Sports status for girls with meaning – life statuses

Sports status for girls with meaning – life statuses

Sports status for girls with meaning a selection of pathos or funny quotes for your status on the mamba. 1. A real bodybuilder should do three things in life: build a house, plant

Sports status for girls with meaning

A selection of pathos or funny quotes for your status on the mamba.

1. A real bodybuilder must do three things in life: build a house, plant a tree and grow a son. And all this in one approach!

2. Save faith in yourself even when no one believes in you.

3. Who can do. He who cannot criticizes.

4. Do not wait for the maximum if you do at least!

5. Yesterday you said that you will do it tomorrow … do it today!

Status about sports for girls with meaning

6. “The worst that can happen – I will become ordinary. I hate to be ordinary . Arnold Schwarzenegger

7. Genetics is just an excuse.

8. The main wealth is health. R.V. Emerson

9. “We stop training not because we get older – we are old because we stop training!” K. Cooper

10. Fitness is not only one of the keys to a healthy body, but also the basis of dynamism and creative thought. John Kennedy

Status about sports for girls with meaning

11. The difference between who you are, and what you want to be is what you are doing.

12. About the health of a man can be judged by what he does twice in a time – he takes a couple of pills or overcomes two staircases. Joan Welsh

13. “Every evening my husband and I are engaged in yoga after we lay the child to sleep. People who train together remain together in life. ” Bettany Frankel

14. The only thing that is necessary to defeat the evil forces over a good person is his inaction. Edmund Burke

15. If something moves me forward, then only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength. Michael Jordan

Status about sports for girls with meaning

16. “My main rival is me myself. I always fought only with myself. ” Yelena Isinbayeva

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17. “We are what we are constantly doing. Unrivaled skill, therefore, is not an action, but a habit. ” Aristotle

18. “Life is a struggle with our eternal desire to hide your head in the sand, calm down and fold your hands. If your goal is a minimum of movements, then let me laziness take the reins of government into your own hands. If you strive for growth, for development, every morning be ready to meet a new day where there is no room for sleep and laziness. ” Henry Ford

19. There are no restrictions: the more you strive for something, the further you can advance. Michael Phelps

20. Such muscles were sick that I did not know about at all and did not even know that they were in the human body. Ilya Pervukhin

Status about sports for girls with meaning

21. If something hurts you, then this is your weak place and it must be trained 2 times stronger. Mas oyama

22. One action is more important than a thousand intentions. John Mason

23. The courage to say no will give you the opportunity to say yes to serious things in your life. Robin Sharma

24. You can become as good as you want. The main thing is to work hard and believe in yourself. ” Scott Ekins

25. Football is a team, a team, not one or two-three star player. Pele

Status about sports for girls with meaning

26. If I listen to others, I will cease to be myself. Roy Jones

27. If at 30, 40, 50 they do not engage in physical education, then this is a prejudice inherited from the old days, when the idle life was considered the ideal of well -being. V.V. Gorievsky

28. Devote for half an hour daily and use these half an hour to take a nap. Yanina Ipokhorskaya

29. A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there is an attractive one hundred thousand opportunities. Charles Louis Montesquieu

30. Sometimes for happiness you need to fight even yourself.

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31. To look like a goddess, you need twenty minutes in the morning. To look natural, you need to take care of yourself all your life.

32. “To live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. This is not always a slight victim. ” Richard Bach

33. “A decisive person cannot be prevented before success. Put his stumbling blocks in the way, and he will turn them in the steps, along which he will rise to the top. ” David Willia

34. Fire in the eyes of a person who believed in himself a hundred thousand times brighter than the sun.

35. A fit woman always achieves what a woman in a dressing gown cannot achieve. Evelina Khromchenko

Status about sports for girls with meaning

36. “The best cure for all ailments is salted water. Sweat, tears and sea. Karen Blixen

37. The most important solutions are not what you do, but what you decided not to do. Steve Jobs

38. The will is capable of changing even the lines on our palms. Jean Cocteau

39. Time does not like to be wasted. GEnry Ford

40. Friends look at your face, a man – at your feet.

41. The greatest sensual pleasure, which does not contain any impurities and disgust, is, in a healthy state, rest after work. Immanuel Kant

42. Never use the advice of people who live differently from you dream of living.

43. The most wise person is the one who annoys the loss of time.

44. Someday the refrigerator will take revenge on me. Every half an hour, open the door to my room, stare at me, and then leave.

45. The purpose of life is the search for perfection, and the task of everyone is to bring its manifestation in itself as close as possible. Richard Bach

46. ​​Dreams become a reality when thoughts turn into actions.

47. Do at least once that, according to others, you are not on the shoulder. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions.

48. If you want, you will find time, you won’t want to find the reason.

49. “Avoid those who are trying to undermine your faith in themselves. This feature is characteristic of small people. A great person, on the contrary, inspires you with the feeling that you can become great. ” Mark Twain

50. They say that an ideal woman does not exist. I went to the mirror.They lie, bastards!

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Status about sports for girls with meaning

In the morning I do exercises, bend down and try to get the floor with my hands. At this moment, the husband comes out of the bathroom and says: “Well, no bow, just say good morning.”

There is a suspicion that the same athlete stands for the Chinese.

Biathlon in our opinion: while you run for vodka, you shoot cigarettes along the way …

Who does not smoke and does not drink, breathes evenly, beats a lot!

The stands roar – just a flurry! The athlete runs – faster than the light. The judge casually gave the start, and in the ass fell from the pistol …

The boxer from the boxer does not fall far

The rifleists tensed and smells in the air in the air!

My motto is only three words: play sports with cool

Each has their own path. Cupering, and who would smoke

I never loved jogging … parkour … adrenaline, but two neighboring Doberman and Pitbul opened potential in me.

I decided to lead a healthy lifestyle, bought great. Now I go for beer and cigarettes on a bike.

At the World Athletics Championship, Nigerian runner at the finish was confused in the finish ribbon and at the same time won rhythmic gymnastics.

So that you do not envy me very much, I hide my chic press under a layer of fat.

Train with those who are stronger. Love the one who is impossible. Do not give up where others surrender. And you will win where you cannot win!

The worst adversary in the fight is a column athlete. If you are stronger, then you can’t catch up with it, if it is stronger – you will not run away from it.

An unsuccessful attempt by the nucleus thrower from Poland interrupted the successful attempt of a jump from Kenya.

During the Olympics, it turned out that the Chinese belgists have not narrow eyes at all …

I do not go in for sports because my body is completely. Absolutely not ready for sports.

At the Biathlon championship, Russian athlete Sidorov took … and does not give …

It is better to speak with a packed mouth than to be silent with a full face.
© Mike Tyson

The plows are not taken to the mountaineering section.

At the wedding of the volleyball player, her girlfriends did not let the bouquet fall for two hours.

People who do morning exercises die a hundred times less than others. Because there are one hundred times less than the rest.

The main thing is not in what skates you are and how you ride the main dream and will to win.

To make the crop of victories abundant, you need to be strong -willed, technical, strong!

Respect the game. Respect the opponent. Respect the differences. Simple rules …

The main thing is not in what skates you are and how you ride the main dream and will to win.

To make the crop of victories abundant, you need to be strong -willed, technical, strong!

Respect the game. Respect the opponent. Respect the differences. Simple rules …

Fury in the eyes, courage in the heart, kindness in the shower.

I love sports because I love life, and sport is one of the main joys of life.

Already at an early age, I enjoyed sports and my goal was to become a great athlete.

If they tell you that dreams do not come true – do not believe. They come true if they fight for them.

Football is not mathematics, the Champions League has no formula for the dependence of money and success

The most important thing is not to be afraid to play.

The goalkeeper is a special world, a special person and a special role!

You must believe in yourself, especially in those moments when no one believes in you

There is only one goal in football – other people's gates

“Goals are not important if the game is not won” – Leo Messi

Each training is a step forward. Each missed training is two steps back

I know only one way to win – play my head and heart.

When I hold a basketball, it becomes part of me more important than my heart.

Do not send an athlete, otherwise he will send you to intensive care.

There is nothing better than living a life in an effort to become more perfect.

I signed up on karate, my husband on boxing, now we don’t swear both. ?

Any man will be at your feet, the main thing is the correct blow to the jaw

Sport is a power that either breaks a person or offers him to heaven.

A real guy should play sports, otherwise he simply turns into a rag.

When you go after training, you smell of freedom and a surge of a new indescribable power …

Volleyball my life, volleyball my game, with volleyball we are together, with volleyball forever

Volleyball is a game without stopping, it is a knock of a ball, it is a creak of sneakers, it is power and speed.

Life, like a bicycle ride – if it’s hard for you, then you go on the rise.

Let the muscles be better than drugs and alcohol

The gold rule of the boxer: “Do not look aside,” you will miss the most interesting. ”

If you have a very great desire to win and strong will, then there is no force in this world that can interfere with you!

Cool statuses in VK about sports

Sports statuses for Vkontakte for any occasion

How about quotes from world athletes and coaches?

1. It is not a shame to get a good blow, it’s a shame to never answer it.

2. Life is when you fight in a hopeless situation. Everything else is just existence.

3. Observation of the struggle creates the illusion that you are struck, although in fact the athlete is defeated on the other side of the screen.

4. The main thing is not a celebrity, the main thing is the result.

5. Each has its own entertainment: alcoholics have vodka, drug addicts have salt, leaders have sports.

6. Look for a way to motivate sports? First find a desire!

7. The pain can be pleasant, and this is definitely about muscle pain.

8. Many of us dreamed of unattainable, few of us did at least something for this.

9. Yes, the sport makes the body strong and attractive, but its main task is focused on spiritual development and willpower.

10. You will definitely win if you are confident, and confident in victory. But the most important thing is that your opponent does not do this.

Statuses in VK for boys about sports

The following options will appeal to those who would like to play a trick on another VKontakte who do not share the views of athletes.Simply put, we are talking about the lazy and lack of initiative, which is just the time to visit the gym.

Sports statuses for Vkontakte for any occasion

1. If the kid said that he would go for a run, then he will do it. It doesn't matter what he said a year ago.

2. Before getting into the low start position, check for a pole runner behind you.

3. Decided to go in for sports, started with dumbbells, already looked at them three times in a box.

4. Many underestimate the benefits of runners in case of a fight. But in vain, because if they are weaker, they will run away from the blow. But they are unlikely to run away if they are stronger.

4. Nothing tames the appetite like a handsome athlete sitting next to you.

5. Do not rush to get rid of persecution mania – it will come in handy in training.

6. Finding that you were the first to run to the finish line, look around and see if anyone was running with you at all.

7. Sports go well with alcohol only in bowling.

8. Did you celebrate Shrove Tuesday? It's time to fix it in the hall with pancakes from 5 to 15 kilograms.

9. With the help of training, you can run away from cirrhosis of the liver and, of course, from cellulite in all parts of the body.

10. Don't like extreme sports? Your opinion can be changed, for example, by Dobermans, who accidentally met on the street.

11. Please do not buy bicycles to ride them for vodka in the stall.

Statuses in VK about sports with meaning

Sports statuses for Vkontakte for any occasion

And this collection contains topical statuses – about what revolts strong and healthy people the most. Now you can share your pain on Facebook or VK:

1. How to intelligently stand out from the crowd? Go in for sports!

2. Losers drown in vodka, and the lucky ones disappear in training.

3. To be created for sports is impossible, but to create oneself for sports is difficult, but real.

4. Having overcome your own laziness and weakness, you understand how unlucky those who got everything effortlessly.

5. Don't take care of your own body? Where are you planning to live?

6. How long should I continue training? Until the only opponent is the person you admire. The next step is to work even harder.

7. Physical exercises should be a joy, and bad emotions should be given to the opponent during the fight.

8. There can be no colleagues in a sports team: only brothers can be there.

9. Staying at home during the next workout, remember that even such a small mistake prevents you from winning.

10. You need to participate in competitions not only when you are confident in your own superiority, but also when you are afraid of failure.

Follow the above tips and of course don't forget to share them with your friends on Facebook or Vkontakte. Be original!

We are for technicality

  1. I am nobody to tell you. But now you can follow my example…
  2. Get ready to win – practice, practice, practice.
  3. Someone calls athletes stupid, and I call stupid those who wanted to spit on their bodies.
  4. Sport is also respect. And, of course, efforts on yourself.
  5. There are two ways to get out of depression: a favorite thing or playing sports.
  6. In sports, you get used to fighting – even in boxing, even in fitness.

If you are not afraid to show your true position, set the pro sports status with meaning.

  1. So what if no one believed in me? The main thing is that I believed in myself.
  2. You don't have to win every game. The most important thing is to gain victory over yourself.
  3. Few people know that I actually put my heart into my game!
  4. You can send me anywhere. But make sure I don't send you to intensive care myself.
  5. Take up boxing. They will want to quarrel with you much less.
  6. In the beginning, everything breaks a person. Moreover, sports.
  7. Sport is, first of all, freedom. Especially if you omit the moment when you need to go to the gym.

For me, sport is more important than even good grades.

Status about sports for girls is such an important sip of motivation.

  1. If you have been looking for a reason to start running for the second month, calm down, you will not find it.
  2. It's strange, I seem to be pumping my biceps, but at the same time, for some reason, the complexes grow: D.
  3. You know, sport is respect for oneself.
  4. I miss school, because then you could race at the stadium for 4 hours a day …
  5. For me, sport is not glory. For me, sport is an opportunity to enjoy every moment of life.
  6. The one who is an athlete since childhood is much stronger and more resilient.
  7. So many years have passed. And I still remember how I put on a kimono and dreamed that I would grow up to be a real athlete.

If you are an ardent opponent of bad habits, set statuses about sports and training.

  1. Girls, there are so many things going on in this hour: stretching, and plank, and power, and twine :D.
  2. I love that feeling of unimaginable fatigue after a workout. I'm sure it's better than any euphoria.
  3. I don't want to be weak. That is why every morning I wake up with thoughts about training.
  4. Sport is not felt now, but then you will acutely feel its lack …
  5. The best prevention against literally any disease is, of course, training.

Sports are not just for weight loss

Statuses in VK about sports are for those who are ready not only to talk, but also to make efforts …

  1. You don't understand. In the morning jogging – the whole buzz :).
  2. Eating chocolate after a workout is bad. But it's better than no training at all :D.
  3. It is better to train in the gym than to constantly drown, like you, in a glass.
  4. Leaving the sport is easy. It is much harder to get away from alcohol or drugs.
  5. Sport is in vogue now. And I'm very, very happy about it.
  6. To each his own. Someone is 2 kilometers away, someone is tennis, and someone has a cigarette around the corner.
  7. Take care of your body. You then live in it!

When a person really wants to become healthier, he spares no effort on statuses about sports for girls with meaning.

  1. Men also have their own beauty salon. And it's called the gym.
  2. “Sports should be in moderation,” thought Vasya, and launched the third skating rink, drinking beer :D.
  3. Sport is the same entertainment. Only for strong people.
  4. There is one person to whom I agree to listen to implicitly. And this is my coach.
  5. No need to consider a strange athlete who himself plays sports, and does not follow someone else's results …
  6. No need to set some huge goals. You just need to make victories over yourself.

Sport as a lifestyle

Cool statuses about sport will reveal to you some simple secrets about this life.

  1. Sport will never break you if you are really ready for big victories!
  2. Who said sport is only football? On TV …
  3. You need to beat so hard that then no blow to follow.
  4. Boxing is not a safe game at all. But for me this is the whole buzz.
  5. The guy should be an athlete. Otherwise, how to check that he is a real man?
  6. Boxing from a fight differs in that it is a sport of exceptionally brave people!
  7. Let sport for me are just exercises in the morning, but I am still proud of myself!

If you want to change something in your life, funny statuses about sports can become an impetus for this :).

  1. And so always. I try to start running for a week, run for three days, resting for a week …
  2. I learned how to earn money, I can catch fish, or something to sign up for sport?!
  3. Sport is art. The art of getting up from the sofa, first of all: D.
  4. I am engaged in a special sport: I look at VKontakte's chin, and I do something for 2 days.
  5. Sport is good, but not in the morning. Not in the morning, gentlemen …
  6. I would like to be plastic and graceful, but still I am me :).

Do not chase the results, chase pleasure

Statuses about sports and training with meaning – if classes are deeply rooted in your worldview.

  1. There are things that do not spoil anything. For example, sports.
  2. Why do people think that if I come to Bowling, I come to drink beer?!
  3. Nothing body is completely. And for some, it is also completely not ready for sports: D.
  4. Sport will certainly reciprocate, you just fall in love with it really!
  5. Running in the morning is when you really feel good all day. But you really want to sleep at the same time))).
  6. Let's go in for sports all together.

If you do not know where to start your workouts, start at least with short statuses about sports :).

  1. Guys, if you do not know where to invite the girl on a date, invite to the gym. Do not lose: D.
  2. So what, what will sport make you tired? But he will make you happy and beautiful!
  3. If you are tired of people with mania greatness, go into sports. There they are to a minimum!
  4. You know, when you play sports, mom will no longer say that you do not understand what you do))).
  5. We live at a time when to sign up for the gym is already considered a feat. It's scary, in fact.

Do not believe the one who says that sport is not good

A beautiful status about sports is for those who believe that sports is a way out of most situations.

  1. Do not start pumping the press early in the morning: then you will just fall asleep on the rug.
  2. Sport is my first love. And I don't regret anything.
  3. Sport is something that will always be with you. If you choose to be like this…
  4. And I love sports because you can wear beautiful clothes, and a beautiful body under clothes :D.
  5. The biggest excuse is these “sports” apps of yours on your phone.

If your goal is to be healthy and beautiful, set the status about sports and life.

  1. I don't need gold medals. But I really need good results!
  2. Sports and beer are incompatible things. Whoever thinks otherwise is not an athlete at all.
  3. Everything interferes with a novice athlete – it’s too early. sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's sun, sometimes it's ice, sometimes it's expensive :D.

Cool statuses about sports for girls – in case you want to achieve something really significant in this life. And you can be confident in yourself with the help of statuses about sports for boys.