Slackline, ribbon walking, acrobatics

Slackline, ribbon walking, acrobatics

One of the youngest sports that builds character and many useful skills. Slackline is an unforgettable experience.

Slackline – sports and entertainment

Slickline - a new type of extreme

Slackline or slackline (from English. slacker – lazy person; or slack – relax, relaxed and line – line).

This is a sport that involves walking on special slings (lines) that are stretched between stations (well-fixed objects). If a tightly stretched round cable is used when walking on a rope, then in a slackline, for various purposes, lines of different widths are used, differing in structure and their do not pull. The applied principles of balancing differ from tightrope walkers.

Where and how did the slackline appear

As is often the case, this fashionable sport was invented quite by accident – in the early 80s of the 20th century in the USA (Yosemite National Park in California) on a rock climbing site. In those moments when, due to rain or other reasons, it was impossible to train, young climbers tried to walk along the chains with which car parking areas are fenced.

Then there were enthusiasts, their names are known – Adam Grosowski and Jeff Elington– who came up with the idea of ​​using climbing equipment lines for slacklining, and transferred the fun already to the climbing camp. Well, then, wandering from one climbing camp to another, gradually new entertainment conquered the whole world.

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Today, slackline can be called a trendy sport, however, not only athletes are involved in it, but they are also actively used in fitness. Indeed, in the process of walking on a loosely stretched rope, you develop coordination of movements, the ability to concentrate, and a sense of balance. It is no coincidence that slackline classes are introduced into the training process of skateboarders, horseback riders, climbers, skiers and other athletes for whom the above qualities are important.

Most often, a nylon tape with a width of 2.6 to 6 cm or a metal cable from 3 to 6 mm in diameter is used for classes. It is supposed not only walking on a tightrope, but running, jumping and performing various tricks.

There are several types of slackline

Highline - sling on top

    Trickline or Lowline – the name itself suggests that this is a “low tape”, that is, the rope is hung no higher than the level of the thigh. This simplifies the organization of the attraction, but, of course, it is necessary that the fall be soft, the platform should be made of sand or grass.

Wrapper - scribblel above the water

Did you know that rope jumping was born thanks to a climber who fell off while at a height, but he had good insurance?

Skallating and its varieties can be learned from our other article.

The Fingerboard got its name from Finger (finger) and Board (board). This word is called a skateboard for the fingers. Read more here:

Tricks in the slutty

You can not only walk on the pole

The simplest ones include walking, 180 and 360 degrees, squatting on one knee, then dance movements and continuation of the development of skill up to complex acrobatic elements are going on.

Like any sport, Schilne has an international federation (World Slackline Federal), and since 2010, regular competitions have been held, at which a competent jury evaluates the complexity, variety of tricks, the technique of their performance, the height of the jumps and the entertainment of the performance. Competitions of various levels are held, starting from the championship of the city to the world championships.

On August 13, 2006, in Norway, a world -class height record was registered on the Kier plateau – Christian Shu passed over the gorge at an altitude of 1000 meters.

Sleams is a great opportunity to harden character, to develop physically and regularly receive a dose of adrenaline, it is only important that specialists are engaged in the organization of classes, the selection and mounting of equipment, then there will be a lot of pleasure and no risk.


Passage along the halze at high altitude, as you already know, is called highline. But this time the guys came up with something unusual: Passage along the halze between two balloons! Watch the video what they did:


Slickline is a funny name. And you will not guess that this is a sport, and quite dangerous. In a word, which a person will not come up with if there is great imagination or boredom. In any case, you should think twice before you decide to do a scribble, because health is above all.

Yes, what only a person will not come up with in order to introduce diversity into his life! How many times I heard about Slickline, but I didn’t think what it is, not to mention how dangerous it is … This is only for well -trained people with good coordination of movements! Circates have many such tricks, but they have been training for years, I would never risk anything, even having a good experience in sports … especially in the mountains or in the dark. Honor and praise are those daredevils who easily overcome all difficulties and enjoy it!

Some kind of paradoxical sport. How useful it is to develop coordination and equilibrium walking on a rope at a low altitude, it is just as dangerous by highline or wrapper.

A very good sport. I do not agree with the rest. After passing the highlight, indescribable emotions and sensations remain in memory. When you go on a slack, you do not think about anything. You try to maintain balance on it, then you begin to repeat different tricks behind professionals. Many people ask: Is it dangerous? In fact, this is not dangerous.
P.S. But only if you are not drunk.And next to you, a person who will give you a hand at the right time. Pleasant impressions!

For a year now I have been studying. She began with a complete zero in terms of physical preparation (up to the inability to squat deeply) not to convey the sensations from each line passed, from each worked out element, from the first line at a height. I remember the first training, when almost two hours were made non -stop attempts to stand on at least one foot on the newbish line. How terrible the 18-meter line in the hall seemed terribly. As with fear, the body flew on the 30-meter when trying to get up. Now the lines up to 35 meters are easily going on, even in the dark, backwards and in the way with clapping with their hands. And all of them, despite the difficulty, are only small stages on the way to high goals – highlights. Which are not given even in view of the fact that they are really very hard physically. This is an amazing sport and it is suitable for almost everyone, simply based on the state of health, physical preparation and relationship with a height, everyone can choose the right direction)