Regional advertising: press, newspapers, radio, TV, television, on-board transport advertising, outdoor advertising, banners, subway advertising, direct marketing.

Print media market of Kazan

The print space of Tatarstan is one of the busiest in the country. In the information field of the region, the amount of the state press is significant. Local commercial newspapers and magazines compete with numerous network projects.

Over 825 print media are registered in the republic. 106 of them belong to the state category.

Almost all state publications operate as part of the regional media holding OAO Tatmedia, formed in 2007 as a result of the corporatization of the Tatmedia Mass Communication Agency. The company has 89 branches, uniting 28 television companies, 19 radio stations, one news agency, one Internet newspaper, two Internet sites, as well as 10 magazines and 61 newspapers published in Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Udmurt languages.

Most of the holding's print media are represented in the regions of the republic. Branches of Tatmedia are almost half of the existing regional and city newspapers (54 out of more than 110).

In addition to Kazan, the cities of Almetyevsk (population – about 200 thousand people), Bugulma (more than 100 thousand people), Nizhnekamsk (more than 260 thousand people), Naberezhnye Chelny (more than 500 thousand people) are leading in terms of press saturation. . The largest number of media outlets among the regional cities of the republic is concentrated in Naberezhnye Chelny, where, according to 2006 data, over 40 printed publications operated.

Large cities of the republic most often appear in the register of certified publications by the National Circulation Service of Russia (NTS). Since 2004, in Tatarstan, the certification of local press circulations has been carried out by the branch of the NTS – ANO NTS Privolzhya. In 2004, the Tatmedia newspapers and magazines were included in the register, which gave Tatarstan a sharp start in the circulation certification process. As a result, the republic has become the leader in terms of the number of media outlets with open circulation both in the Volga Federal District and throughout Russia.

Before the opening of the NTS branch in the republic, publications of CJSC InterMediaGroup (Telesem, Va-Bank), the publishing house Komsomolskaya Pravda (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Soviet Sport, Soviet Sport – Football) worked with certified circulation ), the Vechernyaya Kazan newspaper and two glossy magazines (One Day in the Life, Image). After 2004, in parallel with the state start, certification of commercial newspapers and magazines began. For 10 months of the current year, circulations of 19 commercial media have been confirmed. In general, the Tatarstan part of the NTS Privolzhye registry today contains 122 publications, the largest part of which (54) is published in Kazan.


Almost all Kazan publications with certified circulation occupy an important place in the local information space. A couple of years ago, experts noted its stability in terms of the main composition of the participants – the print market is growing in monetary terms, but there is no significant reshuffling of forces, a revolution in the emergence of new media.The situation is still relevant today.

The list of the most read newspapers includes both network and local names. In the first case, regional issues of Komsomolskaya Pravda, AiF, Telesem, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Va-Bank, From Hand to Hand, Life, Everything for You, etc. the second – socio-political newspapers Vostochny Express, Vechernyaya Kazan, Kazanskiye Vedomosti, the official republican dailies Republic of Tatarstan (in Russian) and Vatanym Tatarstan (in Tatar), published in Tatar Tatarstan yashlare and Shahri Kazan, the business newspaper Time and Money, advertising and informational advertising TVT, Metro Press, Kazanskaya Nedelya, the youth newspaper Ya etc. and etc.

The replenishment of the printed market of Kazan in recent years has been mainly due to advertising and information and advertising, including specialized, press (newspapers Autoclub-Kazan, Kazanskaya Yarmarka, Real Estate Market. Kazan and Tatarstan, Comfort .Home Office, Navigator, etc.). It is very difficult to create, promote and even more so make a socio-political publication profitable. Therefore, there are still few local commercial players in this segment against the backdrop of a significant number of state-owned media.

Despite the active economic development of the region, representatives of business newspapers also speak about the lack of competition. Today, in the republican capital, in addition to the regional tab in Kommersant, the local newspaper Vremya i Dengi (from 1992 to 1996 – under the name Izvestia of Tatarstan) is published four times a week and the weekly newspaper Gde Dengi (published since 2005 G.). Among the main obstacles to the opening of new business media are the lack of formation of the business community in Tatarstan and the unwillingness of businessmen to speak openly about the problems of business in the republic.

Two years ago, the niche of the Kazan entertainment press became more active – in 2006, the segment of TV guides grew significantly. Considered monopolized by the Telesem newspaper, it was replenished with three networkers – the magazines TELENEDELYA (Ukrainian Media Holding), TeleShow Kazan (ABAK-Press) and Panorama TV (Gazprom-Media) . True, time has shown that in the capital of Tatarstan there are certain difficulties for the work of TV guides.

In October, Gazprom-Media announced the suspension of regional broadcasts of Panorama TV in 11 million-plus cities. And earlier, in August 2008, the TeleShow magazine left Kazan exclusively. According to the magazine's publisher, “The advertising market was not ready for the emergence of a product for the middle class. Traditionally, advertising has been and is placed either in mass publications (usually free or low-cost circulation newspapers) or in thick glossy magazines with a premium audience. The volume of advertising collected in the magazine did not allow the product to be made profitable.”

As a result, in Kazan they come out: “Television” in 4 circulation format 37,400 copies, “bodily” – in A3 and A4 formats 134,200 copies. In 2008, Telesem, free advertising newspaper Va-Bank and specialized magazine Va-Bank. Repair ”united at Intermediagraps Kazan LLC. Thus, a new major player has appeared – the total share of three publications in the city advertising market, according to the Intermediagope Monitoring, reaches 35%.


The first glossy magazines in Tatarstan opened in the late 90s. However, revitalization in the segment was spoke only in 2004-2005. After the “network” projects arrived in Kazan. Now the city stands among the large regional centers for journal saturation.

On the one hand, the “glossy” part of the press develops more dynamic than the newspaper. New magazines are registered and opened often, but often disappear as quickly as they are born. Against the backdrop of the presence of one-day publications, the quality of local media quality, lack of professional personnel, and the opacity of the market are preserved.

At the same time, many proven magazines work-local and network projects, which, as a rule, appeared in the early-invention of the 2000s.

Among the local media:

“Courage” (information and advertising, is published since 1998), “Image” (advertising catalog for the premium class audience, since 1999), Linea d'L (journal of high-quality strokes and services, since 2002), since 2002) “SOCTROY” (information-advertising, since 2005), “Shpilka” (fashionable glossy magazine for women, since 2004), “Kazan Real Estate” (until 2002 he worked in a newspaper format), socio-political magazines Kazan ”,“ Tatarstan ”, business“ elite of Tatarstan ”, etc.

Among the network:

“I have been buying” (shopping guides, in Kazan since 2004), “9 lines” (family purchase catalog, since 2006), “Banzai” (magazine for men, since 2005), “Choose” ” (Handbook-Gide for Entertainment, since 2004), “Big City” (entertainment, leisure, lifestyle, since 2006), catalog “Interior without borders” (since 2007), etc.

When in October 2004, the Yekaterinburg shopping guide “I Buy” was being prepared for the exit in Tatarstan, the local press spoke about the lack of glossy magazines, the changes were predicted, which will lead to the appearance of a large “networker”, and “I buy” was characterized as “ A magazine with a new content for the Kazan market and a non -traditional distribution system ”(free distribution through the system of branded racks). The changes, indeed, occurred: unconventional became traditional, the local “gloss” began to actively appear.

Along with this, the development of the city continued with network publishers. Now in Kazan there are more than 15 such magazines of various topics: National Business, The Chief (Business), Fashion Collection, “Dear Life” (fashion, lifestyle), “Modern House and Office”, “Television”, “Free Money”, etc. .

Several regional issues started in 2008, as a rule, in the niches of the media special interest. In particular, two projects of Abak-Press ID at once:

  • As a result, in Kazan they come out: “Television” in 4 circulation format 37,400 copies, “bodily” – in A3 and A4 formats 134,200 copies. In 2008, Telesem, free advertising newspaper Va-Bank and specialized magazine Va-Bank. Repair ”united at Intermediagraps Kazan LLC. Thus, a new major player has appeared – the total share of three publications in the city advertising market, according to the Intermediagope Monitoring, reaches 35%.
  • Magazines

The first glossy magazines in Tatarstan opened in the late 90s. However, revitalization in the segment was spoke only in 2004-2005. After the “network” projects arrived in Kazan. Now the city stands among the large regional centers for journal saturation.

On the one hand, the “glossy” part of the press develops more dynamic than the newspaper. New magazines are registered and opened often, but often disappear as quickly as they are born. Against the backdrop of the presence of one-day publications, the quality of local media quality, lack of professional personnel, and the opacity of the market are preserved.

At the same time, many proven magazines work-local and network projects, which, as a rule, appeared in the early-invention of the 2000s.

Among the local media:

“Courage” (information and advertising, is published since 1998), “Image” (advertising catalog for the premium class audience, since 1999), Linea d'L (journal of high-quality strokes and services, since 2002), since 2002) “SOCTROY” (information-advertising, since 2005), “Shpilka” (fashionable glossy magazine for women, since 2004), “Kazan Real Estate” (until 2002 he worked in a newspaper format), socio-political magazines Kazan ”,“ Tatarstan ”, business“ elite of Tatarstan ”, etc.

Among the network:

“I have been buying” (shopping guides, in Kazan since 2004), “9 lines” (family purchase catalog, since 2006), “Banzai” (magazine for men, since 2005), “Choose” ” (Handbook-Gide for Entertainment, since 2004), “Big City” (entertainment, leisure, lifestyle, since 2006), catalog “Interior without borders” (since 2007), etc.

When in October 2004, the Yekaterinburg shopping guide “I Buy” was being prepared for the exit in Tatarstan, the local press spoke about the lack of glossy magazines, the changes were predicted, which will lead to the appearance of a large “networker”, and “I buy” was characterized as “ A magazine with a new content for the Kazan market and a non -traditional distribution system ”(free distribution through the system of branded racks). The changes, indeed, occurred: unconventional became traditional, the local “gloss” began to actively appear.

Along with this, the development of the city continued with network publishers. Now in Kazan there are more than 15 such magazines of various topics: National Business, The Chief (Business), Fashion Collection, “Dear Life” (fashion, lifestyle), “Modern House and Office”, “Television”, “Free Money”, etc. .

Several regional issues started in 2008, as a rule, in the niches of the media special interest. In particular, two projects of Abak-Press ID at once:

The Blizko Repair Catalog, planning to take a niche between Kazan glossy magazines about the interior (“Interior without borders”, “Make repairs”, “Interior question”, “Country house”) and reference books (“construction”, “Va-Bank Repair” ),

The magazine Business Quarter, launched in the segment of business publications. Today, about five business “networks”, several state and departmental media, are released in Kazan, while few purely local commercial magazines (“Your consultant. Kazan”, “Tatarstan elite”, etc.).

In parallel with nonresident projects in the specialized press sector, local publications work and open. Their thematic spectrum is wide: magazines for parents Children's Kazan, Baby, construction Stroyxpertiza, sports Champion – Kazan, Line of Taste (hotel and restaurant business , Vitamin growth (health market) and others .

Ufa: print media market

Fa: the print media market

In Ufa, up to 80% of the Bashkortostan media advertising market and more than 40% of local publications are concentrated.

Over 430 print media operate in Bashkortostan. According to the press of the press of the Republic of Bashkortostan, most of the press was established by state authorities (33.6%), commercial structures of various forms of ownership (32.5%), and individuals (13.8%).

In the information space, a public sector is largely represented. Enterprises subordinate to the Republican Press Administration produce 172 periodicals, including 26 republican, 12 city, 29 united and 102 district media.

The vast majority of state print media (158) have a socio-political orientation, which, taking into account private and departmental publications, makes this segment the most representative part of the local periodicals.

State media go out in six languages. The main part is in Russian (66 media), Bashkir (66 media), Tatar (31 media).

According to the degree of concentration of the press, several cities of the republic are leading. In particular, in January 200820 publications were published in Sterlitamak, 17 – in Neftekamsk, nine in Belebey and Oktyabrsky, eight in Sibay, six in Beloretsk, Tuymazy and Ishimbai. A significant part of the Bashkir publications – over 40% – is concentrated in Ufa, where 25.4% of the population of the republic lives.


According to the “independent marketing study of the media ratings” of the Ufa information and analytical magazine “Advertising Promenade”, the main part of the newspaper market of the capital of Bashkortostan is up to 70 publications: about 12 free advertising and information and advertising newspapers, more than 50 newspapers of paid distribution (about 30 weekly and weekly and weekdays. Over 20 publications with the frequency of exit several times a week).

The federal component of the printed market is strong in Ufa. All major Russian “networks” work – local editorial offices or representative offices of Komsomolskaya Pravda newspapers, arguments and facts, television, labor, life, Moscow Komsomolets, Russian newspaper, Izvestia, Izvestia, Izvestia, Izvestia Kommersant, The Arguments of the Nedei, From Hand to Hand, All for You, At the Washing, etc., the newspaper Ufa Meridian of the Publishing House Province is produced.

The total circulation of the Ufa issues of the leading “network” newspapers of socio-political topics is more than 316 thousand copies, approximately 34% of the aggregate circulation of all socio-political newspapers of the region. In most segments, the networks dominate the advertising field.

The local press is newspapers of various thematic orientations that go mainly in a weekly format.

In the niche of daily socio-political media there are several republican (state) newspapers: five times a week the Republic of Bashkortostan (in Russian), Bashkortostan (in Bashkir), Kyzyl Tan (in Tatar), three times each A week – “Iestlek” (in Bashkir), “omeat” (in Tatar). Five times a week, the municipal newspaper Evening Ufa is produced.

About half of the adult population of Ufa does not read daily newspapers.Reading are stable in their preferences. The most popular “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Evening Ufa”, “Trud”, “Russian Newspaper”, “Soviet Sport”, “Republic of Bashkortostan” are. Explicit and traditional leaders are the Bashkir release of Komsomolskaya Pravda and Evening Ufa. They are leading in terms of audience among daily newspapers according to TNS Russia (NRS-Goroda, Ufa, December 2007-April 2008).

The same characteristic equally refers to the rating of weekly. They do not read (do not view) of them only 10% of respondents. Among the local weekly the socio-political newspapers “Version”, “Sunday newspaper”, “Ufa week”, “Youth newspaper”, “Hour of the peak”, Telegide “Week”, “Cable TV Plus”, information and advertising “Ufa Vedomosti” , “Business World”, publication of industrialists and entrepreneurs “New Economic Gazeta”, publication in the field of the financial market “Finance of Bashkortostan”, specialized “Autorannok”, “Eurasia Auto”, “Automobile Gazeta”, “Your Work”, and others in the first The top three of the readable weekly publications-“Komsomolskaya Pravda-Tolstushka”, “Telesem”, “Arguments and Facts”.

NRS-city monitoring (December 2007-April 2008) captures the largest audience among the weekly Telesem, Courier, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Arguments and Facts, Eurasia-Ufa, Advertising Newspaper, from Hands in hand ”,“ Post-Press ”. At the same time, more than half of the media first dozens make up information and advertising newspapers of free distribution.

In the segment there is a process of globalization, in the conditions of which it is more difficult to survive small players. Now, apparently, the process is completed. About two years ago, new newspapers still appeared, but now it’s hard to enter the market, it is formed.

Currently, more than 10 freeniks are distributed in the city. Circulations of the main newspapers – 200-250 thousand copies: newspapers of the Eurasia Publishing House, weekly Courier (250 thousand copies), Extra in Bashkortostan (200 thousand copies), “Press Post” (200 thousand ”(200 thousand . Express), “Express in the Republic of Bashkortostan” (210 thousand copies), “Our Megapolis Ufa” (200 thousand.copies), Good morning (200 thousand copies).

Despite external constancy, the position of these newspapers in the advertising market is changing. The monitoring results for February-March of the current year showed a reduction in the volume of advertising in these publications compared to 2006-2007. Especially in such areas as the automotive market, financial services, real estate. The recent trend is the interest of large advertisers in informational advertising in subscription publications, including municipal media, whose share in the advertising market, on the contrary, has been stable for several years.

The question of how serious the current crisis will be for the Ufa press remains open. In some newspapers, they record a reduction in advertising and, accordingly, a slight decrease in the volume of publications. But they do not undertake to project the situation for the future. More definite forecasts on the composition of the market. Given the large number of subsidized publications, the well-formed competitive environment for commercial players and the stable position of leaders, it is hardly worth expecting significant changes.


More than 50 magazines are published in Ufa. One third of them are state and municipal. The “state” list includes 16 republican magazines on various topics: for women and the family “Bashkortostan kyzy”, socio-political, popular science, literary and artistic “Vatandash”, “Panorama of Bashkortostan”, “Agidel”, “Belskie open spaces”, satirical – humorous Khenek (Pitchfork), agrarian Rural Patterns, artistic and journalistic Tamasha, scientific, pedagogical and methodical Bashkortostan ukytyusykhy (Teacher of Bashkortostan), publication about culture and art Rampa, magazines for children and youth Tulpar, Shonkar, Amanat, Akbuzat, Allyuki.

Since 2001, the municipal magazine Ufa has been published (founder – MUP Editorial office of the magazine Ufa ).

Commercial publications are represented by local and network projects. Publishing networks from Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad work in Ufa.In the republican capital, up to 20 regional issues of “networks” are distributed: “I buy”, “9 lines”, “free money”, “choose”, “interior without borders”, “Lumon”, fashion collection, National Business, “Shopping people and things ”, The Chief,“ Banzai ”,“ Stroystaya ”,“ Modern House and Office ”,“ Television ”,“ Stolnik ”,“ Business magazine ”,“ Foreignard ”, etc.

A separate segment is the public transport advertising market, which is characterized by the fact that advertising on buses and the placement of advertising on them are mainly engaged in transport commercial companies, including Bigavtotrans and Vlavadoliniya. The quality of the execution of this advertisement was pleasantly surprised - the owner’s hand is visible. In the future, it is expected that the trolleybus park will also depart the commercial structure, and then this kind of advertising will be distributed.

About the same number of local publications (including reference books and catalogs) working with declared frequency: business “business partner”, automobile “navigator”, city entertainment Hype, Pride, publications in the field of design, architecture, construction, real estate “Architecture, construction, design in the Republic of Bashkortostan ”, Arthouse,“ Center ”, House Market, a directory for advertisers and advertisers“ Advertising Guide of Ufa ”, the information and analytical journal of the advertising promenade, the advertising journal“ Products and services of Bashkortostan ”, advertising and informational“ World holiday , Domostroy , etc.

Despite a sufficient amount of publications, the volume of their audience is much smaller than the audience of newspapers. 67% of adults of Ufa do not read weekly magazines, almost 80% – coming out twice a month, 78% – monthly. At the same time, almost all magazines (not counting state) are distributed free of charge in key places for potential readers.

The Ufa coffee market is dynamic – the opening and closing of the media – the phenomena are not uncommon. The competition is quite serious. In the past three years, many projects have appeared that have been working on a franchise, shopping guides, magazines have increased their volumes. However, against the backdrop of dynamics and dozens of names of really serious and popular media, units.

The “niche” magazines of Ufa act in different segments. In particular, business media (Business Partner, Regional Leader, local issues of network National Business, The Chief, Business magazine), about six large publications in the field of construction, design, interior, architecture, and real estate are produced ( Arthouse, Center, House Market, Architecture, Construction, Design in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Interior without Borders, Modern House and Office), A number of specialized directories (real estate, advertising market, cars, education, trade, products Nutritions), local automobile magazines appear, etc.

Publishers evaluate the growth rate and future “niches” in different ways. Thus, the market of specialized reference books cannot develop quickly: the publishers do not come in a difficult and not particularly profitable information business, five to six such publications work in the city and in the future their number will not change dramatically.

A caring topic is considered to be promising, despite the crisis. “Before entering the market, we worked in experimental mode for two years, studied the needs of readers and advertisers. In the automotive industry, not everything is as good as we would like, the crisis has not begun there today. But this is not a reason to refuse to launch a new magazine. Moreover, in Ufa there are all the prerequisites for the appearance of a local glossy automobile magazine. Only three publications of this topic are steadily in the city, two of which are the network – “Driving” and “Foreigner”, ”said Tamerlan Almayev, director of the magazine Sturman (regular release of the publication – from November 2008, from 100 pages. 10 thousand copies).

Indicators of the economic development of Bashkortostan create the prerequisites for the release of glossy, including narrow -minded press. However, the regional specificity makes the publishing business partly problematic. “There are several regions that differ from the majority. First of all, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, ”explains Timofei Kareb, publisher of the“ network ”of The Chief magazine. – It cannot be said that this specificity is categorically important for the publication of magazines, but nevertheless. It is associated with the characteristics of the mentality and the historically established manner of publicity of people – here they do not really like to glow, to speak ahead of the administration. According to publishers, it is not easy to talk about business leaders, interesting companies, including through advertising in such conditions. Hence the complaints for the slower development of the media business in comparison with comparable cities. However, the problem is not only in the political situation. “There is no civilized advertising market in Ufa.Very few companies (mainly franchise or branch networks of federals) have advertising budgets. Everything is often randomly with the locals: they talked well – they gave advertising, no, that means no, often contracts are concluded by acquaintance, ”says Irina Rechuster.

As a result, the Bashkir advertising market, although it takes fourth place in the Volga Federal District, is significantly inferior in volume to the markets of Tatarstan, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions. According to the project Media Volga region. Advertising Potential ”, the volume of the advertising market of Bashkortostan in 2007 amounted to $ 69.3 million, Tatarstan – $ 136.8 million, the Samara region – $ 133.9 million, the Nizhny Novgorod region – $ 92.3 million in the structure of the Ufa media advertising market (Ufa ( $ 55.4 million) 37% of the budgets were a share of the press, magazines limited 15% of the advertising volumes of print media.

The 2008 indicators will be adjusted with the amendment to the crisis. So far, the situation is rather setting up on a negative wave. According to the calculations of the advertising agency Advertising Promenade, on average for permanent advertisers, the number of advertising placed advertising in September-October decreased by two to three, and traditional costs for New Year's advertising shares are cut to a minimum. The crisis will certainly play the role of the orderly and with some part of the magazines the city will say goodbye. At the same time, the cross is not put on new projects-according to some information, in Ufa several local magazines are planned in the format of shopping guides.

Vladimir – outdoor advertising market

In Ladimir – outdoor advertising market

Interest in the cities of “Strata C” (250-500 thousand inhabitants) by the largest advertisers has become significant relatively recently. For the past couple of years, they have been the growth of business activity in both the expansion of large networks and local business against the background of growing well-being. All this has a significant impact on the demand in outdoor advertising.

The most actively from the cities of Strata C are developing nearby to the metropolitan region. Vladimir in this sense, of course, is a characteristic example.This is the regional center of Russia with a population of about 350 thousand people located only 180 km from the capital. A motorway connecting two large Russian cities passes through the city: Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. However, we all know firsthand that it owes its glory not this, but to the rich historical past, the memory of which is kept by the centuries -old and unique architectural ensemble. It is also called the gates of the Golden Ring of Russia – its historical significance and wealth attract inexhaustible crowds of tourists, both foreign and Russian. Therefore, external advertising, as an integral part of the urban environment, was always under a special supervision.

Among the key coordinating and regulating the advertising industry of organizations are the Office of outdoor advertising and information of the administration of the city of Vladimir (UNRI), the Office of Architecture and Construction, the local GibbD and the territorial branch of the FAS. The city also created the Coordination Council for Advertising under the head of the city, which, as a rule, discusses atypical projects in the field of outdoor advertising. With UNRI, a quality commission operates, where experts in architecture, urban planning and outdoor advertising give an expert assessment of the possibility of introducing the proposals of operators from the point of view of careful attitude to historical heritage. The opinion of the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve also affects the development of the industry, whose representatives monitor the spread of outdoor advertising and actively advocate its restriction on duty.

In total, in the city, according to UNRI, 2100 advertising facilities were registered. About 15 companies provide external advertising services, which account for about 50% of advertising facilities. As noted by the head of the department of outdoor advertising and information of the administration of the city of Vladimir Galina Shulga, in the total number of structures in Vladimir, its ratio with the number of residents or the area of ​​the territory of the city can not be called oversaturated advertising.However, the city is very specific, and individual territories can really be called oversaturated both in quantity and the scale of advertising. And this situation at one time will certainly require ordering.

The most popular format in Vladimir among customers is the traditional 6 x 3 m, in the city 570 surfaces of this format. However, the development trend, especially in cities with a rich historical past, leaves a certain imprint. The role and quantity of a large format (6 x 3 m or more) is gradually decreasing. Over the past two years, the appearance of new structures, if observed, was of a single character. And in the central part of the city in recent years, an unspoken moratorium on a large format (over 10 sq.m) actually acts.

The next most popular product is street furniture (about 430 surfaces), which is located mainly in the central part of the city and in places of location of historical heritage objects: pyllars and various variations of the city format. The very popularity of both customers and administrative bodies designed to protect the city from aggressive introduction of advertising into a historical appearance is used by city-format with decorative decoration on its own support, which is known in the city called Horeca. Another well -developing project of street furniture is branded benches (in total about 50 structures). As Galina Shulga noted, the city is beneficial to introduce such a social oriented product, especially when operators conscientiously fulfill their obligations. Among these, one can distinguish the company Commercial Postal Service and City Style, the designs of which are of decent quality.

As for the supercool format, there are practically no roof installations in Vladimir, the firewalls are a noticeable number even in the central part of the city. However, the specifics of the architecture and development of the central part of the city does not provide the opportunity to place a panel of large formats.A large format is still present in the city – there are several 12 x 4 m super -boards: one is on the key highway when entering the city from Moscow and two in a sense in the depths of the city – at the intersection of ul. Mira and Oktyabrsky Prospekt and in the area of ​​Frunze Square. Moreover, the latter is implemented in dynamic format. This format has been in demand so far only among nationwide customers. However, local operators show interest in this format, and in the near future the appearance of similar structures is expected in other operators.