The teacher violated the charter, lost her job and achieved a replacement of desks: Society: Russia.

The teacher violated the charter, lost her job and achieved a replacement of desks: Society: Russia.

A biology teacher from a Sochi school, Elena Nosova, posted a video online about broken desks and chairs in her class, after which she was fired for a gross violation of the school charter. Prior to that, she wrote to the administration of the institution and the president of the country. The video caused a wide public outcry and the furniture was replaced.

The teacher violated the charter, lost her job and succeeded in replacing her desks

A biology teacher from a Sochi school, Elena Nosova, posted a video online about broken desks and chairs in her class, after which she was fired for a gross violation of the school charter, RIA Novosti reports.

Before recording the video, she complained to the administration of the institution and the President of Russia, but there was no proper response. “The number of classroom furniture does not match the number of children in the classrooms, there are 30 seats (15 desks), and there are 40 children in the classroom. 10 people are left without desks and a high chair,” she told

The video caused a wide public outcry, and the furniture was replaced, according to the resource, which published a picture before and after.

“Now all the old desks and chairs have been taken out of the classroom. The door is being repaired. An official investigation is also being carried out, as a result of which disciplinary measures will be taken against the leadership of the educational institution, ”the city education department told the portal.