Kazakhstani sports do not need the Soviet system – MKS RK

Kazakhstani sports do not need the Soviet system – MKS RK

The Republican College of Sports in Almaty will still be disbanded. This is because Kazakhstan is moving away from the built-in Soviet sports system after performing at the Olympics.

Kazakhstani sports do not need the Soviet system – MKS RK


The day before, we tried to figure out what was wrong with the reorganization of the Republican College of Sports in Almaty. Officials of the Ministry of Culture and Sports nevertheless answered some questions on April 29 at a briefing in the CCS. Details were reported by the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Sports and Physical Culture of the MCS RK Aigul Bektenova.

“Everyone was witness to the fact that Kazakhstan had no results at the Olympics. We have a pyramid that has developed in the Soviet Union – a system for training athletes, which goes from the initial stage to the sport of the highest achievements. We carefully analyzed and decided that in a pilot mode we will reorganize the RCC into an Olympic training center. This practice already exists in the countries that occupy the top 10 at the Olympics. We are gradually adopting this system.”

Young athletes whose results have fallen will be expelled from all sports boarding schools and colleges. The same goes for coaches and teachers.

It turns out that the draft resolution, which no one has ever seen, has been developed and is being approved by the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the speaker, all athletes will be distributed according to the results of certification. And this is not a whim, but an annual event in such institutions, at which the “best” and “worst” students are revealed. The former will continue their education, but in other institutions.

“In all boarding schools where there is an educational training process, attestation is carried out by the end of the academic year in accordance with the approved order of the Ministry of Education and Science. Those athletes who have a decrease in results or injuries or confirmation of the presence of doping will be excluded based on the results of certification. But this does not mean that they will end up on the street, because there are general education schools,” explained Aigul Bektenova.

In addition, the RCS has a free area on which it is planned to build a sports pre-fabricated, low-cost and multifunctional module.

“The statutes of boarding schools state that only the best from all of Kazakhstan are enrolled there. They take general physical and general education exams, the results in the sports arena are taken into account, etc. The whole of Kazakhstan strives to enter such schools. In the republic, in all regions, there should be only the best. After all, sport is like this: if you don’t train, then they already breathe in your back, and you have to confirm the championship and leadership every time, ”Bektenova continued to explain.

The speaker clarified that athletes in 6 priority sports will remain in the training center. The same goes for teachers and coaches.

“There are already vacancies where the team from the CSW will be employed. Then it will be necessary to look at their hourly workload, work experience and rate. And all coaches need to take into account the overlap of work and keep this in mind, as by law they are not allowed to have more than 1.5 stakes. However, no one will be left on the street. Therefore, all these indignations and fears on the part of the teacherth, parents and coaches are premature, – said Aigul Bektenova.

We also asked if the president is aware of these reforms in the sports environment and who, in fact, is responsible for the innovation.

“Before engaging in reforming, we weighed all the pros and cons. Following the results of the Olympic Games, a memo was sent to the President. After preliminary approval, the implementation of the project began. This system has developed since the Soviet Union, but we must keep up with this time and current realities, meeting the requirements of international sports organizations. Therefore, we need a reformation. The president himself emphasized this in his message.

By the way, out of about 400 students in the RKS, 82 students and 42 eleventh-graders will graduate this year. The rest will be distributed.

No money is needed for the reorganization – the funds will also be redistributed, Aigul Bektenova said at the end of her answer to questions from Orda.kz. In addition, the speaker tried to reassure those who consider the facilities in the RKS not suitable for elite athletes. According to her, “our athletes do not necessarily need, for example, an Olympic-standard swimming pool for training.”