Pro-Arctic |

Pro-Arctic |

Without a Kevordo, the Norwegian shipbuilding company Ulstein introduced the concept of the project of the Thor vessel, which will be equipped with a liquid -salt Toriye reactor. The task of the Thor vessel should

Without Kevordo

The Norwegian shipbuilding company Ulstein introduced the concept of the project of the Thor vessel, which will be equipped with a liquid -salt thorine reactor. The task of the Thor vessel should be the production of electricity for recharging batteries with electric motors. Thus, Thor will actually act as a floating nuclear power plant with specific …

The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) confirmed that in 2021 in the Flemish Pass basin in the northern part of the Atlantic shelf of Canada, it turned out to be dry, and that the company refuses oil production in this region. About this on April 26, 2022 …

On May 26, 2022, the annual program and the Forum “Best ESG Projects of Russia” will take place in Seraton Moscove Sheremetyevo Airport Hotel today, companies should strive not only for profit, but also to minimize the harmful environmental impacts, promote social initiatives and …

The American oil and gas corporation Exxonmobil announced force majeure and began to reduce oil production on the Sakhalin-1 project, Bloomberg reports. “A force majeure was announced in connection with the latest events that may complicate, delay or not allow Exxon Neftegas Ltd to fulfill its obligations in …

The Russian Ministry of Energy considers it possible to study the potential assistance to Novateka to launch the Arctic LNG 2 project within the previous period, that is, the end of 2023 – the beginning of 2024, the first deputy minister of energy of the Russian Federation Pavel Sorokin said. “Here the plan was to …

January 19, 2022, ATLELSENSEN, The Barents Observer, Norway Norwegian environmental organizations are outraged by the next distribution by the Government of a large number of shelf licenses, the Norwegian Government issued another 53 licenses caused a sharp reaction from environmentalists. In Greenpeace …

December 7, 2021, Igor Popov, Forbes, the leading world powers began preparations for the transition to alternative energy sources. One of them is hydrogen: in the future, cars will drive on it and fly aircraft, heat up at home. Hydrogen is environmentally friendly and inexhaustible as …

The laying of the underwater fiber-optical line of communication Murmansk-Vladivostok, called Polar Express, started on August 6, 2021 from the village of Teriberk on the shores of the Barents Sea. Two cable -heating vessels belonging to the head contractor of the project – the Group of Companies Management of Prospective Technologies (UPT), began …

Hydrogen hub, which should occur on Sakhalin as a result of cooperation of the region with large enterprises, primarily Rosatom, Gazprom, Russian Railways, Transmashholding and automakers, will, as it is planned, produce about 30 thousand tons of hydrogen by 2024 And about 100 thousand tons – …

September 30, 2021, ATLELSENSEN, The BARENTS OBSERVER, Norway of the company, for the past ten years, closely cooperating in the field of exploration and production of oil, announced their intention to deal with carbon management issues together. On September 28, companies signed an agreement aimed at …

Norilsk Nickel, Rosatom and DCSS (it includes the Verf Zvezda) concluded an agreement on intentions to jointly design and build an icebreaker on diesel fuel and LNG. About why Norilnikel is a new two -fuel icebreaker and why it is planned to be built in Russia, the senior told Kommersant …