Sporting: General information // IA Sportcom

Sporting: General information // IA Sportcom

Without a keyword ABOUT SPORTS Sporting The original name of sporting is “parcours de chasse”, which means “hunting trail” in French. Sporting

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The original name of sporting is “parcours de chasse”, which in French means “hunting trail”.

Sporting is also called FITASK-sporting in honor of the International Shooting Federation FITASK, which is located in Paris. This is the most complex and diverse type of shooting in terms of flight paths of targets, which imitates a real hunt.

The shooter in sporting, as a rule, does not see the target at the moment it is launched. Sporting requires from the athlete, first of all, the ability to distribute their forces. To shoot a series of 25 targets, you have to move with a weapon along a certain route (hunting path) from one site to another. As a rule, the shooter passes three such routes per day, with 4-5 sites on each of them.