Repost: VERY IMPORTANT! A nationwide prayer service for Russia and the Russian people, for the Orthodox Church! With the blessing of Metropolitan Veniamin (Pushkar), the text of the Penitential Prayer was compiled. We remind you that the day and time of prayer remain unchanged – March 2, 2019 at 7:00 local time! — Monomakh

Repost: VERY IMPORTANT. A nationwide prayer service for Russia and the Russian people, for the Orthodox Church! With the blessing of Metropolitan Veniamin (Pushkar), the text of the Penitential Prayer was compiled. We remind you that the day

Repost: VERY IMPORTANT. A nationwide prayer service for Russia and the Russian people, for the Orthodox Church! With the blessing of Metropolitan Veniamin (Pushkar), the text of the Penitential Prayer was compiled. We remind you that the day and time of prayer remain unchanged – March 2, 2019 at 7:00 local time!

The Bereg Rus Center reminds that the day and time of prayer remain unchanged – March 2, 2019 at 7:00 am local time. Although, in connection with the Saturday commemoration of the departed, the celebration of the memory of the Hieromartyr Hermogenes has been postponed this year to March 1.

Metropolitan Veniamin Vladivostok and Primorsky

In connection with the dangerous situation around Russia and on the eve of the third day of the All-People's Prayer, one of the oldest and most authoritative bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Veniamin (Pushkar), answered questions from the Bereg Rus Center for Church-State Relations.

Igor Romanov: Your Eminence, dear Vladyka, many Orthodox are concerned about the current situation around the Church and our state. Church schism, perpetrated by the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, and the seizure of churches in Ukraine. Threats from the United States and a number of their allies to the whole world and Russia.

In addition to external threats, Russia is under pressure from within by those who do not agree with the centuries-old historical path of our country, who see our Fatherland as a semblance of modern Europe or the United States with all their current spiritual illnesses. We see how such concepts as “Orthodoxy” and “Russian people” are being eroded today. And this is against the background of the impoverishment in society of a spiritual view of Russia, of its heroic history, against the backdrop of a terrible decline in morality in the country.

In recent years, we have seen a large-scale expansion of anti-Christian and anti-human values ​​in culture and the media.

What should we do in this situation, how should we, the Orthodox, the entire Russian people, be in such a situation? Many even fear that Russia is approaching very serious trials. It has approached such limits beyond which the death of our Fatherland and the Russian people may even come. What is your opinion, Vladyka?

Bishop Benjamin: Throughout the history of Orthodox Russia, there has been a struggle, a scolding. Warfare, going deep in the spiritual plane. This struggle also manifests itself in political life. And in all aspects of our activity.Every Russian person, and not only Russian, should see the causes of disasters. And these reasons lie inside us. We often do not see them and this is the trouble of our spiritual life.

There is such a spiritual law: as soon as humanity moves away from God, from truth, from the most important thing, as soon as humanity forgets God, then the process of spiritual decomposition begins. After all, if there is no God, then everything is allowed to me. This applies to both our Russia and our people. There were many different periods in the history of Russia. Whenever we are spiritually poor, when we are spiritually falling, morally decomposed, we do not live according to the laws of God, we do not love God, which means that we do not like people either, then disasters come from outside and from the inside.

The forces of evil are concentrated in history where there is more grace, where people have more faith, more standing for the truth, where there are more saving. There is a special tension. But I think that Russia is apparently chosen by God for special ministry. Of course, all the peoples, like Russia are loved and roads for God.

The calling of Russia is to store Orthodoxy, so the forces of evil are so directed against our country. They are directed in the political, and social, and in economic, and in all, in all respects.

The forces of evil want the death of Russia, therefore coalitions are created hostile to us. Basically, of course, world anti -Orthodox forces act through the United States of America. And there is no need to talk a lot here, you don’t need to tell a lot, because we are really in this war, in the fight. This all every day confirms us events, and political, and economic, and diplomatic, and spiritual. There is a struggle for Russia.

Currently, we see that we were divided through the territory, divided through the body. And the blood of separation and fraternalization oozes. The event in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, when the separation occurred, was prepared in advance. Even when the republics were created in Soviet times, then this dynamite of separation was laid.

Russia is also now divided in spirit. There was a single Russian Orthodox Church, which, as a soul in the body, united all nations. And they began to introduce split into it. Of course, what is happening now in Ukraine is sad. We are all guilty of this, not only the Patriarch of Constantinople, but we, all of us. But what are we guilty of? Yes, that we love little, we live far from God.

Shame, of course, we are Orthodox Christians, we contrast ourselves with Catholics and other heretics, but we do not have peace and unity. And this is very sad. I think it is not necessary to deepen the separation between the Orthodox and we must remind the brothers that we are united in Christ, you cannot do so hostilely. No need to pour combing substance, butter, firewood into the fire, you don’t need to throw firewood, but you need to extinguish the fire with water of grace, you need to go to the world, to the world. But if there is such anger, obvious anger, then you need to stand for the performance of canons, for the truth. But try lovingly.

There is a struggle for the existence of Russia.Repeatedly this struggle took place, there were different forms of struggle, but the essence remained the same. It was with the Tatars, it was under Napoleon, it was under the Germans. And the Second World War! Marvelous! Despite the fact that Russia passed through such a bloody period, through the period of the Gulag, however, it was not divided. Hitler helped that one, the other blow to Russia – everything would be divided, he would fall. But no. There was the will of God. And you can see for the blood of the martyrs who suffered for Christ.

I think that in the history of today, in the history of Russia, there should be a good, great, high potential. The potential is spiritual, first of all. Hence the patriotism, of course. Hence the love of God, love for the Homeland of Christian and standing for the truth, for the truth. But from here, of course, the anger of the enemies, of course.

Not today, tomorrow, we do not know how this can happen, perhaps even some critical position will come.

Yes, we have weapons. And they, enemies, also have weapons, terrible, fratricidal. In this regard, the sword should not be lowered, throw it so that it rusts. It is necessary that the sword is always ready to protect good, love, truth, to protect his homeland, Christian homeland. You do not have to be an aggressor, but you need to live in the gospel, according to Christ. And living in Christ – this means that there is no longer that love, as if anyone gives life for his own. And in order to give his life for his own, to protect, you need a sword, so that it has always been, is always ready, always effective, and that it be formidable for the enemy, for those who want to be enemies of Russia.

Actually, we are all brothers, God's children, but this is how the devil acts in our hearts that sometimes we even become enemies ourselves.

Of course, we need to go to temples. We need to pray. Not just to go formally, but to go, like a prodigal son, to go to his father, to return. Do not go to the country far away, somewhere west. In the West – its ideals. And we have our own, our own and at the same time, the holy one. We must spiritually strengthen ourselves. And then Russia will resurrect and strengthen, and spiritually, first of all, and then bodily. The spirit must dominate the body, of course. The body, from which the spirit leaves, is inactive, it is dead. So Russia can become a corpse if we lose all spirituality. And then we will be slaves from someone, we will not have our homeland-Christian Russia. Therefore, you need to rally, strengthen here.

We need to urge everyone to be awake. How the Lord himself commanded us: “And what tells you, I say to everyone: wakeful” (Mark 13: 37); “So, awake, because you don’t know either the day or the hour at which the human son will come” (Matthew 25: 13).

We must get together and turn to God in prayer. Prayer also has power, even stronger than any weapon. Spiritual life is necessary – if we are with God, he will be with us. If God is with us, then who is against us?!

If the spirit is strong and one, then the flesh will gather, strengthen and connect. And Russia will be indivisible and strong.

Igor Romanov: Vladyka, on the basis of your prayer appeals to the flock, was a prayer for Russia and the Russian people. Recently, this prayer was proposed for a popular appeal to God. The idea of ​​a popular prayer came from the people. In 2011, when Russia was in serious condition, the public of Nizhny Novgorod called for popular prayer. This year, our center of church-state relations “Coast of Rus”, together with the famous information and analytical service “Russian People’s Line” and the authoritative Moscow newspaper “Russian Bulletin”, appealed to the Orthodox to pray to the whole world about Russia and the Russian people, about our church . The popular call was heard and ardently perceived among Orthodox Christians not only in Russia, but also beyond its borders. There was, of course, criticism. Some, for example, objected that the text of the prayer was not compiled in the Church Slavonic language, is not canonical. And how do you, Vladyka, treat this?

Vladyka Veniamin: It is always necessary to pray and this is very good. And in the temple to pray, and at home. Such a universal prayer is also needed when we are all together with one lips, we turn to God with a single heart. The Lord hears our prayers and helps us in our life.

Yes, this popular prayer is not stated in the church-Slavic language. But it comes from the believing of the repentant heart and is expressed by modern simple Russian. Of course, the canonical prayer in the church-Slavic language is good and blessed. But many saints approve of prayer from the heart in the modern language. This was especially firmly defended by the equal -apostles Methodius and Cyril in a dispute with German bishops, who demanded that the Slavs perform worship only in Latin. They accused the Equal -to -the -Apostles of the Roman pope and demanded the trial of the rebellious.

Making this prayer, the author did not even think to fight against the church-Slavic language, which no one should belittle and deny. But to speak with God, it is possible for him to pray in a modern language. I recall a wonderful prayer of one soldier before a brutal battle in the Second World War. I advise everyone to read this prayer.

So, brothers and sisters, pray to the Lord! Either this prayer, or his own. But so that she would be conscious, cardiac and repentant, like that of a publican, and not like a Pharisee.

Igor Romanov: On March 2, 2019, on the upcoming Saturday, the Orthodox will be prayer again. At 7 a.m. local time. It will be a significant day – the memory of the holy martyr Hermogen, who blessed the Russian people to fight foreign invaders into the formidable year of troubled time. Will you, Vladyka, pray with everyone who will stand on a popular prayer in the early morning on March 2?

Vladyka Veniamin: Of course, we should always pray. The apostle Pavel commanded us: Pray constantly. We will pray.After all, all Russia prayed in a difficult year of the Time of Troubles in the XVII century according to the call of St. Hermogen. Then the Polish-Lithuanian troops were already in Moscow. Then there was a goal to pour Russia, dad acted very actively. Saint Hermogen called to unite under the banner of Orthodoxy, expel enemies and protect Russia from the spread of Catholicism.

So we will not wait today when enemies occupy the Russian land, as in those days our white -stone. He called on the Holy Hermogen to pray and prayed. Then the Russian soul responded to the appeal of St. Hermogen and prayed, and the Lord retained Russia, changed His court for mercy.

Prayer has great power in our time. If only it came from the depths of our loving, believing and repentant soul.

On the day of memory of the holy martyr Hermogenes, it is especially necessary to pray. We believe that with us will pray with us before the throne of God and St. Hermogen. And with a joint prayer, Russia will again get out of a dangerous position. And the Lord will have mercy on her.

Talked by I.A. Romanov

A repentant prayer for Russia and the Russian people, for the Church of the Orthodox

The text is compiled with the blessing of Metropolitan Benjamin (Pushkar) to popular prayer in February-March 2019

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, hear our prayers!

Lord, you are love, you yourself joy! You, Lord, omnipotent, omnipotent! You are sacrificial love, which created us!

You created a man with your love. And when a person fell away from you, you did not leave him with sacrificial love. You came to us and with your godparents in great redeeming saved all the peoples.

You enlightened with your light and our people. You enlightened Russia, and Russia accepted you and fell in love with you with all my heart, with all my heart. Russia fell in love with the Dnieper font and can no longer take its loving gaze from you. Russia fell in love with the Mother of God and all saints.

And although there are many sins in Russia, she wished to be a saint. Russia tried to imitate the gospel ideals, and he gave birth to so many saints for the sky as not a single country gave the kingdom of God.

But as soon as Russia dodged you, Lord, she lost her fertile face and plunged into the abyss of sin and passions. Where there is a lot of grace, hellish forces are concentrated there. Russia shaken and its people fell into evil, into unbelief and immorality. And in his madness, he rejected you and raised his hand to your anointed, whom you gave to create a Russian kingdom in the image of heaven. The Russian people rushed into the abyss of evil and drank from your hands the bowl of suffering to the bottom. Russia then ascended to its Calvary.

Forgive us, Lord! We were terribly retreated from you. The whole twentieth century was a century of apostasy. We turned away from your love. Forgetting you, having left you, we betrayed your love, we became evil, became godless. Lord, sorry, Lord, help us!

Lord, forgetting you, we disconnected among ourselves. We were in evil.We have lost unity in you, Lord. And in passions, we rushed into madness in fratricidal wars. For the whole century we were in such a terrible state and now we are in evil. But evil does not create, it disconnects and destroys.

Forgive us, Lord, you are all -merciful, you can do everything!

You, Lord, allowed Russia to suffer and tests, and wars that have carried away millions of Russian people. Help us to realize and repent, and again go to the bright road, which was indicated by Grand Duke Vladimir Red Sun! Help us, Lord, in good and love to gain our unity! Lord, I'm sorry, have mercy on us! Forgive Russia, help us be one in you! And then Russia will rise, and it will become a strong state that fulfills your will, Lord!

Your word, Lord, is truly and immutable. And no one in the world will cancel the apocalypse, and we will still have tests, for the forces of hell have not repented and confront you even more, Lord. On apocalyptic days, help us, Lord, to stand in the truth and your truth, be faithful to you to the end!

Save Russia, Lord! Save your people and bless your property! We are standing before you, before your mercy, spiritually dirty, lost, Lord, have mercy on us! We pray you, Lord, that in these vague and crafty times, Russia does not die! So that a strong faith, love and truth triumph in Russia! In order for Russia to stand firmly in Orthodoxy until the end of the century and confront Antichristov to evil! Help us, God, to go, reflecting with your grace all evil in the world, creating the kingdom of God in our souls living on earth. Yes, it will be in everything and your holy will! And may the holy name of your, father and son and the Holy Spirit be famous in Russia!

Song of the First World War. The version of the Soviet era is known as – Feel free to fight for the power of the Soviets.