Coronavirus tests – which to take and what do the results mean? The clinic has new medical technologies

Coronavirus tests – which to take and what do the results mean? The clinic has new medical technologies

Complete information tests for coronavirus – which to take and what do the results mean? in the clinic quot; New medical technologies quot;

Coronavirus tests – which to take and what do the results mean?


Very often patients ask“What kind of Coronavirus test should I do?”, “How to decipher?” or Take PCR smear or donate blood? etc.

Finding answers is easy – Let's understand together!

Antibodies Test to Covid-19

Aimed at identifying AT IgM and Igg: Qualitatively +/- and semi-folly.

IgM and Igg – These are immune cells that are produced in the human body, in its contact with the virus.
IgM – are produced at the very beginning of the disease and indicate an acute period of the disease.
Igg – They appear in a later period of the disease, when a person overcame the infection, and remain long enough after the illness.

It is generally accepted that their presence indicates the undergoing disease, as well as about emerging immunity. It can be of qualitative (+ or -) or quantitative.

Examined – venous blood

The result can be:

– positive (+);
– negative (-);
– Doubt.

What is a dubious result for coronavirus?

This is when the value of the concentration of the studied substance is on the border of the positive and negative (in the so -called “gray zone”). The definition of “doubtful” is a generally accepted laboratory term. In this case, in order to obtain a more specific conclusion (either negative or positive), it is necessary, after a certain period of time, a re -fence and repetition of the procedure, which means that the consumption of reagents and the cost of working time of medical personnel are necessary. If in this case the value remains doubtful, then they resort to the use of alternative, additional research methods.

Thus, the “dubious” result (like any other) is a consequence of objective causes: biological processes occurring in the patient's body.

PCR test (smear) on coronavirus

He has one purpose – to determine whether there is a virus Covid-19 In the body at the moment (Real-Time PCR)

Unlike antibodies Igg This analysis will not show whether you were whitewashing before. It will only show the presence of a virus by the time of research. As a rule, it is he who is required to obtain certificates of the absence of coronavirus infection.

The fence itself is very simple.

Is taken from the oropharynx probe

PCR smear fence.jpg

The method of penetration is unimportant. However, most patients are more convenient to take through the oral cavity.

In the case of non -coronavirus infection, according to the results of the PCR, diagnostics, on request, we give out a form of an international model.

You can use it if you plan a flight in the near future.

So what to hand over to me?

If you conduct an analysis for Covid-19 for any organization, then it should be clarified – Which one is specifically needed, for the organization itself.

If you decide to find out for yourself, then only you can choose, for example:

– If you pass a smear – You will find out whether you are sick at the moment or not;
– If on AT IgG, then you will find out – Have you been sick before;
– And if on AT IgM, you will find out – Are you sick at the moment.
You will know that there is an acute phase – from 7 to 21 days.

However, if you are sick for 3-6 days, AT IgM they won’t show anything, but a smear – Yes.

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We hope this information was helpful.

Laboratory New Medical Technologies – Waiting for you!
We will help you choose the study you need.

Our center has been engaged in research work in various areas of medicine for more than 17 years. It has a well-coordinated team and, of course, experienced professionals with extensive experience in medicine and diagnostics.

The laboratory has all the necessary quality certificates, which are presented on the website in the appropriate section.

Be healthy!

There are contraindications, consult a specialist. Not a public offer.18+