Beer ads may return to sports broadcasts – KP. Ru

Beer ads may return to sports broadcasts – KP. Ru

And the advertising budgets of brewing companies are planned to be spent on the development of sports

Beer ads may return to sports broadcasts

Beer ads may return to sports broadcasts

Beer ads may return to sports broadcasts. The corresponding bill was submitted to the State Duma by Deputy Igor Zotov from the A Just Russia faction.

The author of the initiative proposes to remove restrictions on beer advertising within official sporting events until 2019. Advertising budgets of brewing companies are planned to be spent on the development of sports.

According to the document, the changes will be valid until December 31, 2018.

The adoption of the amendments is due to the fact that in 2018 Russia will host the World Cup.

Meanwhile, beer can return not only to TV screens during matches, but also to stadiums. Opponents of this in the case of civilized consumption of the drink is becoming less and less. The health committee admitted that there is nothing wrong with drinking beer at the stadium. The main thing is that the foamy drink does not fall into the hands of minors.

Recall that beer left the stadiums in 2005, when a federal law came out that banned its sale in all sports and fitness facilities. In fact, it is now impossible to buy beer even near stadiums.

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