Shooting of children in advertising and cinema – how to start a career? Secrets of success. How do children go to the casting in the cinema and advertising?

Model children: how to become a star. Castings for children, shooting in advertising and cinema. Tips for the casting director and model agent.

Shooting of children in advertising and cinema – how to start a career? Secrets of success

Model children: how to grow a star? How to get to the casting to the baby and go through samples? Tips for the casting director and model agent.

Galina Kasyanikova chief editor of the site

Many modern mothers dream that their child appears in advertising or cinema, or on the cover of the magazine. How to make a baby a star? PR-director of the President Kids children's model agency Oksana Abdukhanova and the casting director of advertising and cinema Olga Dimchevskaya answer questions.

Shooting children in commercials and films - how to start a career? Success Secrets

– At what age can a child start a “career” of the model?

Olga Dimchevskaya: – The children are ready to shoot from their very birth, I had a casting for kids once we made an advertisement for the Ministry of Health, so there was a very small girl – two -week! The plot was like a child born – and the doctor does not hit the ass so that she cries, as was customary earlier. Parents brought the child to the shooting, and there they already gave it to the actors. Somehow I had to rent my own daughter at the age of 7 weeks, but my husband allowed only at home and in my arms.

Oksana Abdyukhanova: – You can become a model from birth, since there are castings and suggestions for very small ones – advertising for baby food, diapers, cribs, strollers, medicines, etc. But the most suitable age to begin with – at this time it is easier for a child to explain what you want from him. In addition, the baby can already study in schools for actors, models, which very simplifies the filming process.

Many Western stars began their career back in the cradle: for example, Drew Barrimor starred in advertising at 11 months. The smallest Hollywood star was Shirley Tample, the young actress Katya Starshova, a button from Daddy's daughters, famous at 6 years old, was known in Russian expanses.

– What children are most often needed on the set: gender, appearance, age?

O.D.: – This question cannot be unequivocally answered: it all depends on the desire of the client. Usually the floor does not matter much, but from experience I can say that among very young children – up to a year – they prefer boys, explaining this by the fact that they are more “able -bodied”, more resilient.

The appearance also depends on the wishes of the client. Most often, children with clean bright skin are needed – after all, you can’t put such crumbs with such crumbs. It is also necessary that the eyes be big. And, of course, the most important thing is the nature of the child: how the baby reacts to strangers, his sociability, cheerfulness. The child should look satisfied – because in advertising everyone is happy and always smile.

Age more often depends on which product is advertised and what plot the video is.I can only add that adolescence – from years to 15 – is not very popular, such children are rarely removed.

The main thing is that the child is not afraid of strangers, loves to play and open something new. And of course, he was smiling!

O.A.: – Both boys and girls are needed, but it is easier with girls: mothers and dads are much more likely to see models of daughters, not sons. The appearance is usually in demand European, but there are orders for ethnic children (mulattos, Asians). The main thing is that the child is outwardly attractive, sweet. Girls have long beautiful hair. Boys, too, should not have soldier haircuts – this complicates the change of image. The weight of the child is very important, since children with excess weight wear non -standard sizes of clothing and, as a rule, are not very photogenic.

Shooting of children in advertising and cinema - how to start a career? Secrets of success

– How are they usually looking for children: through modeling agencies, Internet, acquaintances? What method of search brings the best result?

O.D.: – Differently. Sometimes I had to arrange a street-casting, that is, looking for children right on the street, in parks, playing rooms, in stores. In general, you are looking for everywhere! In fact, it is very difficult to work with children, and many, many kids have to be watched before you find the one you need. Recently, a search over the Internet has been giving the best result: posting an announcement of casting on sites where mothers live, and wait for a response.

– How long is the casting? And shooting?

O.D.: – The casting itself for the child takes a little time. It is important that the child sleeps, eats and be in a good mood. From experience, I can say: it is best to bring the child sleeping, leave it with someone in the car, take the line-and in no case do not wake him up! If you wake the child, no matter how sociable he is, it will be difficult to force him to do what is needed.

Shooting usually takes one or two days. If the child is very small – up to 5 years, then it is usually laid 2 days – just in case.

On the set, the mode of the small actor is taken into account: when he wakes up, eats, sleeps during the day and lies in the evening. They let the kids go for a walk – to dispel. There is a doctor on the set, before shooting, he examines the child to make sure that he is healthy. Often they invite clowns or a special person to occupy a child. In general, when the baby is removed, everything revolves around him.

O.A.: – Castings are different, like shooting. There are castings from the photo, but it happens that the child needs to be present and the process is delayed for several hours. Filming can also last an hour, and can be several days, weeks and months, when it comes to the film.

-Are there any tricks to make the child do what is needed according to the script? Or should your mother provide the necessary behavior?

O.D.: -Oh-oh, there are many tricks! And this is the most difficult question, perhaps. The main thing is that for the baby everything should be a game. It happens that devices and camera are hidden so that the child is not distracted by extraneous objects.It happens that they hide the mother – and either the second director or the casting director works with the child. During auditions, it is usually clear how to communicate with a small actor in order to get the desired result.

O.A.: – Of course, there are tricks on how to make a child laugh, or, conversely, make him serious. But, as a rule, this is a dialogue – the experience of the photographer, operator, model or actor is important. Mom just does not have to do anything, except to accompany her child. Unfortunately, this is sometimes a problem in the children's modeling business: for some reason, our mothers think that they know better what dress the customer should advertise, what hairstyle the stylist should do, how the photographer should shoot, and the models should pose. But we are working on it.

From the memoirs of actress Judy Garland, the most famous girl actress of the golden age of Hollywood, who played the role of Dorothy in the film The Wizard of Oz (1939):
It seemed that the shooting did not stop for a minute. Subsequently, Judy recalled: Mickey [Mickey Rooney – a partner in several films] and I filmed day and night, worked for wear and tear, when we started to fall off our feet, they gave us some kind of pills or injected stimulants, and we were three more days in a row We didn't leave the set. Then we were taken to the hospital at the studio. The doctors gave us strong sleeping pills, and we fell into a deep sleep. Twenty-four hours later we were awakened, we again took stimulants and started another three-day, without interruption, shooting.

– How often do babies take pictures with their mothers?

O.D.: – No, unfortunately, not often: actresses are filmed instead of mothers. Sometimes, when there are scenes where the adult's face is not visible, the real mother can also be filmed – for example, if the child does not want to sit in the arms of the fake mother.

O.A.: – It happens, but very rarely. For the roles of mothers and fathers, professional models or actors are usually taken. And rightly so, in my opinion: everyone should mind their own business.

Shooting of children in advertising and cinema - how to start a career? Secrets of success

– Why do you think some mothers want their children to be filmed in a video or magazine? What are their goals?

O.D.: – All mothers are different, but rather, it is a desire to see their child on TV, because even after the casting, many mothers ask for samples of their baby.

O.A.: – There are several reasons why parents are interested in the modeling business: satisfaction of their own ambitions and the desire to be proud of their children by showing photos in magazines at reunions and girlfriends; the desire to develop the child in all directions, including in the modeling business. There are those who get into the modeling business by accident – and often achieve a lot; and there are those, unfortunately, who want to make money on their own children.

– How much can a child model earn – and does it depend on age?

O.A.: – It does not depend on age, it depends on the fee and the contract. A model can earn from a gift, a toy up to hundreds of thousands of rubles per project.