Popular sports in England | Absolute Travel

Popular sports in England | Absolute Travel

In England, there are many popular sports originating in this country, for example, football, golf, table tennis, cricket or rugby.

Popular sports in England

Are you doing any sport? Sports physical activity are common all over the world, but there are sports that are more popular than others, or sports that are engaged only in some countries, and not in all. For example, do you know what it is The most popular sport in England?

Sport is not a game, sports implies competition, rules, training. And the truth is that many sports are practiced in England, and you will not even see some of them on ESPN. Let's see what they are.

Sport in England

Firstly, it must be said that the UK has long-standing sports traditions and that Extremely popular sports originated here, we are talking about tennis, then Billar, then boxing, then football, then golf, el hockey, el rugby.

The islands are so small and with such restless people, right? If we need to study the story a little, we can return to the seventeenth century and political movements that existed on the islands at that time.

You probably heard about PuritanQuite strange people, definitely not lovers of pleasure. Well, Puritans banned quite a lot of things, including theaters and certain physical and group classes, which actually were related to gambling. For example, jumps and boxing. With the fall of Puritan, this activity returned by force.

To the XNUMX century cricket It has already established itself among the English higher class and in public schools football. With the urbanization of the XNUMX century, many rural games began to move to the city, hand in hand with the workers, and then the middle and upper class adapted. Everything else was done by institutions and their regulated life, and thus all the sports we knew were configured.

Popular sports in England

As we said at the beginning, Sport is important in England And this country is the cradle of many of the most famous in the world. This makes the UK a player who is always afraid of international competitions.

Passion for sports left with colonialists So today the former colonies, such as Australia, New Zealand or India, are competitors. For example, in a scream or rugby.


There is in England National League Rugby there is also Union Rugby. This kind of sports accepts his rules at the beginning of the XNUMX century And he becomes very popular in schools to subsequently reach the world level.

Rugby here is professional and entertaining. Yes, you should know that they are different rugby, The Union of Rugby and the Rugby League. They have different rules, the number of players, methods of promoting the ball.

Rugby It is much more popular in Yorkshire, Northwest England and Cambria.. The largest games are held here.


This is a sport It is even more popular than tennis in the village, and this is because This is much more accessibleEven if you are a beginner. Although this is good English, badminton Born in India As a variant of the traditional English game with rackets.

Then there is Badminton Association of England, founded in 1893.which regulates sport in the country and supports other 41 countries where this sport is practiced.


The origin of this sport is still in sport, but, without a doubt, he has been born in the English islands and has since become part of the national idiosyncrazia. Story dates back to Xnumx century Or a little earlier, since the name of the sport is mentioned in the then documents. Of course, it could be played much earlier, as in a children's game.

Hoy There are 18 professional screaming clubs In England, and each of them has historical names of counties. Every summer, each of these clubs is involved in the championship of the country's country – a tournament with two leagues, which is held within four days.

Cryak is a game in which use bit and ballWhere two teams look at each other at the field, in the center of which there is an embankment with clubs by which they should transmit balls.


There is The second most popular sport in the UK And the most long -lived. He brings a lot of money, and his two main events are Royal ascot (The one where the royal persons wear huge and very rare hats), and Chelnyem festival.

There are jumps on the islands. From Roman timesTherefore, many of his rules arose here. AT Jockey Club dates back to 1750 and is the only Determines absolutely everything in sports.

Hay Two types of races: Flat races with fixed distances on free tracks and national hunting jumps, which are longer and in which horses often have to jump.

There is about 60 Hippodrome It has a license in the UK and two more in Northern Ireland. The oldest of them is in Chester, built in the XNUMX century.


Tennis has background And they seem to go back to the XII century in France, on the site of which the ball was transmitted by the blow of the palm. It seems that Luis X did not like to play outdoors, and therefore he opened closed courts – a custom that spread to the royal palaces of Europe.

The rackets appeared on stage in the XNUMX century. It was then that this sport began to be called tennis, this word came from French, KeepKeep or take something that shouted between opponents. Thus, he became very popular in France and England. Henry VIII was a big fan of tennis.

Modern tennis dates back to the 30s of the XIX century. And since then they began to establish the rules and codes of this sport. Today is the tournament Wimbledon This is the most popular in England and one of the tournaments of the large helmet of ATP Tour. It has been played since 1877.

This sport was born in ancient Egypt and today is a synonym for English universities and schools. In fact, this sport, as we know him, originated at the beginning of the seventeenth century on regattas, which were held on the Thames in London, where various unions and companies competed. By the eighteenth century, “boat clubs” were born in public schools, such as the Iton College or the Damish school, and in better famous universities such as Cambridge or Oxford.

La International Federation of Rowl was founded in 1892 and is regulates sport What really It includes 150 member countries. Rowing This is an Olympic sport And he has been participating in games since 1896. Since then, men are competing, but Women only since 1976.


Golf This was invented in Scotland But he is very popular in England. He was born on the east coast of Scotland, not far from Edinburgh, and then the players threw pebbles into sand dunes. The Scots were so passionate that they even neglected military training in the XNUMX century, so King Jacob I decided to ban it.

No one paid much attention to this, and in the XNUMX century Golf became the royal game with the approval of King Jacob IV. From Scotland to England and from England to the whole world. He became official in England with the founding of Gentlemen Golfers in Leit, First Golf Club, 1744. The first 18-moon golf field was built in St. Andrews in 1764, which became the standard of the game.

Golf It spread from the hands of the British Empire in the XNUMX centuryIn India, Ireland, Australia, Canada, USA and Hong Kong. The industrial revolution brought many changes, and the train forced golf clubs to leave the city towards rural areas, receiving followers and players. The production of balls and clubs has also changed. The Open Championship of Great Britain was born in 1860.

English dominance over the golf ended when appeared on stage in the USA in 1894.. Your association established the final rules of the game And formed many clubs. Today, golf fields in the United States are beautiful and look well -groomed, and in England – more rude and untidy.

In any case, in honor of their place of birth, some of the most famous golf fields in the world are still in Scotland: Glenigls, Carnes, St. Andrews, Royal Troon.


Football has a long story here, and in fact there are documents that say about football in 1314. The first competition in the world was also held here and the first professional league was founded.

There are more than a hundred football clubs And the most popular league is known as Premier League. In this league there are 20 teams throughout Great Britain, among the most popular – Arsenal, Liverpool or Manchester United.

Football here is controlled by a football association, one of the oldest organizations in the world. He was born to regulate various football options that they played at that time in public schools in the country.We can say that these rules follow from Cambridge rules established by the university in 1848.

Hand in hand with the British who traveled with companies around the world. World sport crossed the border. Today it is one of the most popular sports in the world both in professional and entertaining. The World Cup, organized FIFA, undoubtedly pleases the audience and requires a lot of money.

So far, some of the most famous sports in England. We can add to the list Swimming, athletics, field and puck hockey, volleyball.

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