MNTK specialists “Microsurgery of the eye

MNTK specialists “Microsurgery of the eye

Specialists of the MNTK Microsurgery of the Eye


The leaders of our clinic are experienced doctors with scientific degrees and rich experience. Under their leadership, the Cheboksary branch of MNTK Microsurgery of the Eye is one of their leading Russian centers for the provision of high -tech ophthalmic surgical care in various eye diseases and conditions known both in Russia and beyond

Surgeons are proficient in all methods of correcting strabismus, are engaged in hardware treatment of strabismus and its complications. Surgical treatment of congenital cataracts and other anomalies in the structure of the eyeball, as well as the consequences of injuries, is carried out at the highest level. The department's ophthalmic surgeons also perform corneal transplantation operations. Together with the dacryological group, they treat the pathology of the lacrimal ducts in children of any age

Director of the Cheboksary branch, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor, ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

Schedule and hours of receiving medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

Deputy Director for Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, an ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

Deputy Director for Organizational and Clinical Work, Ph.D.

Head of the fourth (children's) department, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist of the first qualification category

Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Operationalmologist of the Higher Qualification Category

Laser Surgery Department of the retina

The department introduces all modern laser treatment methods, including retinal pattern with diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of premature, peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophy, central serous chorioretinopathy, angiomatosis, laser manipulations in various post-traumatic states of the mesh and socialist wrap. With macular edema of various etiologies, they act as a micro -gun laser, with glaucomone optical neuropathy - the method of transpupyllar thermotherapy is used, and with clouding the vitreous body - the method of vitreolisis.

During the pathology of the anterior segment of the eye, laser discord of secondary cataracts, laser iridectomy, goniopuncture, trabeculoplasty and reconstructive operations on the anterior segment of the eye are performed. The department has mastered fluorescent angiography of the fundus and optical coherent tomography of the retina and optic nerve, including in angioregies.

Diagnostic center

A unique automated conveyor, created thanks to the creative cooperation of doctors of the branch and engineers of the Cheboksary aggregate plant in 1987, allowed to undergo a diagnostic examination of more than 1.75 million people in 33 years of work. The basic principles of the diagnostic conveyor are the high examination rate, a clear sequence of stages, their synchronism and convenience for patients.

We use the modern equipment of leading firms in the United States, Japan, Germany, South Korea. In addition to generally accepted standard visual diagnostic methods, the latest computer, laser and ultrasound methods of detailed examination of the eye structures are used, which allow to ensure a comprehensive examination and diagnosis on the day of circulation, taking into account the individual approach to the patient and subsequently conduct the necessary surgical or conservative treatment

+7(8352) 49-24-54

Schedule and hours of receiving medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00
All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

Schedule and hours of receiving medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

Head of the Diagnostic Department, candidate of medical sciences, an ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

Head of the first laser department (bottom), candidate of medical sciences, an ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

Department of refraction and laser surgery

For the first time, refraction and laser operations in the branch were performed in 1997. Keratotomy was replaced by a new technology-eximerlazer keratectomy (French), laser thermo-keratoplasty (LTK) is widely used to correct hyperopia. In 2003, a new type of operation is introduced into clinical practice- Lazik, then technologies for the upper abode of Lasek, Epi-Lazik.

In 2007, the doctors of the departments were the first in Russia to perform operations using a femo -section laser keratoma - a femolazic.Based on many years of clinical experience, doctors use advanced technologies to correct any refractive errors, including in patients after various operations on the cornea and internal structures of the eyeball. One of the priority directions of the department is laser correction of congenital refractive disorders in children. Since 2000, the department's doctors were among the first in Russia who began to use LTK, then LASEK, LASIK and FemtoLASIK excimer laser surgeries for the correction of hypermetropic anisometropia in children

Vitreoretinal compartment

Perennial surgical experience and modern technical equipment of the branch of vitreoretinal surgery make it possible to perform a wide range of surgical interventions – from episcleral sealing to complex endovreal operations on the retina and vitreous. Combined reconstructive interventions on the anterior and rear segments with opaque optical media with artificial lens implantation, including artificial irid -strip diaphragm and corneal transplant, help patients to preserve visual functions even after severe eyes' injuries. Microdinating technologies 25 and 27 GA allow delicate interventions in the macular region, accelerating the rehabilitation of patients and improving functional results.Spetsialisti_mntk_mikroxirogiya_glaza

+7(8352) 49-24-05

MNTK specialists “Microsurgery of the eye
Specialists of the MNTK Microsurgery of the Eye

Currently, more than 80% of all operations are femtolaser technologies, including personalized topogram and wavefront ablations using lasers of foreign and Russian production: IntraLase FS 60, IntraLase FS 150 (USA), FemtoVISUM ( Russia), MicroSCAN 500 (Russia)


Working hours and hours of reception of medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

The leaders of our clinic are experienced doctors with scientific degrees and rich experience. Under their leadership, the Cheboksary branch of MNTK Microsurgery of the Eye is one of their leading Russian centers for the provision of high -tech ophthalmic surgical care in various eye diseases and conditions known both in Russia and beyond

Pozdeeva Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Kulikova Irina Leonidovna

Batkov Evgeny Nikolaevich

Pashtaev Nikolai Petrovich

Director of the Cheboksary branch, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor, ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

Shvardakov Sergey Ivanovich

Arseev Vladimir Vladimirovich

Deputy Director for Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, an ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

Deputy Director for Organizational and Clinical Work, Ph.D.

+7(8352) 49-24-20

Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Operationalmologist of the Higher Qualification Category
Diagnostic center

Yambatrova Ludmila Vladimirovna

A unique automated conveyor, created thanks to the creative cooperation of doctors of the branch and engineers of the Cheboksary aggregate plant in 1987, allowed to undergo a diagnostic examination of more than 1.75 million people in 33 years of work. The basic principles of the diagnostic conveyor are the high examination rate, a clear sequence of stages, their synchronism and convenience for patients.

Shlenskaya Olga Vyacheslavovna

Katmakova Margarita Arkadevna

Prokhorova Tatyana Valerievna

Volkova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Korsakova Nadezhda Vitalievna

Stepanova Veronika Yurievna

We use the modern equipment of leading firms in the United States, Japan, Germany, South Korea. In addition to generally accepted standard visual diagnostic methods, the latest computer, laser and ultrasound methods of detailed examination of the eye structures are used, which allow to ensure a comprehensive examination and diagnosis on the day of circulation, taking into account the individual approach to the patient and subsequently conduct the necessary surgical or conservative treatment

Schedule and hours of receiving medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

+7(8352) 49-24-12

Head of the Diagnostic Department, candidate of medical sciences, an ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category
Vitreoretinal compartment

Zotov Vadim Valerievich

Alexandrova Irina Vasilievna

Frolichev Ivan Alexandrovich

Novitskaya Svetlana Yurievna

Perennial surgical experience and modern technical equipment of the branch of vitreoretinal surgery make it possible to perform a wide range of surgical interventions – from episcleral sealing to complex endovreal operations on the retina and vitreous. Combined reconstructive interventions on the anterior and rear segments with opaque optical media with artificial lens implantation, including artificial irid -strip diaphragm and corneal transplant, help patients to preserve visual functions even after severe eyes' injuries. Microdinating technologies 25 and 27 GA allow delicate interventions in the macular region, accelerating the rehabilitation of patients and improving functional results.The department also provide assistance to small patients. Children's vitreal surgery is a necessary link in the treatment of retinal detachments, inflammatory and congenital changes in a vitreous body, complications of retinopathy of premature

Grigorieva Irina Nikolaevna

Nikolaev Igor Alexandrovich

Voskresenskaya Anna Alexandrovna

Schedule and hours of receiving medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

Head of the Vitreoretinal Surgery division, candidate of medical sciences, an ophthalmologist of the first qualification category

+7(8352) 49-24-17

Head of the scientific and educational department, candidate of medical sciences, an ophthalmologist of the first qualification category
Head of the therapeutic treatment of macular pathology, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist of the first qualification category, specialist for clinical research

Borisova Daria Vladimirovna

Department of Surgery Glaucoma

Sorokina Olga Valerievna

Gorbunova Nadezhda Yurievna

Skvortsov Vyacheslav Veniaminovich

Zotova Julia Vyacheslavovna

Makarova Olga Gennadievna

Markova Anna Alexandrovna

The department conducts a wide range of anti -hail operations depending on the type and stage of the glaucomic process. Various types of laser interventions are used as independent methods of treatment, and as a preliminary stage before surgical intervention or in the postoperative period during decompensation of intraocular pressure. The doctors of the department are actively performed by microinvasive surgical interventions that significantly reduce the risk of complications and accelerate rehabilitation in the postoperative period. Also, in surgery, glaucomas are possible to use various drainage, including valve drainage Ahmed. In the treatment of certain forms of glaucoma, combined treatment of glaucoma and cataracts is possible. In the glaucomic compartment with compensated intraocular pressure, conservative therapy is carried out to maintain and preserve visual functions of the eye.

Schedule and hours of receiving medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

+7(8352) 49-24-02

Head of the Glaucoma Surgery Department, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category
Cataract surgery department

Mikhailov Nikita Olegovich

The main professional activity of the Department of Cataract Surgery is microinvasive surgery of the anterior segment of the eyeball, including surgical treatment of all types of complicated cataracts (traumatic, congenital, lens ectopia), correction of complicated aphakia, refractive lens replacement with implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses, including toric ones. The priority is to perform opto-reconstructive operations with simultaneous cataract extraction and penetrating corneal transplantation, as well as the performance of automated anterior and posterior layered keratoplasty in dystrophic diseases of the cornea

Yakovlev Roman Alexandrovich

Elakov Yury Nikolaevich

Artemyeva Tatyana Fedorovna

Lukin Vladislav Petrovich

The latest modern equipment (femtolasers and phacoemulsifiers of the latest generation), along with continuous advanced training of surgeons, allows not only to expand the range of surgical procedures, but also to individualize the surgical approach, thus providing a new level of treatment efficiency.

Working hours and hours of reception of medical workers: from 8.00 to 16.00

All doctors participate in the provision of paid services

Head of the operating unit, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category

+7(8352) 49-24-60

Children's ophthalmological department
Pediatric doctors deal with many diseases of children's eyes. They consult small patients with myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, amblyopia, strabismus, retinopathy of prematurity, etc.