Russian football team: composition 2022, news, schedule and reviews of matches, results and statistics of games, online broadcasts and comments of experts. Sport-Express

Russian football team: composition 2022, news, schedule and reviews of matches, results and statistics of games, online broadcasts and comments of experts. Sport-Express

The Russian national football team today: the Russian team congratulated Slutsky on her birthday. The future of Russian football: difficult, interesting, without Asia. The column of Kazakova.

Russian football team

The Russian national team congratulated Slutsky on her birthday

Tarasov about UEFA sanctions: It's a shame when such unfair things happen

Herus explained how Russia join the Asian Confederation

Kafelnikov: “In parallel to our Russian football! There are other problems

This mess! The West all the time declares that sport outside politics. ” Leshchenko – about UEFA sanctions

Shirokov – about UEFA sanctions: “We must develop within the country. We have 50 teams in European competitions played?

Carrera – about UEFA sanctions: I am waiting for the return of Spartak to the European arena

Agent Vanoli said that UEFA decision would not affect the work of the head coach in Spartak

Zapashny – about sanctions against Russian football: Where a private business is in sports, everything is quiet and calm

Tarkhanov – about sanctions on Russian football: If we are silent, they will put us again

Tereshkov – on the exclusion of Russia from European cups: “I did not expect any other decision from UEFA. It is clear what owners they serve

Tsorn – On the sanctions of UEFA: We will concentrate on a speech in the RPL and the Russian Cup

Zhurova about UEFA decision: “To offend gays is unacceptable, and to allocate on a national basis is always please”

Gazizov about UEFA: “It was very expected! I'm sad

RFU expressed a categorical disagreement with UEFA executive committee

The RFU was called the lawlessness of UEFA sanctions to Russian football

Koloskov about UEFA decision: Three days ago, Cheferin said that the players in this situation have nothing to do with

UEFA recognized Russia's application for Euro 2028 and 2032 unacceptable

President UEFA Cheferin about sanctions to Russia: Athletes should not suffer

Romantsev spoke harshly about the possibility for Russian teams to play without a flag and anthem

Koloskov called optimal rivals in friendly matches for the Russian national team

Anton Zinkovsky said what was ready for the debut for the Russian national team

Anton Zinkovsky spoke about his football dream

Smertin donated blood as part of the Donor Price of Goods in Sochi

Sobolev – on the withdrawal of the Russian national team from the World Cup: Sports outside the politics, right?

Koloskov reacted to the fact that FIFA suspended Russia's payments for the 2018 World Cup

An amazing interview. Samedov answered accusations of a harassment

Koloskov: “It would be good to play in Qatar. You will get a certain presence of the Russian team

The RFU President spoke about negotiations with FIFA on a friendly match with Iran

The match of Russia with Iran can go in Doha at one of the World Cup 2022

Congratulations, goalkeepers. Glushakov remembered how he was a goalkeeper in a match with Spain

Vitaly Kafanov told how Karpin affects young players in the Russian national team

Ex-player of Spartak about Karpin: Georgich will withstand everything!

Kafanov told how they accepted in Rostov Onopko

Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Wales submitted applications for the final stage of the League of Nations in 2023

Kanchelskis – about the refusal of CAS: Although the aliens will serve the appeal into space – useless

Smorodskaya: The appointment of Gratakos in the RFU is a signal that we are with the football world

Former striker Rubin Miloshevich said that he likes the work of Karpin in the Russian national team

Spaniard Gratakako became deputy sports director of the RFU

CAS: RFU appeal to FIFA sanctions may be satisfied

The RFU reacted to the motivating part of the CAS decision on the deviation of the appeal on the transfer of butt matches of the World Cup-2022

“So anyone can say that he does not want to play with anyone, and become the world champion.” Zotov – on the deviation of the appeal of the RFU

In the State Duma of the Russian Federation, they responded to the decision of CAS to reject the appeal of the RFU

The press attaches of the Polish national team about the rejected appeal of the RFU: “We went to the World Cup. For us it is now in the past

You can’t imagine a stupid justification. Koloskov – about the decision of CAS reject the appeal of the RFU

CAS rejected the RFU appeal on the transfer of butt matches of the World Cup 2022 due to the refusal of Poland, Sweden and the Czech Republic play with Russia

Radchenko: “The RFU needs to fight in CAS to the end. Everything else is on the conscience of international officials

Bystrov: If our country is deprived of European cups, the fans will suffer first of all

The lawyer assessed the probability of the success of the RFU claim in CAS on the suspension of payments for children and youth programs

The RFU will ask CAS to recover compensation from FIFA and UEFA due to the stop of sponsorship agreements

In the RFU Rada Rada Karpin’s successes as head coach Rostov

The RFU appreciated the possibility of a friendly match between the national teams of Russia and Iran

Shirokov called an excellent idea of ​​holding a friendly match of the national teams of Russia and Iran

Samedov supported the idea of ​​holding a friendly match of the national teams of Russia and Iran

The honorary president of the RFU – about a friendly match with Iran: FIFA does not have legal grounds to interfere

The national teams of Russia and Iran plan to hold a friendly match in June

Babaev: The Russian team conducted good sparring

Koloskov called a positive step of the statement of the head of UEFA on the Russian application for Euro 2028 and Euro-2032

UEFA President Cheferin commented on Russia's desire to hold Euro 2028 or Euro-2032

Cheferin said that UEFA is not going to stop the broadcasting of matches under his auspices in Russia

UEFA President Cheferin assessed the probability of exclusion of the RFU from the organization

When I saw the heading of my interview about Karpin, tensed! Zinkovsky – About the Russian national team

RFU withdrew the lawsuit in CAS on the transfer of the selection match of the World Cup-2022

Zhirkov: conflict with Slutsky, endless career, sent a deputy after leaving the Euro

Zhirkov said he sent a deputy, to whom Arshavin answered about expectations and problems

Zhirkov – about the national team: “They threw off my schedule under Karpin. I think: Definitely not

Zhirkov – about the conflict with Slutsky: I'm not offended, but I missed the Euro

Zhirkov thought about ending his career in the national team in 2008

Zhirkov – about the reaction of the fans after Euro-12: “You are sitting in a restaurant, and the fans are shouting:“ Hey, condom!

Zhirkov spoke about how people from the headquarters of the national team forbade him to train in Novogorsk

Capello believes that Russia will soon return to tournaments under the auspices of FIFA and UEFA

Lev Yashin's widow congratulated Anton Shunin on his 100th dry match

Sochi defender Prokhin hopes for a future call to the Russian national team

Shunin: Professional footballers' motivation never goes away

Filimonov spoke about training under the leadership of Lobanovsky

“I spoke Russian with everyone. They also always spoke Russian to me.” Filimonov on playing for Dynamo Kiev

“For 20 years there has not been a single call from Spartak. Filimonov – about relations with the former club

Barinov about Karpin: “Georgich with his headquarters liberates everyone so that everyone is not squeezed”

Barinov: “Croatia? In Russian, say: we then crap ourselves ”

Barinov about Cherchesov after failures: “Inserts good people after matches, but not all”

Romantsev – about the problems of Spartak, Loko and our teams in Europe: “To return without a flag and an anthem? Send them away!

“After the golden match, the players were waiting for a day off. But he won't. The first big interview of Cherchesov in the status of the winner of the Hungarian Championship

Now I can safely say that we would have won the Europa League. Big interview with Sobolev

“Zidane is a mean man. He hit Onopko from behind with his fist in the kidney. How 20 years ago Karpin fought the French

CAS rejected Russia's appeal over the 2022 World Cup. The arbitration court officially recognized that the laws do not work

Golovin is the decisive passer. What they write in France about the Russian midfielder

The opinions of the French media and fans about the Russian footballer and the game of Monaco in the match against Troyes (2:1).

Disheveled Karpin and unusual audience. Photo review of the friendly match between the Russian national team and the youth team

Karpin with a notebook, Kafanov with goalkeepers: Russian national team training

“Before the game, they wrote: an influential person from Monaco is flying to watch you. Zinkovsky – about Karpin, RPL and Europe

His genius moves weren't enough to turn the game around. The reaction of the Italians to Miranchuk's goal pass

“It is a pity that the Russian team did not get the opportunity to play in the joints.” Capello about Italy, Russia, Guardiola and Miranchuk

An exclusive interview with the famous Italian coach, who led our national team from 2012 to 2015.

It was painful not to see Russia at the 2022 World Cup draw. Column by FIFA Ambassador Victoria Lopyreva

“I came to training: “Where is the coach?” Answer: he left us. Ugly. Frank interview with Barinov

FIFA has recognized Russian as the official language. And it is right

Russia was left in FIFA, and the Russian language was made one of the official ones. What does it mean

I'm 9.5 points Russian. At the 2022 World Cup there will be a player from Russia who dreamed of playing for us, but now in the Cameroon national team

“The Polish national team with Lewandowski no longer exists for me!” Romantsev – about the removal of Russia, Karpin and refereeing

Russia may move from UEFA to Asia. Are there any advantages to this?

The two main stars of the Wings have grown to the Russian team. How Zinkovsky and Sarveli attracted Karpin

On Thursday, FIFA will suspend the membership of some federations or expel them. Threatened – Zimbabwe, Kenya and Russia

The main thing is to have contact with the players. Karpin – about the match with the youth team, a conversation with Dyukov and the future

How was the composition determined? They threw lots!” What surrounded the closed match of the Russian national team

“The sports principle of the championship has already been violated. If the legionnaires had left Zenit, the club would have spoken differently. Karpin – about the decisions of the RFU and the collection of the national team

“The team gathered to practice somewhere behind the fence. I don't see the point in that. Arshavin on the future of Russian football

“There is hope that we will play in the joints.” Karpin – about sanctions, collecting and again about Dziuba

If we believe that the sporting principle is being violated, then it is logical to suspend the championship. Dyukov – about the expansion, the new limit and holding the Euro

FIFA had no reason to remove Russia from the joints of the 2022 World Cup. The RFU commented on the CAS decision

Alexander Zotov on CAS's decision to reject a request to postpone the Russia-Poland 2022 World Cup play-off.

World Cup 2022 will be held without Russia. CAS refused to postpone the match with Poland – it was our last chance

Where are the last European champions from Russia now: Golovin, Mitryushkin, Sheydayev and other stars

Ban Russia from FIFA upheld. CAS is not saving us yet

Russian players and coaches are not to blame for anything. British journalist on sanctions against Abramovich and Russia

The fake factory has reached sports. The West is hooked on Dzyuba's refusal from the national team

The American and British media invented a story about the reason for the non-arrival of the Zenit striker in the Russian national team.

The Russian team must play. And with Dzyuba, Karpin has a thaw?

I did not go not because of political issues. Dziuba – about the request not to call him to the Russian team

The Russian team is back. What for? Who will he play with? Is there still a chance for a World Cup?

“We need to remove the limit and reduce the RPL to 10 teams.” How to save Russian football – explains Timur Gurtskaya

Video interview with Dasha Karpina: tackles by Uncle Valera, team, Dzyuba, plastic

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