LED traffic lights, buy two -signal, pedestrian and transport LED traffic lights, prices from the manufacturer

LED traffic lights, buy two -signal, pedestrian and transport LED traffic lights, prices from the manufacturer

We offer to buy LED traffic lights, two -signal and pedestrian, prices from the manufacturer Sveturv ✔ Call, order two -tone and transport LED traffic lights

LED traffic lights

LED 6700/6701

What is a traffic light and how it works, many will learn even in preschool age, but not everyone is familiar with the LED traffic controller. The modern industry of lighting devices quickly stepped forward and, along with traditional incandescent lamps, innovative LED modules appeared. LED traffic light is a more powerful and modern road traffic controller, which has a significant list of advantages.

Advantages and features

Let us dwell in more detail on the operational characteristics, because of which, more and more often on the roads of Moscow and other cities of our country, pedestrian and transport traffic lights LED appear:

  • modern design with European design;
  • Economical energy consumption. One LED module effectively works for about 100 thousand hours, significantly exceeding the capabilities of incandescent lamps. In addition, energy consumption is reduced (almost 10 times);
  • lack of need for special communications for installation; , autonomously controlled;
  • highly resistant to the effects of surrounding factors (precipitation, temperature changes, etc.);
  • minimization of operation and maintenance costs;
  • The lack of a “phantom effect” (with a bright sun, the eyes do not perceive the differences between the flowers, as if 3 sections are burning at the same time), which manifests itself in traditional models. This factor significantly increases movement safety;
  • Minimum breakdowns and malfunctions in work are, which means that road plugs and congestion will form less often.

If you need to buy three or two -tone LED traffic lights, contact the managers of the Svetoproist company. They will not only provide comprehensive information, but will also tell you more about the features of a particular model.

Many publications on road safety are published here.

Our company is engaged in the production and sale of LED traffic lights. Such LED road traffic lights have a number of significant advantages over simple traffic lights. The use of new LED traffic lights and LED light blocks to replace an optical system with incandescent lamps can significantly reduce energy consumption and operational costs for maintenance of traffic lights, as well as increase traffic safety. Pedestrian traffic lights, road traffic lights and these transport traffic lights – you can buy all these traffic lights from us.

Advantages of LED traffic lights

Method of installation of LED reflective trail
Specification of the height of the installation of LED traffic lights
Mounting method of LED traffic light
At present, ultra-bright LED lamps have replaced incandescent lamps as traffic lights, warning lights, warning lights all over the world. Compared with incandescent lamps, LED traffic lights have the advantages of low power consumption, long service life and higher brightness, making them an ideal light source for traffic light lighting.

1. Good visibility:

LED traffic lights under continuous lighting, rain, dust and other harsh weather conditions can still maintain good visibility and performance. LEDs emit monochromatic light, which does not require the use of a colored film to produce a red, yellow, green signal; in addition, the light emitted by the LED has a certain angle of divergence and directivity, which can be used instead of traditional signal aspherical mirrors. These features of LED lamps solve problems with ghosting (known as false display) and color film fading in traditional non-LED traffic lights and improve lighting efficiency.

2. Energy saving:

Lower consumption as the biggest energy saving advantage in LED light source makes a lot of sense in lighting applications. Compared to incandescent lamps, which provide 80% of heat loss with only 20% of visible light, an LED traffic light delivers almost 100% of LED drive energy as visible light.

3. Low heat energy:

The LED is driven by electrical energy directly to the light, the heat generated is very low, almost no heat. The cooled surface of the LED traffic light ensures a longer service life and can protect people to avoid being burned during maintenance.

4. Long service life:

Sometimes in frosty winter, and sometimes in hot summer, sometimes in sunny days, and sometimes in rainy days, the working conditions of traffic lights are relatively harsh, so traffic lights have higher requirements for stability. Ordinary incandescent lamps have an average lifespan of 1000 hours, while halogen lamps have 2000 hours, so maintenance costs are high. LED traffic lights have a lifespan of around 80,000 hours and do not suffer from damage caused by filament strikes or broken glass issues.

5. Fast response:

LED traffic lights react faster than halogen lights, which greatly reduces the number of traffic accidents.

Traffic lights play an important role in urban traffic and a large number of old or dead traffic lights need to be replaced or upgraded every year, resulting in a relatively large market.In the end, high profits contribute to the development of manufacturing companies and designers, and can also stimulate the entire LED industry.

What are the advantages of LED traffic lights?

LEDs offer users many advantages in all spectra. LEDs, of course, are good when it comes to traffic lights. Here are some advantages that emphasize their growing importance.

Energy conservation: in conditions of rising prices for fossil fuel due to environmental pollution, the world seeks to look for energy -saving solutions to reduce costs and improve the quality of the environment. LEDs provide a great way to reduce electricity costs by replacing old incandescent lamps with LEDs in traffic lights. The potential option for savings prompted many countries of the world to conclude energy conservation contracts in order to modernize their traffic lights.

Safety and durability: LEDs perform an excellent function, ensuring energy savings, and, as a rule, work longer without failures. Typical LEDs last from five to ten years, while a typical incandescent lamp burns after one year of use. Thus, if the LEDs are installed on traffic lights, they can invariably reduce maintenance graphs in cities, as well as reduce the cost of replacing incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps. This not only increases the safety of traffic lights, but also significantly reduces the amount of accidents due to the failure of traffic lights. Now, moving to part of reliability, LEDs provide high reliability due to their internal structure, which also implemented semiconductor technology. The semiconductor material is used to radiate light in LEDs, and there are no thin threads that could fail, as in incandescent lamps. In addition, the most pleasant in the LEDs is that they are installed on traffic lights with many LEDs, so if one of the LEDs fails inside the device, the device will still work. LEDs are not only more durable and more effective, they also focus light better, making a traffic light very light and noticeable for oncoming movement. This helps to reduce the number of accidents, because drivers can better see the signal.

Huge advantages (and one problem) of LED traffic lights
Sometimes effectiveness can lead to unexpected new problems.

When the cities began to replace old incandescent lamps on traffic lights with new LED grilles, this had all kinds of wonderful advantages. LED matrices serve much, much longer than bulbs that need to be replaced every two years. They also require much, much less energy, which can save thousands of dollars in the cost of electricity.They are also much more efficient, producing almost no unnecessary heat, as incandescent bulbs do. And this is the last thing that turned out to be a problem.

The myriad benefits of LED lamps and custom-made arrays designed to fit right inside luminaires where incandescent lamps used to be are leading to the widespread adoption of these best alternatives. But along with that, as Alec Watson of Technology Connections explains, there was an unexpected problem. Thanks to the excess heat generated by incandescent bulbs, traditional traffic lights were able to withstand even the worst snow and ice storms, melting away any buildup that might obscure the view. There were no LEDs, due to their greater efficiency.

This shortcoming, however unusual and unexpected, immediately became an argument against lighting in general, ignoring both their myriad advantages and the fact that this problem, while surprising, was also extremely rare. Watson explains in great detail how this problem proved to be a significant stumbling block for a technology that was clearly superior to its alternative in almost every other way:

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Ultimately, solutions such as LED arrays with built-in heating modules emerged on those rare occasions when this new weakness was actually a major concern. But most of all, it bought time to show that the flaws, as startling as they were, weren't all that bad in context. Sometimes people just need a little to absorb what any engineer could have told them from the start.

Benefits of LED Road Signs
LED lighting can be applied to road signs to improve visibility at night or on cloudy days. Adding lights to a standard stop sign can draw more attention in a crowded parking lot. Here are the important points to keep in mind if you are investing in LED road signs.

How LED Lights Cut Costs
Large stores have had to cut costs in order to survive, which has helped pave the way for LED lighting among large structures. With greater visibility, durability and efficiency, these modern luminaires have become popular in all supply chains from warehouses to retail outlets. They also make large parking lots safer by reducing accidents and controlling traffic.

One of the main ways a company can reduce the cost of LED lights is that they don't require as much maintenance.Replacing parts is rare, since LED lamps are designed for a much longer service life than ordinary incandescent lamps. While incandescent lamps usually serve 1200 hours, LED lamps usually serve from 25,000 to 100,000 hours.

Increasing the safety of pedestrians
Adding LED road signs to your parking lots helps to protect pedestrians, sending visitors a signal that this is a safe area for walking. Thanks to the LED bulbs located at the corners of the sign, the message is brightly highlighted, which facilitates its reading on a cloudy or foggy day. Stop signs simply become more authoritative and effective when they burn. It also helps to place LED lights on other road signs, such as a pedestrian crossing or a sign of limiting the speed of a school bus.

The placement of LED lamps around the signs of speed limiting at school is useful to remind drivers about the need to reduce speed in the presence of children. The more you place these lights on the signs surrounding the school, the more this will warn drivers that they need to beware of pedestrians.

Environmentally friendly traffic lights
LED road signs can work on sunny batteries, which adds another level of stability to your infrastructure. Solar energy is steadily penetrating and integrating with traditional systems due to energy efficiency. The more you use renewable energy sources, the more you reduce your carbon mark and contribute to a cleaner environment. The use of solar LED lamps allows your organization to publish information in your marketing materials that it is working on more environmentally friendly solutions.

The public is becoming increasingly aware of environmental protection and demonstrates the growing support of stable decisions. LED lighting meets these standards by ensuring economy, energy efficiency and durability. LED lights usually serve for several decades, but can also be processed.

What are the advantages of LED traffic lights?

LED traffic lights improve visibility, last longer and reduce electricity costs.
The next time you stop at the intersection, take a closer look at the luminous red fire. If it looks like a honeycomb from bright red dots, you like an example of LED traffic lights. Cities around the world systematically replace their old traffic lights based on incandescent lamps with more energy-efficient LEDs since the mid-1990s. These traffic lights have several advantages over models with incandescent lamps, but three main advantages are improved visibility, a longer shelf life and lower electricity costs.

The development of commercially viable LED traffic lights was initially hampered by the limitation of light emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs generate light by passing electrical current through certain gases. At first, LEDs could only produce red, which limited their use to monochromatic devices such as alarm clock displays or calculators. Further improvements in technology have resulted in three colors used for traffic signaling: red, amber and green.

One of the main advantages of these traffic lights is increased visibility. Incandescent bulbs were often obscured by colored filters, reflectors, and glass lenses, which could affect how much light actually entered drivers' eyes. LED traffic lights use a variety of bright LEDs that do not require additional filters or amplification. If one incandescent lamp burns out, the entire lighting sequence is disrupted. Several LEDs can fail in these lamps without causing noticeable failures. A catastrophic failure involving all the LEDs on the panel would indeed be rare.

Another advantage is lower maintenance costs. Nearly all of the cost of LED traffic lights is upfront—LEDs are expensive, and the signals themselves require more labor to produce. These costs are usually offset by lower maintenance costs. If an incandescent light bulb burns out, which happens three times a year on average, a trained city worker must replace the light bulb while traffic is being redirected. On the other hand, LED lamps may only require annual cleaning of protective lenses. Individual light panels often last ten years or more, depending on conditions.

In this regard, it should be noted that another advantage of LED traffic lights is a noticeable energy savings. A standard incandescent light bulb can use 100 watts of electricity to produce light, but an equivalent LED panel uses 15 to 20 watts to achieve the same intensity. Considering how many thousands of incandescent bulbs have to be on around the clock, it's easy to see why LEDs are so attractive to cities with limited electricity budgets. Larger cities can save significant amounts of money by switching to LED traffic systems. In some cities that have switched, the amber light is still on, as it does not stay on for as long as the green and red signals.

If you've been traveling down W. Broad Street in Enrico County lately, you may have noticed that outdated superstructure traffic lights are being replaced with new signal heads and poles.The signal upgrades are being carried out by VDOT with funding from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). HSIP is a federal assistance program that exists to reduce traffic deaths and injuries on all public streets and highways.

One example of a HSIP-funded project that was developed by the Timmons Group for VDOT is located at the intersection of W. Broad Street and Bethlehem Road in Enrico. The project involved the removal of old traffic lights mounted on superstructures and replacing them with new LED traffic lights mounted on masts and street name signs with enlarged text to meet current federal standards.

The benefits of LED signals include: brighter light, using only 10 percent of the electricity used by incandescent bulbs, and they have a long lifespan that can last from 7 to 10 years. So how do the benefits of LED signals lead to improved safety?

1.) Avoids the phantom effect. Incandescent signals have reflectors behind the bulbs, and when approached from east to west in the morning or evening, all colors appear to be on when sunlight hits the signal lens directly. This problem is eliminated when LED signals are installed because LED signals do not use reflectors.
2.) Contains battery backup system. In the event of a power loss during a storm, the low power requirements of the LEDs allow the signals to continue operating on the back-up power system for 24 hours (depending on signal configuration) before replacing the batteries.
3.) Less Maintenance. An incandescent light bulb has only one filament, which requires immediate replacement when it fails. The LED signal contains several dozen miniature diodes and will continue to function even when some of the diodes stop working. The long lifespan of an LED signal means less demand for agency attendants working in the middle of an intersection to change a light bulb.

Other safety improvements for this project included installing new ramps with cut curbs, completing the sidewalk network surrounding the intersection, new motion detection zones, and adjusting the stop line to improve the trajectory of vehicles making left turns. Signal avoidance equipment has also been added to allow emergency vehicles to interrupt normal signal operation and pass through the intersection with less delay and in safer conditions.

Timmons Group provided VDOT with all the engineering services needed to successfully complete this HSIP project and many other security projects on schedule and on budget.

Questions, reviews, comments (14)

1. Electric lamp signal for road traffic lights Type: incandescent lamp for road traffic lights;

No. Name of the goods of those. Product characteristics units. Izm. Top
1. Electric lamp signal for road traffic lights Type: incandescent lamp for road traffic lights;
Scope: for automobile traffic lights and road signs;
Voltage, B: 220;
Power, Tue: 100;
Base: e27;
Service life, hours: at least 8000;
Light flow, lum.: At least 1030;
Stream after 1000 hours: at least 100%;
Stream after 5000 hours: at least 100%;
Lighting, lum/W: at least 10.3;
Column color: transparent;
Working position: any;
Length, mm: 95;
Diameter, mm: 60;
Filating thread: with an additional mount to compensate for vibration.
Each lamp should have individual packaging indicating the technical characteristics and service life of the electric lamp. PCS. 1240

Transport LED traffic light STO-300 (t.1.2)

Transport LED traffic light STO-300 (t.1.2)

Highlight White GOST R 52282 2004 and GOST R 52289 2004

Highlight White GOST R 52282 2004 and GOST R 52289 2004

43 MSS-100 Modules LED traffic lights

No. Product code
Good's Code Name
Name Mark
Brand Picture
Image Description
Characteristics Analogue?
ANALOGUE? ​​ Security?
Safety? Contract?
CONTRACT? Unit. Izm.

43 MSS-100 Modules LED traffic lights

Led Traffic Light Modules ITEB is a spare part, intended for the main mechanic’s service, the initiator of the procurement is the main mechanic service.
The module is LED traffic light
The radiated color is yellow
D = 100
Power 220 in AC

A Spare Part Intended for the Service of the Chief Mechanic, The Initiator of the Purchase Is the Service of the Chief Muchanic.
Led Traffic Light Module
Emitting Color Yellow
D = 100
Power Supply 220 V AC Yes/
Yes yes/
Yes No Info pcs /

Two -sectional power supply voltage, in 220 maximum current consumption, MA, no more than 70 diameter of the working surface of the dispersals of traffic lights, mm 200 displaced reference value, sec 99

Two -sectional power supply voltage, in 220 maximum current consumption, MA, no more than 70 diameter of the working surface of the dispersals of traffic lights, mm 200 displaced reference value, sec 99

Traffic Light STO -300 T.1.2 without toovs

Traffic Light STO -300 T.1.2 without toovs

1. Transport traffic light 300mm (LED) vol .1.2 -e, return report, number 113 pcs., – (passing price P).

Please tell me, can you put traffic lights?

1. Transport traffic light 300mm (LED) vol .1.2 -e, return report, number 113 pcs., – (passing price P).

2. Pedestrian traffic light 300mm (LED) P.1.2 -E, return report board, number 72 pcs., – (passing price P).

3. An additional section of the transport traffic light 300mm (LED) with a red rim, the amount of 28 pcs., – (passing price P).

Technical requirements and drawings to traffic lights can be viewed in the application.

Library for traffic lights in Yekaterinburg

Library for traffic lights in Yekaterinburg

Highlight Right ESP Buy Buy screen

Highlight Right ESP Buy Buy screen

Question about the supply of LED traffic lights

p / p Name
goods Indicators to determine the conformity of the purchased goods
requirements established by the customer Code of position KTR or the name of the technical regulation or document in accordance with the standardization system of the Russian Federation used in describing the characteristics of the procurement object, OKPD code (2) OK 034-2014
1 Traffic light green signal module Т.1.2
Outlet aperture diameter, mm – 300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The glow color is green.
Axial light intensity of the green signal – 300 cd.
Module thickness, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W – 12 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power supply of products – single-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60±2)0С to plus (60±2)0С GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs: 100pcs (minimum value of the indicator)
2 Yellow traffic light module Т.1.2
Outlet aperture diameter, mm – 300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The light color is yellow.
Axial luminous intensity of the yellow signal – 400 cd.
Module thickness, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W – 12 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power supply of products – single-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60±2)0С to plus (60±2)0С GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs: 100pcs (minimum value of the indicator)
3 Traffic light yellow signal module Т.1.2 with TOOV
Outlet aperture diameter, mm – 300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The light color is yellow.
Axial luminous intensity of the yellow signal – 400 cd.
Module thickness, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W:
– LLP red glow: 8 (the maximum value of the indicator);
– yellow signal: 12 (maximum value of the indicator);
– LOW green glow: 8 (maximum value of the indicator)
Power supply of products – single-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60±2)0С to plus (60±2)0С
GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs:
– yellow signal: 80 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator);
– Red signal LLP: 64 pcs (minimum value of the indicator);
– Green signal LLP: 64 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator)
Countdown time range TOOV, sec:
– for green digits: 00…199;
– for red digits: 00…199;
– operating mode of LLP:
– autonomous – designed for self-training of the LLP in the absence of commands from the RS-485 communication interface. In this mode, the traffic light displays TOV after 4 identical phase change cycles from the road controller.
– managed – designed to display the numbers of TOOV through the RS-485 communication interface.
– RS-485 information interface for operation from the customer's road controller manufactured by OOO Avtomatika-D, Omsk.
4 Traffic light red signal module Т.1.2
The diameter of the output aperture, mm-300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The color of the section of the section is red.
The axial power of the light of the red signal is 300 KD.
The thickness of the module, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W – 12 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power supply – a single -phase AC power network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60 ± 2) 0C to plus (60 ± 2) 0C
GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs: 100 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator)
5 module of the green signal of the pedestrian traffic light P.1.2
The diameter of the output aperture, mm-300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The color of the section of the section is green.
The axial power of the light of the green signal is 50 KD.
Operating temperature range:
from minus (60 ± 2) 0C to plus (60 ± 2) 0C
The thickness of the module, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Net mass – 1.5 kg (maximum value of the indicator)
The power of the traffic light consumption, Tue:
– green light emitter: 8 (maximum value of the indicator);
– red glowing toes: 7 (maximum value of the indicator)
The supply voltage of 12V/5V DC from the red -colored emitter unit of the glow;
The number of LEDs:
– Green signal: 90 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator); No.
p/n name
product indicators that allow you to determine the compliance of the purchased goods
The requirements of the KTRA position or the name of the technical regulation or document established by the Customer in accordance with the Standardization system of the Russian Federation used in the description of the characteristics of the procurement facility, the OKPD (2) OK 034-2014 code
1 module of the green signal of the transport traffic light T.1.2
The diameter of the output aperture, mm-300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The color of the glow is green.
The axial power of the light of the green signal is 300 KD.
The thickness of the module, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W – 12 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power supply – a single -phase AC power network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60 ± 2) 0C to plus (60 ± 2) 0C GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs: 100 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator)
2 module of the yellow signal of the transport traffic light t.1.2
The diameter of the output aperture, mm-300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The color of the glow is yellow.
The axial power of light of the yellow signal is 400 KD.
The thickness of the module, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W – 12 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power supply – a single -phase AC power network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60 ± 2) 0C to plus (60 ± 2) 0C GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs: 100 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator)
3 module of the yellow signal of the transport traffic light vol .1.2
The diameter of the output aperture, mm-300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The color of the glow is yellow.
The axial power of light of the yellow signal is 400 KD.
The thickness of the module, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W:
– LLP red glow: 8 (the maximum value of the indicator);
– yellow signal: 12 (maximum value of the indicator);
– LOW green glow: 8 (maximum value of the indicator)
Power supply of products – single-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60±2)0С to plus (60±2)0С
GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs:
– yellow signal: 80 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator);
– Red signal LLP: 64 pcs (minimum value of the indicator);
– Green signal LLP: 64 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator)
Countdown time range TOOV, sec:
– for green digits: 00…199;
– for red digits: 00…199;
– operating mode of LLP:
– autonomous – designed for self-training of the LLP in the absence of commands from the RS-485 communication interface. In this mode, the traffic light displays TOV after 4 identical phase change cycles from the road controller.
– managed – designed to display the numbers of TOOV through the RS-485 communication interface.
– RS-485 information interface for operation from the customer's road controller manufactured by OOO Avtomatika-D, Omsk.
4 Traffic light red signal module Т.1.2
Outlet aperture diameter, mm – 300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The glow color of the section is red.
Axial light intensity of the red signal – 300 cd.
Module thickness, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power consumption, W – 12 (maximum value of the indicator).
Power supply of products – single-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 220V

Operating temperature range:
from minus (60±2)0С to plus (60±2)0С
GOST R 52282-2004
Number of LEDs: 100pcs (minimum value of the indicator)
5 Pedestrian traffic light green signal module A.1.2
Outlet aperture diameter, mm – 300. GOST R 52282-2004
OKPD 2 –
The glow color of the section is green.
Axial light intensity of the green signal – 50 cd.
Operating temperature range:
from minus (60±2)0С to plus (60±2)0С
Module thickness, mm – 100 (maximum value of the indicator).
Net weight – 1.5 kg (maximum value of the indicator)
Power consumption of traffic light signal, W:
– emitter of green glow: 8 (maximum value of the index);
– TOV red glow: 7 (maximum value of the indicator)
Supply voltage 12V / 5V DC from the emitter unit of red glow;
Number of LEDs:
– green signal: 90 pcs. (minimum value of the indicator);
– Red signal LLP: 64 pcs (minimum value of the indicator).
The presence of an audio device.

– Red signal LLP: 64 pcs (minimum value of the indicator).
The presence of an audio device.

question – We are looking for modules for T1 traffic lights with a diameter of 300 mm. Yellow color is needed with a return report. Set for 200 pcs. on the site I saw a traffic light model 6702, the same only with a three-position feedback. Quantity 200 pcs. can be divided into several parts

question – We are looking for modules for T1 traffic lights with a diameter of 300 mm. Yellow color is needed with a return report. Set for 200 pcs. on the site I saw a traffic light model 6702, the same only with a three-position feedback. Quantity 200 pcs. can be divided into several parts. We are in Moscow. Interested in price and delivery time

Terms of reference for traffic lights – what are the prices and terms of delivery?

Item No. Name of indicators
Values ​​of indicators Rationale for the need to establish indicators Number,
units measurements
1. Road controller UK-4.1-32M (with RS-485 interface) 2 pcs
Maximum switching current of one power circuit, A not less than 2
Operating conditions, 0С – 45 – +60
Number of independent power channels (circuits) not less than 32
The number of directions of movement is at least 32
Number of movement phases at least 8
Number of fixed programs at least 8
Daily schedule of the controller for each day of the week
Control of all power circuits for open, breakdown and short circuit
Monitoring the breakage of any red channel with the transition to the ZHM mode (red conflict) and the detection of unauthorized burning green signals with the transition OS (green conflict) presence
Setting each channel to any color: red, yellow or green availability
Protection of each channel against short circuit and overload
The number of connected TVPs is at least 4
Connecting a remote control panel (VPU) availability
Connecting an engineering (diagnostic) console
Connecting a countdown board Availability
Connection of dynamic speed indicators (USK) availability
Connecting the electronic log of controller operation modes Availability
Network interfaces for connecting the controller to the center and peripheral devices (VPU, TVP, USK, detectors)
Local operating mode according to one of the fixed programs according to the daily schedule; manual control from VPU; coordinated control without a center, coordinated control from a center; dispatch control from the center with immediate and delayed execution; adaptive green wave; public transport priority
2. Road controller UK-4.1-32M 5 pcs
Maximum switching current of one power circuit, A not less than 2
Operating conditions, 0С -45 – +60
Number of independent power channels (circuits) not less than 32
The number of directions of movement is at least 32
Number of movement phases at least 8
Number of fixed programs at least 8
Daily schedule of the controller for each day of the week
Control of all power circuits for open, breakdown and short circuit
Monitoring the breakage of any red channel with the transition to the ZHM mode (red conflict) and the detection of unauthorized burning green signals with the transition OS (green conflict) presence
Setting each channel to any color: red, yellow or green availability
Protection of each channel against short circuit and overload
The number of connected TVPs is at least 4
Connecting a remote control panel (VPU) availability
Connecting an engineering (diagnostic) console
Connecting a countdown board Availability
Connection of dynamic speed indicators (USK) availability
Connecting the electronic log of controller operation modes Availability
Network interfaces for connecting the controller to the center and peripheral devices (VPU, TVP, USK, detectors)
Local operating mode according to one of the fixed programs according to the daily schedule; manual control from VPU; coordinated control without a center, coordinated control from a center; dispatch control from the center with immediate and delayed execution; adaptive green wave; public transport priority
3. Road controller UK-4.1-16M, 1 pc.
Maximum switching current of one power circuit, A not less than 2
Operating conditions, 0С -45 – +60
Number of independent power channels (circuits) not less than 16
The number of directions of movement is at least 16
Number of movement phases at least 8
Number of fixed programs at least 8
Daily schedule of the controller for each day of the week
Control of all power circuits for open, breakdown and short circuit
Monitoring the breakage of any red channel with the transition to the ZHM mode (red conflict) and the detection of unauthorized burning green signals with the transition OS (green conflict) presence
Setting each channel to any color: red, yellow or green availability
Protection of each channel against short circuit and overload
The number of connected TVPs is at least 4
Connecting a remote control panel (VPU) availability
Connecting an engineering (diagnostic) console
Connecting a countdown board Availability
Connection of dynamic speed indicators (USK) availability
Connecting the electronic log of controller operation modes Availability
Network interfaces for connecting the controller to the center and peripheral devices (VPU, TVP, USK, detectors)
Local operating mode according to one of the fixed programs according to the daily schedule; manual control from VPU; coordinated control without a center, coordinated control from a center; dispatch control from the center with immediate and delayed execution; adaptive green wave; public transport priority
4. Traffic light symbols D-300 mm – left and right 2 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015 compliance
The deviation of the linear dimensions of symbols on diffusers should not exceed ±1% of the values ​​determined from the scale image. Availability
Scale images of symbols used on the working surface of diffusers of traffic lights, according to GOST 52282-2004 (Appendix B) compliance
5.Symbols of traffic light D-300 mm-right GOST R 33385-2015 4 pcs
The deviation of the linear sizes of characters on the scattering should not exceed ± 1% of the values ​​determined in the large -scale image. Availability
Large-scale images of the characters used on the working surface of the dispersals of traffic light signals according to GOST 52282-2004 (Appendix B) Correspondence

Traffic light
30 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 Compliance
Traffic light design option I
The group is pedestrian
Traffic light index, 2
The type of case is flat
due to the design solution
The type of LED emitter is due to the design solution
Two -shift checkpoint of the time of the time and prohibiting signal with the possibility of disconnecting (toes) without disassembling the case Availability
due to the design solution
Animation Availability is due to the design solution
The return countdown of the “green and red” signal availability
due to the design solution
Controlled sound device Availability is due to the design solution
The operating mode is continuous, round -the -clock
due to the design solution
Completion with visors and components that provide assembly and installation is due to the design solution
Warranty life from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
7. Traffic light
4 things
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 Compliance
Traffic light design option I
The group is pedestrian
Traffic light index, 2
The type of plane body is due to the design solution
The type of LED emitter is due to the design solution
Two -shift checkpoint of the time of the time and prohibiting signal with the possibility of disconnecting (toes) without disassembling the case Availability
due to the design solution
The countdown of the time of the “green and red” signal is due to the design solution
The color of the numbers is green and red
due to the design solution
Controlled sound device Availability
due to the design solution
The ability to work with a controller of the type of UK 4.1 on the RS485 interface (connected through the terminal block)
due to the design solution
The operating mode is continuous, round -the -clock
due to the design solution
Completion with visors and components that provide assembly and installation is due to the design solution
Warranty life from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
8. Traffic light
40 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 Compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index vol. 1
The type of plane body is due to the design solution
The type of LED emitter is due to the design solution
Two -shift checkpoint of the time of the time and prohibiting signal with the possibility of disconnecting (toes) without disassembling the case Availability
due to design decision
Operating mode continuous, round-the-clock due to the design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to GOST requirement
9. Road traffic light
2 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index T.1.g
Housing type flat due to the design decision
The type of emitter LEDs is determined by the design decision
Double-charged countdown display of the time of the permissive and inhibiting signal with the possibility of disconnection (TOOV) without disassembling the case
Operating mode continuous, around the clock
due to design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
10. Road traffic light
8 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index T.1
Housing type flat due to the design decision
The type of emitter LEDs is determined by the design decision
Double-charged countdown display of the time of the permissive and inhibiting signal with the possibility of disconnection (TOOV) without disassembling the case
due to design decision
Possibility to work with controller type UK 4.1 via RS485 interface (connected via terminal block)
due to design decision
Operating mode continuous, around the clock
due to design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
11. Road traffic light
2 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index T.1.pc
Housing type flat due to the design decision
The type of emitter LEDs is determined by the design decision
Double-charged countdown display of the time of the permissive and inhibiting signal with the possibility of disconnection (TOOV) without disassembling the case
due to design decision
Additional section green arrow – red circle presence
due to design decision
Possibility to work with controller type UK 4.1 via RS485 interface (connected via terminal block)
due to design decision
Operating mode continuous, around the clock
due to design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
12. Road traffic light
2 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index Т.1.lk
Housing type flat due to the design decision
The type of emitter LEDs is determined by the design decision
Double-charged countdown display of the time of the permissive and inhibiting signal with the possibility of disconnection (TOOV) without disassembling the case
due to design decision
Additional section green arrow – red circle presence
due to design decision
Possibility to work with controller type UK 4.1 via RS485 interface (connected via terminal block)
due to design decision
Operating mode continuous, around the clock
due to design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
13. Road traffic light
2 pcs
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index T.2
The direction of movement to the left is determined by the design decision
Housing type flat due to the design decision
The type of emitter LEDs is determined by the design decision
Double-charged countdown display of the time of the permissive and inhibiting signal with the possibility of disconnection (TOOV) without disassembling the case
due to design decision
Possibility to work with controller type UK 4.1 via RS485 interface (connected via terminal block)
due to design decision
Operating mode continuous, around the clock
due to design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST
14. Road traffic light
1 PC
GOST R 33385-2015, GOST R 52282-2004 compliance
Traffic light design option II
Transport group
Traffic light index T.2
The direction of movement to the right is determined by the design decision
Housing type flat due to the design decision
The type of emitter LEDs is determined by the design decision
Double-charged countdown display of the time of the permissive and inhibiting signal with the possibility of disconnection (TOOV) without disassembling the case
due to design decision
Possibility to work with controller type UK 4.1 via RS485 interface (connected via terminal block)
due to design decision
Operating mode continuous, around the clock
due to design decision
Completeness with visors and components for assembly and installation is due to the design decision
Warranty period from the date of commissioning, years
at least 5
due to the requirement of GOST

order for traffic lights in Minsk

Data sheet:
The countdown board, an electronic device (hereinafter referred to as TOV), is designed to ensure the safe passage of traffic intersections, which is provided by indicating the time until the end of the permissive and prohibitive signal.
The main mode of operation is offline mode.
In the presence of a prohibiting signal, the board indicates in red the waiting time for the permissive signal.
When a permissive signal appears, the green color indicates the time remaining until the green traffic light turns off.
TOOV should provide a countdown of the remaining time in the range of 1 … 99 seconds with a step of 1 second, while blanking out insignificant zeros and flashing the display during green flashing. The circuit diagram of the LLP should provide for the operation of the scoreboard in a controlled mode (via the RS-485 interface), together with road controllers for controlling traffic lights included in the traffic control system in the city of Aktobe.
TOOV must ensure operation under the following conditions: ambient temperature from – 40°С to + 60°С; relative humidity 95% at + 30°С without moisture condensation; atmospheric pressure from 460 mm Hg. Art. up to 780 mm Hg Art. ; vibration load amplitude is not more than 0.1 mm in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 25 Hz.
The LTO should have the following functions: – if the duration of the phase of the enabling or inhibiting signal exceeds 99 seconds, then the display should show two “–” signs instead of numbers. – in stand-alone mode, the scoreboard should provide automatic determination of the time of the red and green traffic light signals according to the previous cycle of the traffic light object. – when enabling and prohibiting traffic lights are turned on at the same time in offline mode, the display of the LLP should show the “-” sign instead of numbers. – if there is an external control of the road controller (manual, dispatcher, coordinated, green street) in the controlled mode, the display of the TOOV should show two signs – instead of numbers. – in case of loss of communication with the road controller in controlled mode, the display of the TOOB should turn off after 2 maximum 3 seconds.
Application №2
Data sheet:
TOOV must have a switch on the control board, with which you can change the operating mode:
1. Work as a standalone countdown scoreboard
2. Work as a controlled countdown scoreboard.
3. Work as a speed indicator in the ASUDD-KS system
4. Work in the technological mode
GOST 15150
– AC supply voltage from 175 V to 242 V, frequency from 49 Hz to 51 Hz.
power consumption – no more than 20 watts.
axial luminous intensity with 50% segments on: at least 60 Cd for red, at least 100 Cd for green.
dimensions of characters (numbers): width – 185 mm, height – 385 mm.
color of symbols – red/green – overall dimensions of LLP, excluding visor and mounting bracket, not more than: 510 x 515 x 75 mm.
visor length – 250 mm (top). – weight of the scoreboard – no more than 10.0 kg.
MTBF must be at least 50,000 hours. – average service life not less than 8 years.
All LTOs must be shipped configured for offline operation with last cycle traffic learning and flash drive auto-recovery.
The warranty period for LLP should be at least 12 months

request for traffic lights

Item No. Name of goods Specifications Unit. rev. Qty
1 Transport traffic light with countdown STO-300 Transport traffic light with countdown STO-300 must be three-section, vertical with LED traffic light module (yellow signal with built-in countdown timer (TOOV) display of traffic signals), in an ultra-thin case, without visors, without additional sections.
The body color must be black.
Signal operation mode: countdown of the permissive signal – yellow signal – countdown of the prohibitive signal.
Two-color TOV in the format 199: red and green numbers of TOV (allowing and prohibiting signal, respectively).
Supply voltage, V: no more than 220.
Maximum current consumption, mA: 110.
Diameter of the working surface of diffusers of traffic lights, mm. 300.
The maximum displayed value of the countdown, sec: 199.
Type of climatic version: U1 according to GOST 15150-69. Interstate standard. Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors of the environment ”(approved by the Decree of the USSR State Standard of December 29, 1969 N 1394) (as amended on November 27, 2012).
The degree of protection against external factors for the LED module and for the housing is IP54 according to GOST 14254-2015 (IEC 60529:2013). Interstate standard. Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
(put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated June 10, 2016 N 604-st).
Traffic light mode: continuous, round the clock.
width not less than 1100 mm;
height not less than 350 mm;
depth not less than 135 mm.
The delivery set should include: traffic light, a set of mounting parts. PCS. 96
2 Road controller DK2-16 Road controller DK2-16 must have the following specifications:
Maximum number of output power circuits: 48.
Maximum number of adjustable travel directions: 16.
Maximum number of traffic light object control programs: 16.
The maximum number of connected channels of the calling pedestrian display: 2.
Maximum load current per 1 channel, A: 0.5.
Maximum total load current switched at any time, A: 20.
Minimum load current per 1 channel, A: 0.02.
Power consumption (without loads), VA: no more than 50.
Discreteness of changing the duration of the main and intermediate cycles, sec: no more than 1.
The degree of protection of the road controller from the external environment IPX4 according to GOST 14254-2015 (IEC 60529:2013) “Interstate standard. Degrees of protection provided by shells (IP code)” (enacted by the Order of Rosstandart dated June 10, 2016 N 604-st).
I class of human protection against electric shock according to GOST “System of labor safety standards. Electrical products. General safety requirements” (enacted by Decree of the State Standard of the USSR dated 09/10/1975 N 2368) (as amended on 06/01/1988).
Availability of the possibility of dispatching control over the GSM/EtherNet channel in the system of dispatching control of traffic light objects SDU CO Vector by the operator's commands from the central dispatching console (CDP).
width not less than 650 mm;
height not less than 605 mm;
depth not less than 220 mm.
The road controller must comply with ODM 218.6.003-2011 “Industry road methodological document. Guidelines for the design of traffic lights on highways” (published on the basis of the Decree of Rosavtodor dated February 27, 2013 N 236-r).
The controller must consist of the following units: base cabinet, power supply module, central processor module, 2 light emitter control modules (MCM).
The package should include: controller. PCS. thirteen
3 Additional section STO-300 (right) Additional section STO-300 (right) must have the following specifications:
Supply voltage, V: no more than 220.
Maximum current consumption, mA 110.
Diameter of the working surface of diffusers of traffic lights, mm. 300.
The maximum displayed value of the countdown, sec: 199.
Type of climatic modification: U1 according to GOST 15150-69. “Interstate standard. Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of climatic factors of the environment ”(approved by the Decree of the USSR State Standard of December 29, 1969 N 1394) (as amended on November 27, 2012).
The degree of protection against external factors for the LED module and for the housing is IP54 according to GOST 14254-2015 (IEC 60529:2013). Interstate standard. Degrees of protection provided by shells (IP code)” (enacted by the Order of Rosstandart dated June 10, 2016 N 604-st).
Mode of operation: continuous, around the clock.
width not less than 350 mm;
height not less than 350 mm;
depth not less than 700 mm.
The additional section should be without visors.
The body color must be black.
PCS. thirteen
4 Traffic light screen (right) Weight: no more than 2 kg.
width not less than 1320 mm;
height not less than 925 mm;
depth not less than 3 mm.
The color must be white. PCS. thirteen