Sport – Deaf. Vivat, Peter! Deaf Viva, Peter! Deaf Vivat, Piter!

Sport – Deaf. Vivat, Peter! Deaf Viva, Peter! Deaf Vivat, Piter!

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Maria Kapustkina

On the last day of the snowboard competition in the parallel slalom discipline among women, Maria Kapustkina finally won her gold medal, and among men - Nikita Komissarov. In the team event, the team of St. Petersburg excelled, the team of Moscow lost a little (only 100 points), the team of the Leningrad Region was in third place

Board - cross at the Red Lake resort (video from RZHA)

Alexey Ignatenko

11th of March. Sunny day and above zero temperature at the Red Lake resort. The weather is optimal for campers, but the soft snow was a little uncomfortable for snowboarding competitions.

Aleksey Ignatenko became the champion of Russia in boardcross, Dmitry Kazakov took the second place, Andrey Zaborsky took the third place. All winners from St. Petersburg.Among women, the winner is Ella Shevlyakova from Novosibirsk, the second was Nadezhda Shchagina from the Leningrad region, the third was Uliana Golubeva from St. Petersburg.

The first winter international tournament of deaf fishermen (video)

The first winter international tournament of deaf fishermen in Petrovsky near Losevo ended with the triumph of the St. Petersburg fishermen. The tournament was accompanied by unexpected magnificent winter weather. On the second day, soft fluffy snow swirled like in a fairy tale. Relaxation is evident. The absolute champion was Mikhail Stepanov, who won first place in the individual standings after two days of competition and took a huge team cup together with his fellow countryman Ilya Tolstykh. And this is after two major failures of St. Petersburg fishermen in 2014 on Ladoga and in 2015 in Lithuania. Sergei Degtev was second in the individual standings, and Maxim Rybachenko was third. Bravo to our St. Petersburg fishermen!

World Water Championship in Kazan

Before Kazan had time to host the World Summer Universiade, a new test appeared before it - the World Aquatics Championship. This competition was held by Russia for the first time, so Kazan had a huge responsibility for the quality of its performance.

The long-awaited medals of deaf bowlers from St. Petersburg (video with subtitles and RSL)

Ilya Lipkin

In the days of May in Krasnoyarsk there was another championship of Russia in bowling among the deaf. Usually, only our ladies brought home medals from all Russian championships. And the men were always empty-handed. And now the long-awaited surprise! Our men brought two medals of different denominations at once! Not bad! After this happy event, we decided to ask one of the players of the St. Petersburg bowling team Ilya Lipkin. After all, in addition to everything, he also knocked out all the strikes. This doesn't happen often in the bowling world.

Happy viewing.

Interview with Dmitry Tarasov for the Deafspb website (video with RSL and subtitles)

Last year, our website published a video interview with the chairman of the St. Petersburg VOG, Oleg Ivanovich Durkin.And now Boris Shelkovsky (Deafspb website) has interviewed the head of the St. Petersburg sports society of the Deaf - Dmitry Borisovich Tarasov.

Of course, less questions have accumulated less questions than O.I. Durkin, but this information is also interesting to us all. Let's try to comprehend the essence of Dmitry Borisovich's answers. In addition, a detailed sports report for 2014 and the schedule of sports events for 2015 have been published here. Happy viewing!

The final chord of the Winter Surdlimpiads (video)

Today is the final Surdlimpius day in Khanty-Mansiysk. The last medals were won by hockey players, snowboarders and skiers. According to the results of all days by a wide margin from competitors, the Russian team took the first place, winning 30 medals of various advantages (12 gold, 6 silver, 12 bronze). Then, in Ugra, a ceremony of closing of the XVII Winter of the Surlimytsky Games was held in Ugra. After the closing of the games, they could not decide on the future owner of the XIX Winter of the Surdlimpian Games, so the Surdlimpian flag was transferred to temporary storage in MSCG.

Our impressions of watching Internet broadcast games, from communicating with people who were during games in Khanty-Mansiysk, confirm the high and impeccable holding of this major event. Bravo, Russia! Go Russia!

The story of the deaf sports. Legendary athletes and coaches.

Dear readers, coaches and athletes!

We are waiting for news from you from the world of sports, photos, video files.

After all, others will certainly be interested in knowing sports news!

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News about sports

Chess in the Club Bronze Horseman

In St. Petersburg, from November 26 to December 19, the city chess championship was held among the deaf. This event was held in the chess club Copper Horseman. The name of the club, by the way, is very symbolic.

Juniors of St. Petersburg at competitions in Sweden

Open Nordic Baltic Deaf Orienteering Championships – a major event in sports orientation among the deaf is held during periods of “free” from the world championships or the Surdlimphy games.


On November 12, open orientation competitions “Trail-O Peter 2016” in Yekateringof Park were held. More than 130 people came to the distance!

In the absolute standings (i.e., the following of all participants in all ages) –

1st place was taken by a deaf schoolboy – Roman Yaroshovets!


St. Petersburg Gallery of Triumphals of the Surdlimpiads-2015 (video from RZHY and Subtitras)

In the yard, golden autumn, yellow leaves are spinning, falling, falling on the ground with a rug. The winter is coming! It is just right to recall the winter of 2015 in the Siberian Khanty-Mansiysk. Despite its geographical position, winter in Khanty-Mansiysk was not at all frosty, but hot! In the city from February 28 to April 5, 2015, then the most important games were held in the life of deaf athletes engaged in winter sports- Winter Surdlimpi Games.

Mikhail Alesin about Paralympic sports and not only

Sports like us helps to get out of the bottom a little higher.

The report of Richard McLaren seems to have left 15 St. Petersburg athletes with disabilities without the Paralympics. Fontanka met some of them and found out how they live and what they feel now.

News about orientation from Olomutz.

July 29 – truly purely in a St. Petersburg champion day in individual sports. The first two places were won by Pavel Bibich and Daria Gavrilova. Our applause named after

The first medals of deaf guidelines from St. Petersburg

July 25-31, 2016 In the small and comfortable city of Olomouc (Czech Republic), the 8th championship and the 3rd championship of Europe in sports orientation (Sports of the Deaf) is held.

Our St. Petersburg is represented by: Juniorka Daria Gavrilova and Junior Pavel Bibich.

Classic, cross and relay

On the second day of the competition, the program listed: classic in a given direction.

The competition area was chosen high in the mountains. Running along the mountain slopes was very difficult.SPORT _-_ DeAF._VIVAT_PITER_DEAF_VIVA_PETER_DEAF_VIVAT_PITER_

Sport – Deaf. Vivat, Peter! Deaf Viva, Peter! Deaf Vivat, Piter!

Without Kevordo, click here and on the pictures History

Without Kevordo

To obtain information, click here and on the pictures

The story of the deaf sports. Legendary athletes and coaches.

Dear readers, coaches and athletes!

We are waiting for news from you from the world of sports, photos, video files.

After all, others will certainly be interested in knowing sports news!

We ask the information to send us by e -mail

[email protected]

You can also send messages from the form below.

News about sports Chess in the Club Bronze Horseman !In St. Petersburg, from November 26 to December 19, the city chess championship was held among the deaf. This event was held in the chess club Copper Horseman. The name of the club, by the way, is very symbolic.

Juniors of St. Petersburg at competitions in Sweden

April 3 - excellent news from the performances of St. Petersburg athletes on Snowboard and Kerling

Open Nordic Baltic Deaf Orienteering Championships – a major event in sports orientation among the deaf is held during periods of “free” from the world championships or the Surdlimphy games.


On November 12, open orientation competitions “Trail-O Peter 2016” in Yekateringof Park were held. More than 130 people came to the distance!

The Russian male team in Kerling pulled out a happy ticket!

In the absolute standings (i.e., the following of all participants in all ages) –

1st place was taken by a deaf schoolboy – Roman Yaroshovets!


St. Petersburg Gallery of Triumphals of the Surdlimpiads-2015 (video from RZHY and Subtitras)

In the yard, golden autumn, yellow leaves are spinning, falling, falling on the ground with a rug. The winter is coming! It is just right to recall the winter of 2015 in the Siberian Khanty-Mansiysk. Despite its geographical position, winter in Khanty-Mansiysk was not at all frosty, but hot! In the city from February 28 to April 5, 2015, then the most important games were held in the life of deaf athletes engaged in winter sports- Winter Surdlimpi Games.

Mikhail Alesin about Paralympic sports and not only

Sports like us helps to get out of the bottom a little higher.

The report of Richard McLaren seems to have left 15 St. Petersburg athletes with disabilities without the Paralympics. Fontanka met some of them and found out how they live and what they feel now.

Parallel with slalom determined the best.

News about orientation from Olomutz.

July 29 – truly purely in a St. Petersburg champion day in individual sports. The first two places were won by Pavel Bibich and Daria Gavrilova. Our applause named after

The first medals of deaf guidelines from St. Petersburg

July 25-31, 2016 In the small and comfortable city of Olomouc (Czech Republic), the 8th championship and the 3rd championship of Europe in sports orientation (Sports of the Deaf) is held.

Our St. Petersburg is represented by: Juniorka Daria Gavrilova and Junior Pavel Bibich. Classic, cross and relay

On the second day of the competition, the program listed:

classic in a given direction
The competition area was chosen high in the mountains. Running along the mountain slopes was very difficult.Only bronze for girls – Dasha Gavrilova (1st boarding school in St. Petersburg).

Championship and Championship of Russia in orienteering 2016.

On April 14, in the resort city of Sochi, the next Championship and Championship of Russia in orienteering started – the sport of the deaf. 10 regions took part in the competition: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Moscow Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Omsk Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Perm Territory, Volgograd Region, Krasnodar Territory and, for the first time, the Republic of Crimea.

Interview about diving for the deaf in Peterland (video with RSL and subtitles)

Diving. This is a new fad among deaf/hard of hearing youth and middle-aged people. Hearers, as far as is known, have been doing this for a long time. I myself liked to dive underwater with a mask, snorkel and fins in any warm water, where it was clean and where there was an interesting underwater world. Most of all I liked swimming in the Red Sea, in the area of ​​​​the famous respectable resort of Sharm El Sheikh, in Egypt. And I didn’t even dream of diving with scuba gear. I previously thought it was too complicated and expensive. And with a short St. Petersburg summer, this would hardly have been realistic. Then I heard that a diving section for the deaf was opened in our city at the Neva Divers dive club. But I did not take this information seriously. Last year, Yunona Shcherbakova contacted me with a request to post information about diving on our website.

CUP OBUKHOVO: the third stage of the Open Cup of St. Petersburg in orienteering indoors among students with hearing impairment.

Nobor Harada: I am already 38 years old - I am an old man, so I say: Stop!

On April 03, on the basis of school No. 527, the third stage of the Open Cup of St. Petersburg in orienteering indoors among students with hearing impairments and the Open competition of tourist groups of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg in orienteering Obukhov Cup was held!

Curling master class for schoolchildren from school No. 1 for deaf children (video from RSL)In mid-March, a curling master class was held at the Mercury shopping and entertainment complex on ICE PARK ice for students from school No. 1 for deaf children.The basics and secrets for interested children were revealed by a team of deaf curlers led by the bronze medalist of the Winter Deaflympics 2015 in Khanty-Mansiysk Roman Golushko.

Results of the 2016 City Chess Championship

In our glorious city of Petra, in the building of the House of Culture VOG, from January 18 to March 3, the next city championship in chess among the deaf was held. 12 people participated. Compared to last year, this is a much larger number of participants. Thanks to everyone who came to play this intellectual game. The awarding of the winners took place on March 14 in the Palace of Culture of St. Petersburg VOG.

SPRING LABYRINTH! (the second stage of the St. Petersburg Open Cup for orienteering indoors among students with hearing impairments).

The second stage of the Cup was not long in coming: on March 12, 2016, at the faculty of correctional pedagogy of the RSPU named after A.I. Herzen, a traditional educational and methodological event was held to organize extracurricular activities and indoor orienteering competitions –

Spring Labyrinth 2016

As part of the event, the second stage of the St. Petersburg Open Indoor Orienteering Cup among students with hearing impairments was also held. Day 5 of the snowboard competition and other news. (video) (updated)