RIA Siberia is a resident of Irkutsk, a fitness trainer, wandered in the taiga for three days and survived

RIA Siberia is a resident of Irkutsk, a fitness trainer, wandered in the taiga for three days and survived

Without Kevordo, a resident of Irkutsk, a fitness trainer, wandered in the taiga for three days and survived the usual campaign for the fitness coach Oksana Owl from Irkutsk ended for three days in the Siberian taiga.

Without Kevordo

A resident of Irkutsk, a fitness trainer, wandered in the taiga for three days and survived

The usual campaign for the fitness coach Oksana Owl from Irkutsk ended for three days in the Siberian taiga. She had to deal with the cold, eat the same needles and nuts, and also meet one on one with a bear, reports SIB.FM.

Together with a group of tourists, the woman went to the peak of Chekanovsky on the Hamar-Daban ridge in the Irkutsk region. Oksana

I already visited the mountain, so I warned the instructor that he would not climb on the peak and will remain on the lake a heart, next to which there is another peak – Chersky.

Oksana reached the mountain, but on the way back something went wrong. She decided to return to the recreation center to prepare for the return of her group, but the locals showed her the wrong road. A few hours later, in a deaf forest, the fitness instructor realized that she had lost her lost.

At first, the girl waited for the rescuers, but it became clear that it would be necessary to wait a long time. Therefore, already on the second day, Oksana began to work out options for further actions. The girl decided to climb the mountain and see where the lake is. Lighters accidentally turned out to be with her, and there was also water.

At this time, several special detachments consisting of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and volunteers had already entered the search for the awesome.

She supported the body with green cedar cones, ate young nuts. The girl also ate fresh needles from Christmas trees and pines. The most difficult test is the night in the taiga. As soon as the sun sits down, the air temperature drops sharply, and due to humidity it becomes unbearably cold. Since the instructor did not have warm clothes with him, I had to breed bonfires.

“Every half an hour she woke up, threw firewood. She slept in the embryo pose. She warmed the stones, put them on herself,” Oksana described her overnight stays.

Oksana did not worry about a possible meeting with wild animals. According to her, nature does not offend those people who protect and protect it. Therefore, when on the second day the girl noticed a bear, she was not afraid.

“She raised her eyes up and saw such a huge beautiful bear. He stood on the other side. He sharpened his claws or bark. I had enough composure not to scream. I turned into a statue, sat and looked at him. He then scratched him and went on,” she told me, ”she told me,” she said fitness trainer.

On the third day of wandering, she managed to independently go to the lake heart. There she noticed men, screamed – it turned out that these were rescuers.

The decisive factor in three -day survival was sports training.Regular classes train not only the body, but also the willpower – this helped Oksana survive in the Siberian taiga.

Currently, the girl restores strength, undergoes a course of treatment with droppers and rests a lot. She is not going to throw hikes, but emphasizes that they need to be prepared better for them.