RKN demanded that a number of Russian media delete fakes on a special operation in Ukraine – Moscow 24, 02/26/2022

RKN demanded that a number of Russian media delete fakes on a special operation in Ukraine – Moscow 24, 02/26/2022

Violators may face fines up to five million rubles

RKN demanded that a number of Russian media delete fakes about a special operation in Ukraine

Roskomnadzor demanded that a number of Russian media delete false information about a special military operation in Ukraine.

The relevant letters received “Echo of Moscow”, “Inosmi”, “Mediazon” (recognized in the Russian Federation by the media byno-agent), News Times, “Rain” (recognized in the Russian Federation by the investigator), “Free Press”, “Crimea. Realities” ( The media as a foreign agent are recognized in the Russian Federation), New Gazeta, Journalist and Lenizdat.

The indicated resources under the guise of reliable messages posted a socially significant information that is not true about the shelling of Ukrainian cities and the deaths of civilians of Ukraine as a result of the actions of the Russian army, as well as the materials in which the operation is called an attack, an invasion, or a declaration of war, the said one said, the saying On the website of the RKN.

The agency began to conduct administrative investigations, violators may face fines of up to five million rubles. In this regard, RKN recommended publications before publishing materials to check information for reliability.

On February 18, against the backdrop of the frequent shelling from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the evacuation of the inhabitants of Donbass in Russia began. After this, the regional emergency regime was introduced in the Rostov, Voronezh, Kursk and Penza regions, as well as in the Crimea and the Moscow Region.

On February 21, Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik turned to Vladimir Putin with a request to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR. Prior to this, the president listened to the opinions of the heads of Russian ministries and departments on this issue as part of an extraordinary meeting of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Federation.

A few hours later, Putin said that Russia recognizes the DPR and LPR as independent states, and signed appropriate decrees.

Later, the leaders of the DPR and LPR turned to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to help in repelling aggression by Ukraine. On the night of February 24, Vladimir Putin said that he decided to conduct a special military operation to protect the republics. At the same time, he emphasized that the plans of the Russian authorities do not include the occupation of the territories of Ukraine.