Sport and youth: how sport makes a person younger / Blog / Pentka Gym

Sport and youth: how sport makes a person younger / Blog / Pentka Gym

Sports activity keeps you young. This is associated with an increase in immunity, the strengthening of various systems. Moreover, a sports person feels rejuvenated: he becomes more energetic, more positive. The energy of athletes. Exercises are useful “energy”. Brain / Pentka Gym

Sport and youth: how sport makes a person younger

Sports and youth: how sport makes a person younger

Sports activity keeps you young. This is associated with an increase in immunity, the strengthening of various systems. Moreover, a sports person feels rejuvenated: he becomes more energetic, more positive.

Athlete energy.
Exercises are useful “energy”. The brain of an active person regularly reboots. Enough 30-minute activity for lightning-fast activation of the body, mind. Although beginners feel classes as something painful, exhausting. But systematic sport does not take away, but gives strength. Therefore, skipping the training, it is important to work at least on your own. A variety of video trainings are suitable.

Skin freshness.
Physical activity contributes to the renewal of the shade of the epidermis. Slags, dangerous components are eliminated with sweat. In addition, increased sports activity provokes the expansion of pores, stimulating the saturation of the skin with oxygen. The pores on the age-related epidermis often increase on their own. But so they try to get oxygen on their own. Therefore, with systematic training, the pores are reduced, while receiving a huge amount of oxygen. An additional positive effect is an increase in the elasticity of the cover.

Posture correction.
Straight posture is a sign of the most attractive ladies. A healthy spine allows you to look slimmer, younger. Many older women get used to slouching. This is associated with a decrease in bone density, a decrease in muscle. Training helps to strengthen muscle and bone tissue. The result is the inevitable recovery of the spine, straightening of posture.

Increasing flexibility.
Not only energy grows, but also plasticity. Ligaments, joints require delicate stretching to eliminate discomfort in problem areas: knees, shoulders, spine. Often, office workers cause severe damage and fatigue to their joints just by working while sitting. Relaxing training. So, if you feel tired, you should warm up.

Good mood.
All types of sports activity are a key source of endorphins. Therefore, physical education and optimism are inextricably linked. Because of what, athletes are considered the most confident, calm, prosperous individuals.

Acceleration of metabolism.
Slow metabolism is considered an inevitable symptom of old age. And yet, systematic training accelerates the metabolic process. It is important to be mobile daily, and to warm up vigorously every couple of days.

Slow down aging.
Canadian researcher Shepard found that cellular aging is slowed down by sports activities.Many age ailments are also prevented. In general, physical activity slows down wilting for a couple of decades.

The opinion of the coach.
Standard effects from active life:
1. Expansion of the motor range;
2. increased blood flow;
3. Increasing the plasticity of the ligaments;
4. Strengthening tendons;
5. Slow down of the joints of the joints;
6. Relaxation of muscles;
7. Prevention of spasms;
8. Body correction;
9. establishing an emotional state.
Active life is the basis of youth. Sport stimulates the update, strengthening systems. There is an intellectual, mental development.