Sports Films – USSR Film

Sports Films – USSR Film

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Sports films

Sports films

The section Sports films is somewhat different from the others located on our site. All selected films form a long complex chain of human emotions, worries, achievements, sorrows and struggles on the way to the goal. It doesn't matter whether our viewer plays sports or has nothing to do with it, we tried to collect the most successful collection of thematic Soviet cinema.

The theme of sports in the USSR was incredibly large-scale, popular and loved by everyone. In state farms, collective farms, institutions, educational institutions, sports clubs, sections, clubs, etc. were massively created, supported and encouraged in every possible way. It is not surprising that the cinematographic industry did not lag behind in this regard. For a relatively short period of time, a huge number of feature films and documentaries on various topics were shot. Here is the popular Fan, closely associated with karate, and the film New Girl about gymnastics, and Race without a finish, and thematic Blue Ice. Even such seemingly not very popular sports as fencing, regatta, judo, rowing and handball, talented screenwriters and directors of the Soviet era paid a considerable amount of attention.

Unfortunately, many copies, successful and not quite, have long been lost and forgotten. Some films have survived in home collections or rentals. And until today, finding the best sports movie at the right moment was not easy. Now you have a great opportunity to visit our column and experience that unusual feeling of long-awaited victory or bitter defeat along with the famous heroes of Soviet films.

Today, the section of sports films is also popular among the population. It is probably justified by successfully created scenarios, an almost perfect selection of actors, a peculiar manner of presentation and the absence of all sorts of conjectures and fantasies in the fates of famous athletes. In addition, now you can watch sports movies online here for free and with comfort. We made sure that the rubric is simple and convenient for a wide age range of users. Watching Soviet films with our site is a real pleasure.

Arena of the Furious (1986)

Georgia at the beginning of the 20th century. The nut picker Kalenike from a mountain village came to Kutais to sell his goods. Meanwhile, on the square of the city there was a performance of wrestlers from the troupe of entrepreneur Baadur Kherkheulidze. Kalenike took part in the competition and easily defeated the troupe's favorite Ahmed. Entrepreneur.

Shadow Fight (1972)

The film is based on Mikhail Alexandrov's story Leather Gloves. Not having entered the institute, Sergey got a job in the workshop to fill lighters.Giving all his free time to a new hobby – boxing, the hero in a short time achieves significant success and insists that the coach.

Throw or it all started on Saturday (1976)

The film adaptation of Kira Bulychev’s fantastic story “The ability to throw a ball” about the realization of human abilities. The hero’s hero is an ordinary “middle peasant”, which has never shone with the ability to sports, suddenly acquires the ability to throw objects with absolute accuracy. He is trying to become.

Faster than your own shadow (1980)

The film about Begun Pyotra Koroleva, who stubbornly sought to be sent to international competitions, showing record results in training. He achieved – and during the decisive race, when no one could catch up with him, he suddenly stopped to help rise to the fallen opponent. But.

At the beginning of the game (1981)

The film about the difficulties that had to be overcome by a young football player from the provincial town Viktor Kruglov to become a player of the country's strongest team. Now he has to show his new comrades what he is capable of, in the first responsible match.

Eighth Miracle of Light (1981)

Soviet basketball players come to the Mediterranean island of Porto Dali to take the Cup of Hera with them. But in addition to participating in sports, one of them will save the life of a Greek basketball player, the other will survive the joy of first love and, as a result, all together will have fun at.

Goalkeeper (1936)

Sports comedy on the story of Leo Cassil. The main character-the “impenetrable” goalkeeper Anton Candida-became the idol of the boys of the 30s.

Everything solves the moment (1979)

Sports drama about a Soviet girl, swimmer-samorodka, which sets the world records in training, but cannot overcome the barrier of fear of speaking at international competitions in filled stands. Galina Belyaeva, Olga Ageeva, Boris Zaydenberg, Natalya Fateeva.

Goal to the Spassky Gate (1990)

The film about the events of the 1952 Olympic Games. The football match between the USSR national team and the SFRI is attracted by the close attention of the political leaders of these countries that had quarreled by that time. It was worth the football team to lose this match, like the team of CSKA, “teams, popular in the post -war years.

Racing without a finish (1977)

While on a foreign business trip, the director of a large car factory agrees to the participation of factory motor drivers in the rally, not agreeing his decision with higher authorities. At the cost of difficult efforts, the race was won.

Racers (1972)

This Soviet film talks about real male friendship. Two race carriers-Ivan Mikhailovich Kukushkin (Evgeny Leonov) and Nikolai Nikolaevich Sergachev (Oleg Yankovsky)-were once a cohesion crew of the Moskvich-412 A/M, participating in the rally. Ivan and Nikolai traveled a lot together. For all.

Iron Games (1979)

The famous Seedgist Nikolai Basargin, dreaming of completing his career to set a record while experiencing a strip of obvious defeats.Meanwhile, coach Milyutin, putting a cross on his athlete who served, is accepted to train Volodya Rabbit. From excessively intense loads, a young athlete.

Closing the season (1974)

Genka hijacked the car, his friends rolled perfectly and he was immediately taken to the police. His girlfriend with a fright acted very honestly: she found the owner (they turned out to be a famous motorcycle racer Belomorov) and told him about Genkina's passion for unknown cars and motorcycles. The professional acted complacently: saved.

Kapablanka (1986)

The famous Kubinsky chess player, Foreign Ministry employee Jose Raul Kapablanka, comes to Moscow to Moscow. The trip in the conditions of the dictatorship of Machado casts doubt on his further arrival in this post. The film shows the dramatic fights of the capables with Lasker, Tartakover.


Young journalist Fedorov arrives at the ski resort, where athletes train. He is trying to figure out the psychology of the-horned athletes. He is especially interested in the fate of the champion Sergei Maksimov. Former champion of the country of skiing Sergei Maksimov received a serious injury on.

World guy (1971)

The Soviet engineer Viktor Loginov, who came to one of the countries of the East as a technical representative of the Minsk Automobile Plant, had to take part in the International Trushpower due to illness of the professional racer. Among the experienced aces from other countries, Victor was a beginner. Many.

My best friend is General Vasily, son of Joseph (1991)

The film is about the fate of the famous athlete, by the will of the fate of the leader of the leader, the aviation military commander Vasily Stalin. The film is based on the facts from the biography of the legendary captain of the USSR national football teams and hockey Vsevolod Bobrov.

What the stands do not learn about (1975)

The film was based on the stories of Yuri Trifonov. The film consists of 3 short stories about sports life-“Alyoshkino Dating”, “Telegram” and “Victory is awarded …”.

Eleven hopes (1975)

The main character of the film, football coach Vasily Vorontsov, leads the Soviet team who is fighting for participation in the World Cup. He chooses the eleven best players who have to hold a decisive match with the Spanish team for a place at the World Cup.

Mischievous turns (1959)

The old Toomas, who is on the spire of the Tallinn town hall, knows the inhabitants of his city and, to help someone, decided to tell one instructive story about sports and love. This story began on the very day when the girl Vaika saved Antonio dog from imminent death, grabbing.