Scientists: for sports there is enough weekend – Russian newspaper

Scientists: for sports there is enough weekend – Russian newspaper

From the point of view of health benefits, it is enough for a person to play sports only one day a week, for example, on a weekend. In this case, the minimum norm should be observed: 150 minutes moderate or 75 minutes of intensive physical activity.

Scientists: For sports, enough weekend


From the point of view of health benefits, it is enough for a person to play sports only one day a week, for example, on a weekend. In this case, the minimum norm should be observed: 150 minutes moderate or 75 minutes of intensive physical activity.


As reported on the website of the University of Lafboro (Great Britain), whose study covered over 63.5 thousand adults, and the data was collected from 1994 to 2012, there is no fundamental difference, meanwhile, whether to play sports several times a week or to allocate only one day for this. At least the risk of death, including from cardiovascular diseases and cancer, will be approximately lower than those who do not play sports in principle.

This statement should instill hope in those who do not have enough time for physical exercises: to allocate one day a week for this is much easier than 3-4. In the West, for such people there is even a stable definition – Weekend Warriors (weekend warriors).

During the period covered by the study, of 63.5 thousand observed (average age – almost 59 years), 2780 people died from cardiovascular diseases, 2526 from cancer, from other reasons – 8802. Among the “weekend warriors,” the risk of death from the indicated The reasons were lower by 40, 18 and 30 percent, respectively. The frequency and duration of classes, as it turned out, are not of fundamental importance if people fulfill the indicated weekly norm for the duration of training.

At the same time, scientists admit that their study cannot apply for universality. The fact is that more than 90 percent of the participants were white. In addition, physical activity was recorded from their words, and people could not be objective. Therefore, to talk about a causal relationship in this case prematurely.