and how far your elephant will advance on the field.

The game ends when the cards with pictures end. The one whose elephant rode the clouds wins the farthest. The game is simple and interesting, from 3 to 6 people can participate in it.

Lifehack: To avoid looking for games all over the house, buy an organizer specially designed for board games.

7. Svintus


A card game very similar to UNO but stylized as piggy. During the game, each participant lays out a card with a certain color or number. The goal is to be the first to discard all cards.

As in UNO,

A game with very clear and accessible rules. The minimum number of players is 2, the maximum is as many as you can get in your company. The bottom line is to explain the words written in the game cards, while not using the same root for them.

When one player in a team begins to explain and the rest to guess, the other team turns the hourglass over and keeps a close eye on the time. As soon as the last grain of sand is at the bottom, the guessing time expires. The scoring starts. Each guessed word is worth one point. The one with the most wins.


Board game conclusion

To choose a cool desktop, need:

  • 1. Decide on a genre and theme. Games for a fun company, detectives, economic games, strategies, fantasy, intellectual, games for adults – choose a genre to your liking. And if you are driven by some films or books – look for your topic!
  • 2. Understand the basic criteria which are usually indicated on the packaging. These include: the minimum and maximum number of players, the approximate time per game, as well as age restrictions. Pay attention to the design: basic or with additions, extensions. If you are looking for educational games for kids, use the Skills or Mechanics filter.
  • 3. Find in the TOP 10 what you like. Our TOP is based on Yandex search statistics, which means that you will find not only an interesting, but also a popular game!

Now you know how to choose an exciting board game for a great evening. Bargain purchases, and may you be lucky in the game!