Not all business entities – Beshenkovichi react to criticism in the media. Beshenkovichi district. Zara. The district newspaper

Not all business entities – Beshenkovichi react to criticism in the media. Beshenkovichi district. Zara. The district newspaper

Not all business entities react to criticism in the media in order to strengthen the performing discipline, increase the role of state media in the socio-political

Not all business entities react to criticism in the media

In order to strengthen the performing discipline, to increase the role of the state media in the socio-political and socio-economic life of society by decree No. 630, the requirements of the head of state were established for the mandatory response of entities of all forms of ownership to the critical materials published in the media about their activities.

The results of control measures show that thanks to the purposeful work of the regional committee and local executive and administrative bodies in the region, systematic work in this area has been established, and generally compliance with the requirements of Decree No. 630.

At the same time, single violations are established in certain areas.

Thus, the State Control Committee of the Vitebsk region during the monitoring revealed 10 facts of violations of the requirements of Decree No. 630 in terms of the untimely direction to the institution Editorial of the district newspaper Arshanskaya Gazeta and the program of district broadcasting, The editors of the district newspaper Hero of the Praits Shumilinsky district, The editors of the district newspaper Our Talachynshchyna and Editorial of the regional newspaper Vitebsk Vesti information on the results of consideration of critical materials published in them and measures taken on them.

The revealed facts of violations of the requirements of Decree No. 630 were made by 9 business entities: OJSC Rosssky Selets, Pishchalovsky Village Executive Committee, Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Orsha District Executive Committee, LLC Trading House of Oris, BPS-Sberbank OJSC, Shumilinskoye The district consumer society, the Orshavodokanal branch UP Vitebskvodokanal, UKPP Vitebsk city housing and communal services and OJSC Banner of Industrialization.

For all the facts of violations revealed during monitoring, the regional committee sent letters to the heads of the Orsha, Shumilinsky district executive committees, the Vitebsk city executive committee, the Main Directorate of the Housing and Communal Services of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, OJSC Orsha Combine of Bakes Products, the Vitebskprom, as well as the reign taking exhaustive measures to prevent such violations in the future. For the violations identified during monitoring, 6 officials were brought to disciplinary liability.

We remind you that, in accordance with paragraph 3 of paragraph 2 of Decree No. 630, the heads of state bodies and other organizations are required to send information about the measures taken to the relevant state media within a month from the date of publication or broadcast of such messages.Failure to comply with these requirements without good reason entails the application of measures of disciplinary liability to the said officials, up to and including their dismissal from their positions.