Sterlitamak – General information

Sterlitamak – General information


general information

The building of the city administration

Sterlitamak – One of the most beautiful cities of Bashkortostan became a house for 275 thousand 800 inhabitants. This is the second after the population, the city of the republic, industrial and cultural potential. The name of the city comes from two words: Sterl-the river on which the city is located, and Tamak, which in Bashkir means throat or mouth. The geographical location of Sterlitamak is unique: 4 rivers (Sterl, Belaya, Ashkadar and Olkhovka) carry their waters through the whole city. The Seleuk river flows close to the city, which also gives an occasion to connect it with Sterlitamak. The city is surrounded by single mountains, called Shikhans. This is Yoracti, Kustau, Shakhtau, Tratau. Being not far from each other, on the right bank of R. Bely, they are petrified reef masses. The bowels of the mountains are hiding in the deposits of stone salt and limestone – raw materials for soda, cement, slate and other chemical products produced by the industrial enterprises of Sterlitamak. Gypsum, sand and clay became the basis of the construction industry of the city. In addition, this is a wonderful place for tourists and athletes.

The emergence of Sterlitamak is closely related to the introduction of a state monopoly on salt. In the middle of the XVIII century. At the site of the confluence of the Ashkadar and Sterl rivers, a post station was built into the Bely River – the Ashkadarsky pit. Later, according to the project of the Simbirsk merchant Savva Tetyushev, the construction of a salt pier began, which ended in 1766. The salt marina began to be called Sterlitamak. Soon, Sterlitamak becomes the center of one of the eight counties included in the Ufa province.

In 1782, the coat of arms of the city was approved by Empress Catherine II: “In the upper part of the shield, the coat of arms of Ufa – a running marten in a silver field, a sign of such animals of abundance. In the lower – three floating silver goose in a blue field, as a sign of great abundance of these birds. ” Today's coat of arms of the city district is a restored ancient coat of arms, which is a shield with the image of three silver geese, floating along the silver water in a lapel field. Thanks to its preservation, Sterlitamak is one of the 167 out of 45,000 municipalities of modern Russian Federation, which have the right to use their ancient historical emblems.

Pedestrian zone in the historical part of the city

The economic potential of the city is largely determined by such large chemical and petrochemical enterprises as the joint-stock companies Bashkir Soda Company, Synthesis-Kuchuk, Neftekhimic Plant. It was these city -forming giants that secured the title of the city of Big Chemistry for Sterlitamak. The machine -building and machine -building industries in the city are represented by large joint -stock companies: Red Proletarian, Car Repair Plant, Stroymash Plant and Limited Liability Company NPO Stankosthostzhi.In addition, powerful enterprises of the construction industry and building materials operate in the city. The food and processing industry is very widely represented. The products of the distillery and the Heineken United Brewery LLC brewery are known and popular not only in the republic, but also in many neighboring regions of Russia. The main types of products that have made Sterlitamak famous in Russia and in many countries of the world are synthetic rubbers, plasticizers, PVC resins, dry building mixes; soda ash, caustic and food; synthetic detergents; cement, slate; barium salts; white soot, machine tools, pipelayers, bulldozers, pile driving, oilfield, drilling and exploration equipment.

The pace of housing construction in the city is growing. The average provision of the population with living space as of January 1, 2014 was 20.2 sq.m per 1 person. Housing stock of the city as of 01.01.2014 equal to 5.6 million sq.m.

Fountain in front of the Bashdramteater

The city is developing intensively the sphere of trade and entrepreneurship. In November 2014, the second stage of the Fabri shopping center was put into operation (total area – 57.5 thousand sq.m). The Leonardo hobby hypermarket (more than 60,000 items of goods) is located on the new premises, and underground parking for 1,200 cars operates on the ground floor. In the fourth quarter of 2014, the first stage of the Astrum shopping and entertainment complex with an area of ​​22.3 thousand sq.m. was put into operation on the territory of OAO UTK Tsentralny. In March 2016, the opening of the second stage of the shopping complex with an area of ​​9.5 thousand sq.m. With the completion of construction, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bAstrum will be 42 thousand square meters. In February 2016, after the reconstruction of the building of JSC Byttekhnika, the shopping center Germes (Mira St., 2b) with an area of ​​7 thousand sq.m. was opened. Also in 2014, construction began on the METRO shopping center with a total area of ​​9.1 thousand sq.m and the City Mall shopping and entertainment center with a total area of ​​53 thousand sq.m. with parking for 1100 cars.

Shopping center METRO Cash Carry (Lenina Ave., 2m) was opened in April 2015. The new wholesale trade center serves small and medium-sized businesses in the catering and hospitality sectors, small format retailers, etc. The range of the shopping center – more than 35 thousand items of food and non-food products. A car park for 310 cars has been organized near the shopping center, and a roundabout has been built.

October 2015 On the territory of the City Mall shopping and entertainment center (36 Oktyabrya Ave.), one of the major anchor tenants of the Megastroy building materials hypermarket with a total area of ​​about 15.0 thousand sq.m.

The hypermarket presents more than 67 thousand items of goods for repair, construction, decor and garden, there are products for sale under the company's own trademarks (Megamaster, Profit, etc.). In February 2016.In the City Mall shopping center, the Magnit family hypermarket with a total area of ​​7 thousand square meters was opened. The City Mall shopping center has a synthetic ice rink (1 thousand sq.m.), the Galaxy children's entertainment center (2 thousand sq.m.), cafes, restaurants, park zone, children's rooms and much more.

In recent years, cardinal changes have occurred in the field of trade in the city: the proportion of trading facilities operating according to the self -service method has increased; the positions of retail retail chains are intensified; The share of shopping and entertainment centers in the total volume of trading real estate is increasing.

During 2017, 39 new trading facilities were opened, of which: 32 food, 7 non -food stores. At the same time, 28 stores closed, of which: 21 food and 7 non -food groups.

Stele in honor of the founding of the city

Given the opening and closed objects of inpatient trade, the number increased by 11 objects or by 1.4% and amounted to 777 units.

According to the results of 2017, in the city district the city of Sterlitamak RB, 36 shopping structures with the total number of stores 247 are operating, in 2016 their number was 233 (increased by 14 units or 5.6%).

Completely trading networks of urban and republican producers are enlarged, these are 44 stores (reference: 20 stores of TD “Serv-X”, 8 stores LLC Bashspirt, 6 stores of TD “Indyushkin” and store LLC “Myasnaya Courtyard” (SNHZ- M), the store LLC LLC, as well as 8 pavilions of the GUSP state farm Roshchinsky).

The program for the development of urban telephone communication made it possible to bring Sterlitamak to first place in Bashkortostan in terms of telephone level. Much attention is paid to the development of city passenger transport. More than 40 percent of all city passenger transportation is carried out by a trolleybus – the most environmentally friendly mode of transport. Every day, 120 vehicles of the trolleybus park are released on the line, transporting up to 26 million citizens per year. The city annually acquires new trolleybuses and buses, opens new transport routes. In the future, the trolleybus fleet will be modernized by acquiring trolleybuses with autonomous moves and electric buses that can increase the efficiency and attractiveness of transportation on city electric transport, expand the route scheme, excluding the cost of building new contact lines.

The social sphere of Sterlitamak is a system that is sensitive to changes taking place in society. The lion's share of the city budget is spent on the implementation of social programs. The urban health system is being improved: everything possible is done so that medical care remains available to all segments of the population, and medical institutions are equipped with the most modern technology. Over the past years, a hemodialysis department was opened in Sterlitamak: these are 16 devices called as “artificial kidney”, and 2 backup apparatus.The department takes on an outpatient hemodialysis up to 96 patients per day.

The urban health system includes seven hospitals (one children, four adults, an infectious and skin-venereological dispensary), adults and children's clinics, a dental clinic, a perinatal center.

On the basis of the city clinical hospital No. 1, the Center for cardiovascular surgery was opened, equipped with the latest technology. With the opening of the center, it became possible to carry out complex operations and ensure the rehabilitation of the patient in Sterlitamak. In addition, using modern technologies, doctors can advise doctors of district hospitals. The equipment allows you to see exactly where and to what extent the coronary arteries are affected, and the doctor already chooses the most effective treatment method. The Center for Cardiovascular Surgery cost almost 400 million rubles. Until now, in the republic, such a clinic existed only in Ufa. Now, complex operations on the heart and brain of a person are performed in Sterlitamak. This year, on the basis of clinics No. 3, a cabinet was opened with private money, where they conduct magnetic resonance tomography.

Russian drama theater

The standard of living of the townspeople is growing. The average monthly salary in the city is more than 22 thousand rubles. Special care is about elderly people and children. The specialized house Veteran is one of the best in the region; There is a medical and social rehabilitation center in the city for children without parental care.

Sterlitamak is considered one of the most green and clean cities not only of the republic, but also in Russia. The appearance of Sterlitamak is traditionally paid to the city administration and all utilities. In the All -Russian competition for the title “The most comfortable city of Russia” Sterlitamak three times – according to the results of 1997, 2002 and 2005. – ran out the second place among cities with a population of over 100 thousand people. And according to the results of 2006 and 2012, Sterlitamak became the winner of this prestigious competition, twice becoming a “golden” city of Russia. As part of the republican competition for the title “The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement of the Republic of Bashkortostan”, among the municipalities of the I Sterlitamak category I, in 2012, took first place.

The modern city is inconceivable without a developed system of science and education. In the city, over the past ten years, promising educational development programs have been operating, aimed not only at preservation, but also at improving the public education system.

The building of the former zemstvo council

The education system is one of the priority areas of socio-economic development of the city of Sterlitamak.

Currently, 36 secondary schools with the number of students 35105, 3 second-education boarding schools with the number of pupils 784 people, 1 special (correctional) boarding school with the number of students of 142 people, 1 special (correctional) school with the number of students 301 are working in Sterlitamak. Human.63 preschool educational institutions are visited by 19067 pupils. 6 institutions of additional education with the number of pupils 11772 people. 1 Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve. 4 institutions of higher professional education with a total number of students 8350 people. 12 institutions of secondary vocational education with the number of students 11539 people.

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in 2017, the task was set to achieve one hundred percent accessibility of preschool education for children under three years of age by 2021. In our city, this task was achieved by opening three kindergartens No. 12 (260 seats), No. 15 and No. 16 (90 places),

The discoveries of additional groups for nursery in preschool educational institutions No. 2, 41. Since November 2019, parents with children under 3 years old who are not secured by a place in preschool educational organizations have issued “certificates of a preschooler” to visit a private kindergarten. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 235 certificates were issued. In this project, 4 private kindergartens participate.

Furried indicators in the city are decreasing every year, so in 2018 3023 children were born, 2019 – 2744, 2020 – 2627 children. Nevertheless, the work in this direction has to continue, since it is necessary to keep the balance between demography in the city and the number of places in preschool institutions. In the city of Sterlitamak, according to the strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipality “City District, the city of Sterlitamak of the Republic of Bashkortostan” until 2030, the construction of 10 preschool institutions is planned.

The number of students in the second shift is reduced. This happened at the expense of the construction of school No. 23 for 1225 places and available areas for educational goals, optimizing the schedule of training sessions. In 2019, they also improved the conditions for students of the village of Shakhtau, entered a school with 340 places.

Until 2025, it is planned to conduct training in only one shift in the city. For this, a reconstruction of the former sanatorium “Berezka” under the educational building No. 2 is undergoing a gymnasium No. 1 (for 750 student places and 120 places for preschool children). Reconstruction 3 of the building of the gymnasium No. 2 (for this facility there is design estimates with the positive conclusion of the State Expertise of the Republic of Belarus) and the construction of schools in the microdistricts 2 West and Coastal.

Much attention in the city is paid to the development of culture, numerous festivals, holidays and folk art contests are held. Drama Theater, Theater-Concert Association, 13 municipal public libraries, a local history museum and a picture gallery, a local television and radio company, cable and children's television channels, two palaces of cultures and two movie theaters, more than 60 historical and cultural monuments were rightfully made by sterlitamak of the cultural capital of the south of the republic. .

More than centuries -old history has professional and mass sport in the city. And today Sterlitamak, by right, can be called the city of sports. The services of citizens are provided: three stadiums, two sports complexes with swimming

Mi pools, 94 sports halls, 175 open sports grounds, ski base, numerous sections and sports clubs.

The most striking event of recent years was the commissioning of the Sterlitamak-Arena Sports Palace in December 2012 with an ice arena, 2500 seats, a playing gym for 500 seats and a gym. Here, such sports as hockey with washer, figure skating and game sports were developed here. A children's hockey school is open, where 500 people are engaged. In the gym, competitions of the republican and all -Russian level are held.

The city is proud of its athletes. The whole world was glorified by Sterlitamak four -time champion of the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games in Vancouver, a repeated winner and winner of the championships and cups of the world in biathlon and ski races Irek

City Palace of Culture

Zaripov. The unconditional star is the Honored Master of Sports of Russia, the repeated world champion in triple jump, multiple champion of Russia Tatyana Lebedeva. The Honored Master of Sports, a three -time prize winner of the European Championship, multiple world champion, Europe and Russia, Svetlana Khabirova, glorified our weightlifting school.

Far beyond the borders of the native country, the names of Sterlitamak athletes are known: international grandmaster, grandmaster of Russia for international checkers Muradullo Amrilaev, masters of sports of Russia of international class, three -time world champion, the repeated champion of Russia in the zones of Yuri Sabanov, international masters, champion of Russia in swimming. , a participant in the 2012 Olympic Summer Games in London and the Universiade in Kazan – Anton Anchini. Pupils of school No. 32 three times became prize -winners of the Presidential Sports Games (Sochi): in 2011. Our guys were second, in 2012. – First, in 2013. – Third, in 2015. The bronze was again won.

Today, the world of entertainment is developing with great speed. In the new shopping center Arbat the modern cinema Mirage and the family entertainment center Dinosauria were opened. Now the movie is available not only in the already familiar 3D format, but also IMAX 3D.

The picturesque surroundings of the city are the best suited for the development of tourism – the services of Sterlitamakians and guests of the city are beautiful ski routes, camp sites and the Shikhany recreation House.