In Chelyabinsk, a new catalyst was opened to get fuel from the water – Russian newspaper

In Chelyabinsk, a new catalyst was opened to get fuel from the water – Russian newspaper

Studies at the junction of ecology and materials science conducted scientists of the South Ural State University, having received material that is effective as an electric chatterizer of oxygen, and this is an important scientific achievement, noted at the university.

Oxygen goes to overtake

Studies at the junction of ecology and materials science conducted scientists of the South Ural State University, having received material that is effective as an electric chatterizer of oxygen, and this is an important scientific achievement, noted at the university.

Everyone knows that any vehicle during movement leaves a carbon trace – emissions that negatively affect the ecology and climate. Therefore, scientists are increasingly considering water as alternative and pure fuel. Hydrogen and oxygen obtained as a result of its decomposition can be used in different fields. But in order for this decomposition to chemical elements to go more successfully, an electric current is used, under the influence of which hydrogen is released in an acidic environment, and oxygen in the alkaline. The effectiveness of the process depends precisely on the electrocatalysts – its accelerators.

Photo: Vitaly Timkiv/RIA Novosti

The Chelyabinsk residents investigated how they show themselves as an accelerating reaction of the substance of the barium hexatricritis. The compounds of iron oxide, they note, have chosen because the scientific community is trying to move away from the use of expensive platinum materials, which include iridium (its dioxide is a standard for comparison for water catalysts).

At first, scientists are divided, the bets were made on hexatricrites with an admixture of Nickel, but they did not live up to expectations.

– A surprise was the high activity of the titanium -containing hexaphaferritis. Having attached a little more energy to such materials, we significantly win in the amount of oxygen obtained, ”comments on the opening of the senior researcher at the crystallochemical design of the functional materials of the Research Institute Promising materials and resource -saving technologies SUSU Doctor of Chemical Sciences Pavel Abramov.

University scientists synthesized a number of ferrites, electrochemical properties and the composition of which were studied by colleagues from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Representatives of the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus also took part in this.

Such work was carried out for the first time. Its results are published in the magazine Materials Chemistry and Physics (Q2). Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that titanium -containing hexatherets can be used as part of the fuel elements to obtain oxygen from water.