Anniversary marathon – Home – The official website of the management of acts of civil status of the Sverdlovsk region

Anniversary marathon – Home – The official website of the management of acts of civil status of the Sverdlovsk region

The anniversary marathon archives of the registry office of the Sverdlovsk region celebrate a housewarming on July 24, 2017, Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Azat Salikhov opened after a large -scale

Jubilee marathon

The archives of the registry office of the Sverdlovsk region celebrate the housewarming

On July 24, 2017, the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Azat Salikhov opened a building after a large -scale reconstruction, which houses archives of records of acts of civil status of the region, where 17 million records are stored.

It should be noted that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the registry office of Russia, as well as 75 years since the creation of the regional archive of the registry office. It was in 1942 that the regional archive was formed, which in those years was departmentally related to the structure of units of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. Then the active collection of the second copies of the records of acts of civil status throughout the Sverdlovsk region began to ensure the safety of documents. In addition, these data are necessary for statistical accounting and analysis of the demographic situation.

Opening of the halls of the celebrations in the department of the registry office of the Leninsky district of Nizhny Tagil

March 31, 2017 of the year The opening of the halls of the department of the registry office of the Leninsky district of the city of Nizhny Tagil after a major overhaul.

The registry office is located in the very center of the city of Nizhny Tagil, is very popular among the newlyweds, but, unfortunately, the department of the department has not been repaired since the 80th year.

The grand opening was attended by: Head of the Office of the registry office of the Sverdlovsk region Akalaeva T.V., head of the Leninsky district of Nizhny Tagil Maltsev G.G., deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region POGUDIN V.V.

Congratulations to the inhabitants of the city of Nizhny Tagil with the updated interior of the halls of the celebrations of the Leninsky department of the registry office!

May waltz 2017

May 3, 2017, On the eve of the Great Victory Day, a traditional “May Waltz” holiday for veterans of war, labor and marriage dedicated to the 722nd anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War was held in the Palace of Culture of the Railway Workers. The participants of the holiday for the fourteenth time became the families of the club of gold hearts of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Yekaterinburg, whose happy marriage union lasts 50, 55, 60, 65 or more years.

Almost 60 families took part in the festival, including married couples of Chkalovsky, Verkh-Isetsky, Kirovsky districts of Yekaterinburg-in the continuation of the tradition of joining the club of golden hearts of the Zheleznodorozhny district.

May Waltz are meetings of old friends, like -minded people, memories of military and post -war youth, impressions of the events of the present, joy for the generation of grandchildren and great -grandchildren. May Waltz are the unforgettable names of front -line soldiers, participants in the hostilities and selfless workers of the rear who have gone in peacetime, this is a minute of silence in the memory of the fallen.

The program of the holiday, which is the presentation of the Medals Council and Love, the honor of the spouses, the large concert program and the beloved May waltz, ended with the launch of the snow -white pigeons of the world and happiness.

Feast of twins in the registry office G. Verkhnyaya Pyshma

In honor of the twins that were born this year in the urban district, in the Verkhnepyshminsky department of records of acts of civil status they arranged a real holiday: with congratulations, gifts and performances of artists. In a festive atmosphere in the city registry office, parents of babies who were born in a duet presented the main documents of citizens of the Russian Federation – birth certificates. The festival of twins – or the named ceremony – in the registry office of Verkhnyaya Pyshma has already become a good tradition.

The festival of twins is our traditional event. For our little guests and their parents, together with the management of the culture of Upper Pyshma, we are preparing an interesting program every time. The festival of twins in our registry office is timed by June 1 – the day of the protection of children, but we spend it, as a rule, a little earlier. The birth of babies in a couple is a joyful and at the same time familiar event for Upper Pyshma: for example, in 2016, 25 pairs of twins were born in the city, ”the head of the civil state of the Upper Pyshma told the Grifonfonfold portal. Svetlana Chernyshova.

The first persons of the city and representatives of the clergy congratulated young parents on a landmark event.

According to the employees of the Verkhnepyshminsky department of the registry office, in 2017, from January to April, 485 babies were born in the Copper capital of the Urals, of which 6 are twins. For comparison, over the same period last year 506 children were born and also 6 twins from them. It is possible that this year young mothers and dads will be able to break the record last year.

This year the Verkhnopyshmin residents tried to call their newborn children rare names. Among them: Yang, Jacob, Yusuf, Yaroslav, Elina, Emilia, Stefania and Seraphim. At the same time, names such as Dmitry, Cyril, Artyom, Maxim in boys, as well as Victoria, Maria, Anna and Anastasia in girls remain popular.

Family Day, Love and Fidelity in the Parts of the registry office of the Sverdlovsk region

Registry office of the Turinsky district

A beautiful, significant event was added to the piggy bank of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the registry office. 07/07/2017 – 7 new families are registered in the department of the registry office of the Turinsky district, on the eve of the day of family, love and fidelity. Happy newlyweds not only accepted congratulations, but they themselves gave the warm wishes of love and fidelity, who came to register grooms and brides, exchanging symbolic bouquets of daisies. All the Switzers knew that the marriage union that concluded on this day was accompanied by a happy family life, because the Saints Peter and Fevronia of the Murom, who have become a symbol of strong family ties, mutual understanding and consent, devotion and loyalty, are the patrons of family and marriage.

Campaire Code of the Krasnoufimsky District

On July 08, 2017, on the day of family, love and fidelity, the registry office of the Krasnoufimsky district honored diamond anniversaries of marital life. The couple Abdulov Khatyp and Sufi lived in marriage for 60 years. At the door of the registry office they were met by the heroes of Peter and Fevronia and under Mendelsson’s march was held to the hall for a ceremony – a diamond wedding. The bright moment of the celebration was the performance of children in costumes of color-brimmies, a symbol of the holiday of family day, love and fidelity.

From the head of the administration of the Krasnoufimsky district, the anniversaries were awarded a congratulatory address and a valuable gift. At the end of the holiday, the heroes Peter and Fevronia performed the anthem of the family.

Theatrical marriage registration ceremony on the day of family, love and fidelity with the heroes of the holiday Peter and Fevronia in the department of the registry office of the Krasnoufimsky district of the Sverdlovsk region

Campaire Code of the Sukhodol district

On the day of family, love and fidelity in a solemn setting, on the stage of the cultural center of the city of Sukhoi Log, 8 couples were registered. The event was held as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the registry office. The newlyweds congratulated and presented commemorative addresses, witness of marriage, the head of the Sukhoi Log city district – Valov R. Yu. Especially the guests of the holiday remembered musical gifts performed by young talents of the city.

Berezovsky registry office

07/07/2017 A city wedding took place in Berezovsky. The head of the city of Pistsov E.R. Congratulated 7 pairs of newlyweds. For the first time due to weather conditions, the venue was transferred from the open area of ​​the historical square to the Youth Palace. The touching moment of the holiday was a dance performed by brides.