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Meru / Meru (2015)

Meru / Meru (2015)

In October 2008, climbers Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin and Renan Ozturk arrived in India to climb Meru Peak (6.660 m) on the famous northeast slope of Meru Central (6630 m) along the route Shark's Fin. A planned seven-day trip turned into a tough three-week struggle for the summit. At 100 meters from the summit, the group was forced to retreat – like everyone who tried to climb the route before them. But in September 2011, Konrad Anker convinced his team to try again. This event took place on October 2, and the Americans became the first team in the world to complete this most difficult route.

Cerro Torre: A Snowball's Chance in Hell (2012)

Cerro Torre: A Chance in Snow Hell / Cerro Torre: A Snowball

Cerro Torre is one of the most beautiful and inaccessible peaks on this planet, which is located in Patagonia, on the border of Argentina and Chile. Its height is 3128 meters. In 1970, the Italian Cesare Maestri was the first to overcome the dangerous route. With the help of a gasoline compressor, he hammered 340 bolts into the granite wall and reached the top. For four decades, the skills and technical equipment of climbers have improved. 19-year-old child prodigy David Lama and his partner Daniel Steurer are going to repeat the route of Cesare Maestri without using special devices when climbing.

Through the thorns to the top / Brazilian Line (2018)

Through the thorns to the top / Brazilian Line (2018)

A team of English climbers made up of the legendary Mike Tweed Turner, his friend Steve Long and their young companions Angus Kille and James Taylor have attempted to cut a new route up the 800-meter east face of Pedra Bayana in central Brazil. They made 15 out of 16 pitches up to 8a, but they had to stop only 60 meters from the top of the cliff. The reason for this was a banal lack of time. From the very beginning of the expedition, failures awaited them: first, mass strikes in Brazil and gas stations and shops closed in connection with this, then endless checkpoints and detour roads, and, as a result, out of the planned 30 days, they had only 10 to conquer the summit.