Forecasts and bets on the first league of the Czech Republic

Forecasts and bets on the first league of the Czech Republic

Bets and forecasts on the first league of the Czech Republic are free. Analytics and expert assessment of each league match from the best specialists of the site.

The first league of the Czech Republic

Judoz user

A very complex confrontation in which we have to observe the battal of two groups of a fairly good level.

Judoz user

Here, we have to observe the confrontation of the two best clubs in the country.

Judoz user

In the match of such a caliber, I will still hold on to the position that, no matter how much the guest did not want to win at the end of the season.

Judoz user

Far from a slight confrontation. In fact, both compositions are now in weak game forms.

Judoz user

Again – a year ago, the Yablonets team was considered one of the strongest in the league, and just to zero destroyed the opponents of the type of carvina, so despite the deplorable tournament location

Judoz user

The composition of the Prague Sparta does not cease to confidently mark it for a higher position in the tournament rating, so it continues to give all the best in every force in each, without exception, the game.

Judoz user

In this confrontation, I will still remain in the logical opinion that the chances of the result are equal to the clubs.

Judoz user

In this battle, I am more than sure that the guys from the Mlada -Bolev club – all the same, they will make a home victory and become the winners of the series.

Judoz user

The Slovatsko team has historically have repeatedly proved its superiority over the Banik Ostrava team.

Judoz user

At the current stage of the championship, players of the Prague Sparta – still have a fierce motivation to overtake Victoria Pilsen in a tournament rating, so here – I expect maximum effort from them and VK

Judoz user

In this confrontation, I will adhere to the opinion that the landlord – is obliged to make victory as calmly as possible, and thereby to advance in the tournament rating.

Judoz user

A rather complicated confrontation, in which two equal ones will be played together both in full -time matches and the tournament location of the season of the season.

Judoz user

I don’t understand at all what the bookmakers think about when they give such high coefficients to the Fastav Zlin club.

Judoz user

3 years ago – it could be said that the guys from the Yablonets are quite capable of issuing a sensation and overthrow the team Slavia Prague, however, in the current realities of the championship – this is not possible.

Judoz user

There are two favorites in this derby, I will still remain with the opinion that the bookmaker is too underestimated by the real chances of the Slovako team for a sensation.

Judoz user

A fairly convenient confrontation for the landlord.

Judoz user

In this match, we have to observe the confrontation of the two dark horses of the season.

Judoz user

I believe that in such an equal confrontation, the team playing on the road – has much more chances for a positive result than its visa.

Judoz user

In this confrontation, I am still inclined to the opinion that the Fastav Zlin team is inferior to its opponent in all possible game aspects.

Judoz user

A fairly shaky confrontation, a clear and understandable favorite in which is not.

Championship of the Czech Republic (the first league of the Czech Republic) At first glance, it is a very mediocre tournament, exactly until that moment you do not look at the composition of the participants. Least Victoria Pilsen and Sparta Prague – regular participants in European cups. Slavia and apple tree They appear in the international arena less often, but are also familiar to the whole of Europe.

The tournament format itself is also interesting. 16 teams play the first part of the season in the circular system. Then all participants are divided into three groups. The first (1-6 place) fight for the championship and dispute vouchers in Champions League. The second (7-10) play vouchers in European League. Teams from 11 to 16th go to the third group and decide among themselves who leaves the tournament. One can definitely say that the tournament is interesting for viewing and for bets.

Bookmakers They offer a wide line of events to the first league of the Czech Republic. The team of our professionals is developing a forecast for each match. Reviews, standings, statistics, history of teams, matches resultsall this is absolutely for free. In chapter Forecasts for today On the day of the match, you can always find all the events you are interested in.