Sport City Life | Sport City Life | Corporate Bowling Tournament Cup builder 2014 | Contacts, information, address | St. Petersburg (d)

Sport City Life | Sport City Life | Corporate Bowling Tournament Cup builder 2014 | Contacts, information, address | St. Petersburg (d)

Sport City Life – Contacts and Addresses, Information and Map to the Organization

Sport City Life

Sport City Life – On June 29, 2014, the first annual industry tournament in Bowling Cup builder 2014 was held.

Sport City Life


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Report on the event

On a random day on June 29, the South Pole opened its doors to the participants in the annual Bowling tournament among representatives of the construction industry “Builder Cup 2014”. This year, six teams, such as: LLC SIB Center, LLC Strong, LLC Bureau of Construction Studies, LLC Grand Surname LLC, LLC Lenrusstroy, LLC LSR LLC, entered into the struggle for the main prize. All teams came with one goal to prove that they were worthy, to win the honorary title of the winner of the “Builder Cup 2014”.
The first test that the teams had to overcome was qualifications. Each of the squads tried to score the maximum number of glasses. After the first round, the team showed the following results:

In the next stage of the competition, it was necessary to beat their rivals to get into the gold and silver play-shoes. The couples were distributed as follows: “Grand Surname”-“LSR”, “SIB Center”-“Strong”, “Bureau“ Construction Studies ”-“ Lenrusstroy ”. Not comic passions were boiling on the tracks. The captain of the Grand Surname team Sergey knocked out a strik after a strik, the rivals could not show such results. “Grand Surname” go into gold, “LSR” in silver. On other paths, emotions prevailed over the game, maybe so some teams did not show everything they are capable of. As a result, Gold came out: Grand Surname, “Bureau“ Construction Studies ”,“ Strong ”.
“Lenrusstroy”, “Sib Center”, “LSR” could not replay their rivals and were content with the place only in the silver playoffs.
In the final round of the Cup of the Builder 2014, the teams needed to leave competitors behind the final number of points scored. The leader of the competition team “Grand Surname” was led by his captain Sergey, proved in practice that they should be at the top of the pedestal. Having scored 480 points per game, they took first place. In the non -comic struggle of the “Bureau“ Construction Studies ”,“ Strong ”was ahead of five points.

The silver play-foist was more predictable. The guys from Lenrusstroy gathered at the final stage of the competition and scored a record 452 points for the entire time of the tournament, followed by Sib Center (424) and “LSR” (312).
According to the results of the “Cup of the Builder 2014”, a number of participants received individual awards

  • One for all (the maximum number of strigns) – Sergey (Grand Surname)
  • Golden pen (the best among women) – Maria (Bureau Construction Studies)
  • Bowling Giant (the best among men) – Sergey (Grand Surname)
  • For the Will to Win (Sib Center Team)
  • Opening Team (Strong)

The organizers would like to thank South Pole and all the teams for a wonderful tournament, we will be waiting for you at the next events.