Telezufler in 5 minutes and 0 rubles. Video tutorial | PhotoweBexpo

Telezufler in 5 minutes and 0 rubles. Video tutorial | PhotoweBexpo

Now I will show how to make an actually an indispensable thing if you want to record a dictator who is in the form of yourself loved by the video with big dumches and at the same time …

Telezufler in 5 minutes and 0 rubles. Video tutorial

Telezufler in 5 minutes and 0 rubles. Video tutorial

Now I will show how to make an actually an indispensable thing if you want to record a dictator who is in the form of yourself loved by the video with big doubles and at the same time not try to memorize long texts.

Just a couple of weeks ago, several people turned to me who needed a video operator with their lights, sound and several cameras.

I arrived, we arranged the light, and the man before the camera lenses began to read the text from the laptop screen. Immediately caught my eye that he was unnaturally looking down somewhere, then he had to memorize 2-3 sentences. And so, juggling with plans from different cameras, we recorded the first lesson. It took almost 2 hours.
And there are 6 more on the way.
It was necessary to find a solution, and literally in 5-10 minutes, taking into account the search for material in the apartment, I collected a television room, with which we shot the remaining 6 videos in just 1 hour.
Feel the difference? 1 video for 2 hours or 6 for 1 hour.

I hope I intrigued you.

You will need a regular line with holes. If they are not, do not worry, I believe, you can easily make them.

You will also need island, a black T-shirt or just a dark dense fabric and-the program of the program-a box from under the CD-disk.

The principle of telesufler is that the text from the monitor is reflected from the glass (in our case of a plastic) surface and you can calmly read it, looking directly into the camera.

As you know, it is put immediately in front of the lens.

In turn, the camera itself does not see the text, but in order not to gain reflection from the back, we cover the back with a cloth.

You will not go with such a design to complete large orders, but for a blog and emergency situations it can be very useful.

My client literally sang praises in my address and did not stop admiring.

This is a mobile souffler, it is only suitable for working with a smartphone. By the way, applications for him are called DV Promter.


Here is such a straightforward solution that can help you strongly when shooting using a large amount of printed text.

We will be grateful if you share in the comments your experience in creating various devices for shooting photos and videos. Write to the address: [email protected]. We will even be able to remove about this small issue indicating the author of the idea.