I will sell or exchange country plants, buy in Saransk – ads

I will sell or exchange country plants, buy in Saransk – ads

Garden and house plants in Saransk. All for 150r photo No. 1 saxifrage, blooms in May, clogs all weeds, photo No. 2 is my saxifrage flowering, …

I will sell or exchange country plants in Saransk

Ad photo: I will sell or exchange country plants in Saransk

All for 150r
photo No. 1 saxifrage, blooms in May, clogs all weeds,
photo # 2 my saxifrage blooms, all summer (until frost) they will keep a beautiful view of the green carpet
photo#3 muscari
photo No. 4 primrose (long and repeated flowering)
photo number 5 pink astilba, there is red
Phlox lilac and white – 150-250 (depending on size)
hosts 200-250 (depending on size)
primrose 150r
snowdrops 150r
garden lilies of the valley 150r
white tree hydrangea 200-250r (depending on size)
girlish grapes 150r
bergenia pink 150r blooming 250r
forsythia (shank unrooted) 200r
sedum 150r
astilba 150r
muscari (mouse hyacinth) 150 rub
I will consider all options for an exchange or sale. Write to the mail phone is temporarily unavailable.