In every fifth magazine "PROSport" – tickets to CSKA | PBC CSKA

In every fifth magazine "PROSport" – tickets to CSKA | PBC CSKA

In every fifth magazine “PROSport” – Tickets at CSKA by buying a fresh issue of the PROSport magazine, you can become the owner of a winning coupon, according to which at the box office of CSKA USK CSKA is completely free

In every fifth magazine PROSport – tickets to CSKA

Having bought a fresh issue of the PROSport magazine, you can become the owner of a winning coupon, according to which at the box office of CSKA UPC you can get 2 tickets for one of the matches of the army club for free.

In every fifth magazine PROSport - tickets to CSKA

Having bought a fresh issue of the PROSport magazine (with Andrei Shevchenko on the cover), you can become the owner of a winning coupon, according to which at the box office of the CSKA UPC you can get 2 tickets for one of the matches of the army club for free.

In the same issue of the magazine there is an essay Dmitry Navoshi About playing the army Jay Arkholden:

“Are you for Bush or Kerry?” Holden asks me. Actually, the English “you” can be translated as “you”, but in this case it immediately becomes clear what it means “you”. The conversation with the playing CSKA somehow immediately acquires the character of the chatter of long-familiar people, and in the first minutes John Robert asks more and ask me key questions-how long I work in the magazine, why I have chosen this business and I love the wings-buffalo.

– So you treat Bush. I also dislike. In general, I never had a case, but this time he seriously worried about the outcome of the elections. We had all the Americans for Kerry in CSKA – we even watched the Fahrenheit 9/11 together, then discussed until two in the morning … Well, we will not go into the nuances of foreign policy now. You know, I just do not want to avoid the word “American” in the representation somewhere outside the United States, because people can perceive it incorrectly. I do not want to be cunning, to appear as a Canadian or a British …

The new issue of PROSport magazine is already on sale! The room includes exclusive interviews with Andrei Shevchenko, Darus Casparait, Vitaly Klitschko and Jay Holden