Employees of GIMS carried out the first May raid along the banks of the Tura | Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian State and Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" "State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Region-Tyumen"

Employees of GIMS carried out the first May raid along the banks of the Tura | Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian State and Television and Radio Broadcasting Company" "State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Region-Tyumen"

Without a keyword Many events are planned for the May holidays in Tyumen. And this is another reason to spend the beginning of the month, not

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GIMS employees conducted the first May raid along the banks of the Tura

Many events are planned for the May holidays in Tyumen. And this is another reason to spend the beginning of the month without going out into nature – you can’t visit the forests. The region has a special fire regime. What is the punishment for violators?

In matters of security, GIMS inspectors are adamant. Even from the ship they saw the lack of life jackets among the Tyumen residents. Not a single intruder will leave. First, a preventive conversation, and then a fine.

On weekends there are usually a lot of fishermen and townspeople on the Tour. Local residents with fishing tackle are a common sight, and they are not afraid of inspectors, because they do not violate the established fire safety rules, but not all Tyumen residents take the recommendations of rescuers so responsibly. Only for the first May day off, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry examined 57 dacha communities and 14 recreation areas. Incidents of burning grass and cooking over open fires have been identified. Administrative material has been drawn up for each fact, violators will be fined.