Spectrum forum 2021 – An annual specialized forum – the main platform for an open dialogue between business and a regulator in the field of infocommunication technologies.

Spectrum forum 2021 – An annual specialized forum – the main platform for an open dialogue between business and a regulator in the field of infocommunication technologies.

Without Kevordo Devyatkin Evgeny Evgenievich, Director of the Center for Research of Promising Wireless Technologies of Communications of the NTC, FSUE NIIR “Radio frequency spectrum for mobile networks 6G” “Development”

Without Kevordo

Devyatkin Evgeny Evgenievich, Director of the Center for Research of Promising Wireless Technologies of Communications of the NTC, FSUE NIIR

Radio frequency spectrum for mobile networks 6G Development of domestic technologies for the sixth generation mobile communications (6G)

Shub Vitaly Elonovich, Head of the Leading Research Center (Persons) based on Skoltekh using 5G technology

Identification 5925-7125 MHz for the mobile industry

Konarev Dmitry Pavlovich, Leading expert on wireless technologies, LLC “Technical Company Huaii”:

“Regulation of foreign satellite communication networks in Russia. Iridium experience

Spilene Vladislav Viktorovich, General Director Iridium

Evolution of networks to 5G

Ilyich Anatoly Efimovich, Vice President for the Development of Radio and Transport Network of Ericsson in the region of East Europe and Central Asia

Open discussion

The end of the forum

Development of the Russian Internet segment of the Internet

Presenter: S.S. Khutorstsev

“Threats of integrity, stability and SSOP safety. Response measures

Khuturtsev Sergey Sergeevich, Director for ensuring control of accessibility, sustainability and safety of the functioning of the SSUP – Director of the Central State University of the SSOP FSUE GRCHC

Development of DNS infrastructure of Russian national domains

Voronina Elena Pavlovna, Director of MSK-IX

Questions of routing in the Russian SSOP segment

Glazunov Denis Vladimirovich, Deputy Director of the SSMS FSUE GRCHC

Safe and sustainable functioning of domains

Rogdev Alexey Nikolaevich, General Director of TCO LLC

Interaction of the TsMU SSOP with communication operators (orders of the RKN)

Kalyakin Sergey Nikolaevich, Leading System Architect LLC RTK CT

“Ebero (Emergency Back-End Registry Operators) to guard the continuous functioning of the addressing system for Russian national domains RU and the Russian Federation”

Vorobev Andrey Alexandrovich, Director of ANO Coordination Center of the National Domain of the Internet (CC domains RU/. RF)

  • October 19-20, 2021


#Forum offer

Forum regulations

From 14:00, the hotel is in the hotel (according to the acquired package)

16:00 – 20:00 free time

19:00 – 21:00 dinner (at the hotel)

07:00 – 09:00 Breakfast (at the hotel)

09:00 – 10:00 Registration of participants

10:00 – 11:00 Opening forum (Rose Hall, Hall Spectrum, 2nd floor)

11:00-11:30 A break/coffee pause (Rose Hall, Foye, 1st floor)

11:30 – 13:00 Forum work (rose Hall, hall spectrum, 2nd floor)

13:00 – 14:00 lunch (Rose Hall, Foye, 1st floor)

14:00 – 15:30 Forum work (rose Hall, hall spectrum, 2nd floor)

15:30-16:00 break/coffee pause (rose Hall, foyer, 1st floor)

16:00 – 18:00 forum work (Rosa Hall, hall spectrum, 2nd floor)

19:00 – 22:00 Dinner (at the hotel)

07:00 – 09:00 Breakfast (at the hotel)

10:00 – 11:30 Forum work (Rosa Hall, SPEKTR hall, 2nd floor)

11:30 – 12:00 Break/coffee break (Rose Hall, Foyer, 1st floor)

12:00 — 14:00 Forum work (Rosa Hall, SPEKTR hall, 2nd floor)

14:00 – 15:00 Lunch (Rosa Hall, Foyer, 1st floor)

15:00 — 16:00 Forum work (Rosa Hall, SPEKTR hall, 2nd floor)

16:00 – 16:30 Exhibition (Rosa Hall, Foyer, 1st floor)

17:00 – 18:30 Free time

19:00 — Solemn banquet* (Rose Hall, SPECTRE hall, 2nd floor)

*admission to the event by special invitation

07:00 – 09:00 Breakfast (at the hotel)

until 12:00 Vcheck-out from the hotel

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# Photo gallery

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Shpak Vasily

Shpak Vasily

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Tour Dmitry

Tour Dmitry

Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation

Khasyanova Gulnara

Khasyanova Gulnara

ANO Consortium Telecommunication Technologies, JSC Mikron

Khachaturov Vartan

Khachaturov Vartan

Ushatsky Andrey

Ushatsky Andrey


Ismailov Tair

Ismailov Tair

Kovalenko Natalia

Kovalenko Natalia

Tikhvinsky Valery

Tikhvinsky Valery


Participant package

1 day without accommodation

– meals on 10/19/2021 or 10/20/2021: welcome coffee, lunch, gala event, coffee breaks;

– visiting the business part on 10/19/2021 or 10/20/2021;

2 days without accommodation

– meals on 10/19/2021 and 10/20/2021: welcome coffee, lunch, gala event, coffee breaks;

– visiting the business part on 10/19/2021 and 10/20/2021;

Accommodation at Park Inn by Radisson 4*

– Accommodation at Park Inn by Radisson 4*

– visiting the business part
10/19/2021 and 10/20/2021;

– free transfer (see timetable)

Accommodation at Radisson Rosa Khutor 5*

– accommodation in Radisson Rosa Khutor 5*

– visiting the business part

– free transfer (see timetable)

#Forum venue

Transfer Description


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#How can I get there?

From Sochi Adler Airport to Rosa Khutor

The Lastochka electric train runs on the routes Adler – Rosa Khutor – Adler and Sochi Airport – Rosa Khutor – Sochi Airport on a daily basis. Travel time is 40-45 minutes. For the convenience of guests arriving at the resort by electric train, a free shuttle service is organized from the Rosa Khutor station to the resort hotels. Check the schedule, as well as the cost of tickets for the electric train, on the official website of Russian Railways.

Bus number 105 departs from Sochi from the MoreMoll shopping center, calls at the Sochi railway station, Adler railway station and passes the airport. The final stop is Rosa Khutor.

Bus number 105c (fast) goes from Sochi in the same way as route 105, it only makes fewer stops, does not call at Khosta and Kudepsta, so it saves up to half an hour.

Bus number 105e goes from the Sochi railway station along the Doubler of Kurortny Prospekt and Novy Krasnopolyanskoye Highway.

Bus number 135 departs from the Olympic Park, travels through Adler Airport and Krasnaya Polyana.

Bus number 135e goes from the Olympic Park along the New Krasnopolyanskoye Highway.

Travel time from Adler is about 1.5 hours. From Sochi – 2 hours.

40 km from Adler on the newly renovated A-148 highway, safe and straight, with excellent coverage and several new tunnels.
The road originates in the center of the Adler district of Sochi (city of Sochi).Adler) at the roundabout with the federal highway M-27.

On the territory of the lower base of the resort, in Rosa Dolina, there are five indoor and one outdoor parking lots with a total capacity of more than 10,000 cars.

You can find the rates for parking at the resort on the page Parking.

The organizing committee of the forum does not recommend using the services of a private driver, be careful and careful, use the services of only trusted taxi companies.