Read Negative User Reviews for Super Castlevania IV On WII – Metacritic

Read Negative User Reviews for Super Castlevania IV On WII – Metacritic

Read What Oour Users Had to Say ABOUT SUPER CASTLEVANIA IV for Wii at

Super Castlevania IV

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(Note: there was no snes view to review on metacritic, so i put my review herae instead.)

I'M not Sure Who EVERYONE RATS THIS GAME SO HIGHLY. This Game Has Zero Story and the Controls are Terrible. There are much Better Platformers from the Same Era You Cold Play Inst, Super Castlevania IV (Super Mario World, Megaman, ETC.). I Tried Giving this game a shot in order to dive into (Note: the last was not Review on Metacritic, So I Put My Review Here Intead.)

I'M not Sure Who EVERYONE RATS THIS GAME SO HIGHLY. This Game Has Zero Story and the Controls are Terrible. There are much Better Platformers from the Same Era You Cold Play Inst, Super Castlevania IV (Super Mario World, Megaman, ETC.). I tried giving this game a shot in order to dive into the castlevania Series, But What I Experienced Was Definitee Not What I Was Expecting.

For the Most Part, all you do is tedellylly and attack Everyth Moves in Order to Preserv as Much Health as Boss Fight at the End of the Stage. The Stages Throw Enemies at You Randomly to Catch You Off Guard, Which Can Be Hard to Avoid and Forces You to have to Memorize the Stage. There are virtually no healing items in the game Either Which Means Youden Head Into a Boss Fight with Little to Health Remaining.

The Bosses are Hard and UNPredictable Especially At FIRST ENCOUNTER, WHICH Means It's Easy To Die and Be Forced to Go Through The Stage Again. The Final Stage Has Four Consecutive Bosses One after the Other, and They Arexanly Hard Even with Chets. I WOULDNIT WANT ANYONE to Suffer Through That.

The Game Does look Nice and the Background Music soup Pretty Cool. I Admire How You Can Continue from the Start of the Stage No Matter How Times You All of Your Lives. SOME ICONIC ELEMENTS USED in the Game Are Ussed in the Rest of the Castlevania Series as Well, Such AS Destroying Candles and Walls for items. But That's Just ABOUT EVERYTHING MEANINGFUL THTS GOING ON For The Game.

Again, the is no stry Whatsoever, so you have no idea What's going on or you're fighting the enemies you're fighting. I highly suggest skipping this game (and likely the previous games as well, since Super Castlevania IV is supposedly the best of all the old Castlevania platformers) and just moving onto the next one, since this game doesn't tie into any storyline. … Expand