Salt on sidewalks and roads

Salt on sidewalks and roads

White rubbish underfoot

Salt on sidewalks and roads

Today is a small plus, there is small wet snow. On the way to the metro, I did not meet a single janitor with a broom or a shovel, but met four gasters with carts and basins of salt, which they spent abundantly in a liquid slurry or on a naked thawed asphalt, which became white from this rubbish, and not from snow . Maybe someone can explain the meaning of this action, are there any regulations, but they need to use all the mud around, they need to use everything for new purchases before the New Year? Under Luzhkov, it seems like ecologists managed to reduce the use of this rubbish, sand and granite crumbs began to pour, in the same year some salt chaos, instead of harvesting streets.

Let me remind you that the democrator also raised this topic

Can deputies break through this question?

The official description of the reagents as they say delivers

Multicomponent anti-icine material HKM-BS (winter content)
Scope: intended to combat ice and snow cover on road surfaces.
Physical condition: a solution of yellowish-gray or greenish color, transparent or with a slight droop. It has a specific smell.

Application can write here:
True, they mainly complain about ice. You don’t know what is better – the sidewalk is covered with ice or slurry from reagents.

Peskow, December 28, 2012, wrote:
They mainly complain about ice. You don’t know what is better – the sidewalk is covered with ice or slurry from reagents.

The laborer was told that tomorrow there would be a cooling and if there is ice on the sidewalk, then they are a ax.
So they pour salt – in advance.

But in the center now there are really ice on uncleaned sidewalks

Peskow, December 28, 2012, wrote:
But in the center now there are really ice on uncleaned sidewalks

No, these are three boys in front of the girls light up, they want to get to know the New Year. Here is the one on the left – the apple is wet, but the second one looks like a step. Yes, the girls plot at high, stopped – they are accountable, they are ready to share telephones. 🙂

In my Soviet childhood, I was carried on the sleds all over Tushino, and only with the intersection of streets did they make dr-rr-r-z-z. But not now. There is too much money and migrants in Moscow.

In the center now, the puddles are knee -deep and the ranges, which must be cleaned with a crowbar and shovel, so there is not a single churek with them, but only salts pour even more bumps into this slurry.

I agree.
With migrants, the problem is that they really do not understand anything if they are explained in Russian, but they do not know how to read Russian. Therefore, what wonderful regulations and rules do not write, but they will not understand them, and they will do as their tribesman, who came to Moscow a little earlier and learned from the same. A convenient urban environment, ecology, urban culture – these concepts are an empty phrase for them. There is none of this in the auls.

Conclusion: It is time to introduce a visa regime with Central Asia, close the borders, import migrants only by quotas to jobs with mandatory exporting back at the expense of the employer, catch and expel all illegal immigrants from the country.
This is not xenophobia and not fascism, but the normal protection of their labor market and Russian urban culture.

Mikhaylov, December 28, 2012, wrote:
No, these are three boys in front of the girls light up, they want to get to know the New Year. Here is the one on the left – the apple is wet, but the second one looks like a step. Yes, the girls plot at high, stopped – they are accountable, they are ready to share telephones. 🙂

Igor, 10 points 🙂

I am against all these khm-bass. No one has yet come up with anything easier, more effective and cheaper than simple table salt.
On these reagents they saw folk money there.

To begin with, Now this muck needs to be somewhat, because it is stored for money.
Second, we recall the buzzing of lawn mowers in the summer and the number of people of tanned nationality. Now we are looking now. Conclusions, in the summer it is easier to remove and Hashikov is unlucky at work, for the winter they set sail to their homeland to spend money, because in winter they need to be fiddled like Papo Carlo, and in the summer the warm -up of the morning.

Conclusions, a differential salary is necessary to the courtyards in the summer, with an average zeal of 15k, to pay 10k in the summer, and in winter they will remove 20k and the hut, and not shit, which they produce business agencies of our officials to sprinkle.

Speaking of miraculous New Year's salt (and where they only take this)). Over the past 10 days, I lost 3 pairs of shoes, and this cannot be a coincidence.

Firstly, on the first of the warm days after the recent cold weather, on the sneakers, in which I left the entrance for 5 minutes, where this muck was densely poured, the next day there were large transverse cracks on the soles.

Secondly, in the Chinese boots in which I went through the Snowstone jelly a couple of kilometers the next day, after a day there were 4 of the same faults of the soles in places of the greatest deformation.

But the funny thing happened on the 30th. The day before I walked along the street in old boots, with a sole on a natural rubber. He walked and rejoiced that he had inflated the evil milde. Agashshopslin (in one word), putting these boots the next day, I felt a kind of void in one of the soles. While I was taking off my boot to find out, jumping on the second leg, the heel fell off on the second boot. When I thought that this happened at home, and not somewhere far from him, I realized that I was still a lucky person.

I would be very happy about such luck, if not for the problem – what to put on my feet the day after tomorrow. I have only one pair of winter shoes for tomorrow, but what to do later?))

Someone believes that I Ordinary talker, alas, he is right. The state does not share my views on snow cleaning, and I do nothing against it.

But there is salum with shoes. The Technoavian office nests on Petushkova, among other workwear they sell winter shoes with increased resistance to aggressive environment.

Tema, January 2, 2013, wrote:
But there is salum with shoes. The Technoavian office nests on Petushkova, among other workwear they sell winter shoes with increased resistance to aggressive environment.

When I bought boots in the Avtechsnaba (TechnoAvia), in which you can walk not only by water, but also in acid, and even on high -voltage wires, the family scolded me, they say ugly, out of the way not according to the style. But I walk on salt and reagents only in them. Which year! Yes, and by car, despite the tall berets, everything is convenient with pedals.

Well, I don’t know, I have been wearing Belarusian leather boots bought from the Baltic for the third year, and nothing. I go every day, sometimes for a long time, and on salt, including (where without it), but they are all like new 🙂
I have all the problems from salt exclusively with pants, which is also quite insulting.

In my opinion, it would be better if the sidewalks were not cleaned at all than that. Only slippery dirt is bred =/ such a feeling that they are guided by the principle of breeding as much and faster than a variety of dirt and wait until people are pushing on their feet. Like, nano-garbage is so outlandish.

OTCHKARIC, January 1, 2013, wrote:
Speaking of miraculous New Year's salt (and where they only take this)). Over the past 10 days, I lost 3 pairs of shoes, and this cannot be a coincidence.

Indeed, it is unlikely that a coincidence. Here you either fantasize, or this salt acts only on the opposition. So that their land under their feet does not burn, but, for starters, at least melted and corroded)))
I myself go the third winter in the same boots on the same reagents and I don’t feel any negative impact on shoes. And there are winter boots that are already the seventh year.
I go a lot and often.
Just every time, having come from the street, wash the shoes under the tap.
All of the above shoes were bought in Centribuvi on Skhodnenskaya, and not some particularly persistent brands so that you do not think)

In my own, so to speak, I can notice that the Chinese shoes falls apart from the reagents the fastest. Domestic and Belarusian lives than all living))

Yes, they took care of this salt, today everything is covered directly in the snow, porridge, puddles, even in the Tushino park, a winter mood, the paths are white, the salt does not pour and no one falls.

Yes, shoes – to hell with her, she is now falling apart without reagents.

But breathing with evaporation of this muck will worse.

Well, if everyone began to measure their shoes, then in the dead sneakers I took 3 years without any problems, and their condition, before they went on the last journey, was satisfactory. The boots were with wear of no more than 15 – 20%, the boots were steam, but without damage, and before going to them, they were carefully examined. All of them died suddenly, with the same posthumous diagnosis. Epidemic?

It remains only to accept Bloodred Hepothesis that such salt acts selectively, for political reasons 😉

OTCHKARIC, January 4, 2013, wrote:
Well, if everyone began to measure their shoes, then in the dead sneakers I took 3 years without any problems, and their condition, before they went on the last journey, was satisfactory.The boots were with wear of no more than 15 – 20%, the boots were steam, but without damage, and before going to them, they were carefully examined. All of them died suddenly, with the same posthumous diagnosis. Epidemic?

It remains only to accept Bloodred Hepothesis that such salt acts selectively, for political reasons 😉

Three years for sneakers, this is actually the limit of strength.
And for the rest of the shoes, depending on where to go. If there is a lot of asphalt, then it wipes in a year. Without any salt. Another sole can crack – this is from your walking style, not from salt.
It is also important in winter to walk in winter shoes, and the fashion or so it should/I used to leave until spring 🙂

Bloodred, January 6, 2013, wrote:
. This salt acts only on the opposition. So that their land under their feet does not burn, but, for starters, at least melted and corroded)))

[OTCHKARIC, January 6, 2013, wrote:
Here is a whole bunch of hepotheses, but I still liked this one more:
[Bloodred, January 6, 2013, wrote:
. This salt acts only on the opposition. So that their land under their feet does not burn, but, for starters, at least melted and corroded)))]]]]

What are you expecting from me? There is a share of a joke and a little more than the share of truth. If you are hurt, then, I hope, in a good direction.)

We will complete the five -year plan per year, we will put up Moscow for the most not bad:

I have no explanation for all this, except as someone is cool.

Previously, I have never caught the eye of the process of mechanization of idiocy.

Today on Rainis, on the sidewalk at the house 2k1 I saw the following thing:

The vile bibikaya and pushing pedestrians, the karakatitsa crawled along the sidewalk. The dump and all the brushes of her were raised, but something like a huge coffee mill was attached to her from behind, from which salt poured into snow mucus.

I have seen such collars from the beginning of summer. In the dry snowless period, the benefits of them are not obvious. There is no visible difference, and if they enter the puddle, then after itself they smear it all. Those. After them it only becomes dirtier.
Now they are really better cleaned – this is visible – but there are still not enough for the entire width of the paths of these cars.