The championship of Lipetsk in urban sports started | Medialipetsk – Actual news Lipetsk | Portal about the life of Lipetsk

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The championship of Lipetsk in urban sports started

In Lipetsk, a personal-command championship of the city in urban sports started. Applications for participation in the championship will be accepted until 17.00 on October 9, 2015. The end of the championship is until November 30, 2015.

The organizers of the city championship in urban sports are the Association of Dawn Sports and the Lipetsk regional branch of the Russian city sports Federation.

The championship matches will be held mainly on weekends at the Association of Courtyard Courtes of the city courts of the Novolipetsk Park, and at the end of the construction of the people's city venue – at the Dvorovik Stadium in the city right -bank district. In time, matches between teams in personal and teamaining will be held based on the mutual agreement of the participants at a convenient time for them.

Matches of personal and command championships will be held on a circular system. In accordance with the Regulation, the game takes place according to the rules of urban sports – players play with 13 m. Given the amateur level of participants, the party will take place in the first 10 figures established by the rules. The winner of the match is the participant who won two parties. In the team standings, teams play one round in matches to victories in three parties.

As of the evening on the evening of October 6, 10 participants appeared in the personal test. The team championship has already confirmed the readiness to get to the start of 6 teams-this is the U Dvorogorovik SK, the Association of Dawn Sports, the Prosecutor's Office of the Lipetsk Region, the Lipetsk newspaper, Stroy-Grad, Tele-2 Lipetsk. It should be noted that the matches of the Lipetsk team championship are not included in the council of the year -round Cup of the Lipetsk region in urban sports.

Additional information about the championship can be obtained by phone 8-900-600-48-00.