All you need to know about halotherapy | GBUZ MO "Lviv District Hospital"

All you need to know about halotherapy | GBUZ MO "Lviv District Hospital"

Even the ancient Greeks noted the positive effect of visiting salt caves. It is difficult to argue about the benefits that salted on the human body

All you need to know about halotherapy

Even the ancient Greeks noted the positive effect of visiting salt caves. It is difficult to argue about the benefits that salty air has on the human body. And it doesn’t even matter if the sea is the air, or salt from salt caves. The essence is the presence of negatively charged NACL ions, which have a positive effect on the respiratory system.

What is a spelee -chamber

Artificially created speleo chambers make it possible to relieve relief with obstructive respiratory system syndrome without the need to go to the sanatorium or to any specific climatic belt. The salt rooms of the spelelachniks are equipped as a rest rooms, which maintain a constant comfortable microclimate, pleasant music sounds. Here, not only the human body is physically healed, but also the atmosphere helps to relax the psyche.

Halocamer or Speleocumer?

The monotherapy and heelotherapy are a certain type of climatotherapy, that is, without traveling outside the village, the patient has the opportunity to improve his heal. They pursue one therapeutic goal, but have some technical differences. So, the speleo -chamber consists of natural blocks of potassium salts with the KCL, Na, MG content, which are mined in special quarries and caves. Depending on the place of production, the concentration of chemical elements may have some difference.

The halocamer owes its therapeutic action not to salt, but to the halogenarator who grinds table salt to the state of the aerosol. It is this aerosol that fills the halokamer. The walls, ceiling and floor of the chamber are treated with spraying table salt not for therapeutic purpose, but rather in order to create a pleasant atmosphere. The spelee -chamber in this perspective is preferable, since in this case the walls are treated – the entire room is completely laid out of salt blocks.

The therapeutic effect of the overlimate therapy is more effective than halotherapy. But this does not mean that the galocamer is useless. The air, saturated with sodium chloride, helps to saturate blood with oxygen, strengthen immunity, renewing the skin, improves the structure of hair, wounds and scratches much faster, that is, the body's ability to regeneration increases.

In addition to the main feature of the halocamer – salty air saturated with ions, the room also maintains a constant level of humidity and air temperature, which creates a comfortable microclimate.

Who is prescribed halotherapy

Galotherapy courses are prescribed to patients with certain problems of the respiratory system:

  • diseases of the sphere ear-hill-too-pharyngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, as well as with pneumonia;
  • colds that are aggravated 3-4 times a year;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular disorders (prescribed for recovery after a heart attack, stroke);
  • contributes to the normalization of pressure, that is, halotherapy is indicated both with hypertension and hypotension;
  • varicose veins (dilutes too thick blood);
  • nicotin dependence;
  • skin problems (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, acne);
  • bronchial allergies;
  • accommodation in the area with adverse ecology or work in harmful production;

Also, halotherapy is prescribed for frequent stress, panic attacks, insomnia.

A visit to the salt room demonstrates amazing results. Thus, patients with asthma or bronchitis note a total improvement of a condition of 76%, with skin diseases – 92%, exacerbation of allergic reactions to floral pollen decreases in 89% of patients, constant fatigue syndrome and depressive states go away in 94% of cases. Reviews of doctors confirm this statistics.

Patients with nicotine dependence after several procedures notice some weakening of craving for cigarettes, the lungs are cleansed of accumulated harmful deposits, inflammation of the lung tissue is removed, and in the future there is an aversion to nicotine. The psychological effect on the smoker is also important – the ability to breathe clean air and compare it with cigarette smoke. Of course, not all smoking patients abandon this bad habit, but the condition of the lung is significantly improved.

A course of treatment

The number of procedures and the time of visiting the halocamer are determined by the attending physician in accordance with the general state of health of the patient and with his needs. The first procedures should be short -term to identify possible signs of individual intolerance to ionized air or saline impurities. Such signs can be dizziness, a feeling of lack of air, a manifestation of claustrophobia (a panic attack). With asthma, an attack of coughing can be provoked.

At the first signs of malaise, you need to immediately leave the halocamer.

The condition of patients who visit the galocamer for the first time must be observed for 10 minutes. That is how much time needs to be adapted to new climatic conditions. In the absence of any negative reactions, the halotherapy procedure gradually increases to half an hour.

The number of procedures depends on the condition of the patient. The course of halotherapy, as a rule, consists of 10-25 visits. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but with an interval of 6 months.

Depending on the duration of the course and the duration of the procedures, the cost will be determined.For example, the price of one visit to the halochamber can vary from 200 to 600 rubles. At the Center for Respiratory Medicine in Moscow (address: Losinoostrovskaya st., 39, bldg. 2), you can undergo both a halotherapy treatment course and speleotherapy sessions.


Such a pleasant in all respects method of treatment as halotherapy has both indications and contraindications. It is not necessary to make a decision on the passage of a course of halotherapy on your own. An appointment can be obtained from doctors such as a therapist, physiotherapist, otolaryngologist, pulmonologist.

Children are prescribed by a pediatrician. Halotherapy can be an addition to the main drug treatment or be part of physiotherapy exercises. Even such a harmless method as inhalation of ionized air has a number of contraindications that do not allow you to visit the halochamber:

  • malignant tumors;
  • various complications in the form of purulent discharge;
  • acute blood diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • venereal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • hyperthermia;
  • kidney disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • psychical deviations;
  • claustrophobia;
  • drug addiction and alcoholism.

Before visiting the salt room, you should consult a doctor. At the Center for Respiratory Medicine, the doctor will help identify possible contraindications, as well as explain the features of the procedure. For example, such features include the time spent in the halochamber, the form of clothing in which one can enter there.

Before using the halochamber and starting to receive air salt procedures, it is recommended to change into special clothes or put on a dressing gown or a sheet over it. Salt, which is saturated in the air, tends to settle on any surface, including clothes, which can deteriorate. You also need to change shoes – salt can corrode the sole.

Halotherapy without leaving home

Halotherapy requires a certain amount of time. Not everyone manages to allocate half an hour to visit the halochamber in a specialized institution (which you also need to get to), so there is an opportunity to improve your health in this way at home.

There are so-called salt lamps, which, under the influence of temperature from a light bulb, emit useful ions. The presence of such a lamp in the room has a positive effect on human immunity, the frequency of colds is noticeably reduced, the condition of the skin and the appearance of the hair improve. The difference is noticeable in just a few days.

If it is not possible to visit the halochamber, then a salt lamp will be an ideal option for passive healing of the body. Moreover, the choice is quite extensive – you can choose a lamp both in style (to suit the general atmosphere of the room) and in price (from 800 to 2500 rubles).

The price depends on the weight and size of the salt briquet itself and on its stylistic processing. In order to save electricity, a number of candlesticks from salt briquettes have been created that will ionize air under the influence of heat from a candle – the price is about 600 rubles.

Salt briquettes for air ionization are used in baths.

Specialists can equip a salt room in an apartment or house. But for this you need to have enough free meters at the rate of 3 square meters per person.

Five procedures at the reception of an ENT doctor, which, as a rule, you do not need

Five procedures at the reception of an ENT doctor, which, as a rule, you do not need

Why do not evident ENT doors recommend a “cuckoo”, washing the tonsils and strokes on the flora? Let's figure it out together.

Washing the varnishes of palatine tonsils

It is recommended by doctors in chronic tonsillitis, including for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. It can be carried out with a syringe with a special nozzle – cannulas or a vacuum method.

The palatine tonsils are clusters of lymphoid tissue in the throat, their important anatomical feature is crypts. Crypts are branching recesses in the tonsils, thanks to which the area of ​​contact of lymphoid tissue with infectious agents increases and, as a result, an immune response is faster.

In crypts, tonsillitis is also formed – caseous traffic jams, which are dense formations, consisting of a sore epithelium and food remnants. Typically, the traffic jams are small and are excreted for themselves, for a person this process proceeds unnoticed. In some cases, traffic jams are delayed in crypts, and when bacteria and leukocytes join them, they increase in size and become more dense. The presence of tonsillitis associate the feeling of discomfort in the throat, a sore, reflex cough and very rarely, only in 3% of cases – galitosis (unpleasant odor from the mouth). Among the normal microflora of the crypt, anaerobes are separately released that produce volatile compounds of sulfur, it is because of them that the cork acquires a characteristic unpleasant odor.

It is believed that caseous traffic jams do not have a negative effect on health, which means they do not pose a danger. Only in Russia and in the post -Soviet space, the identification of traffic jams is associated with the presence of chronic tonsillitis. In other countries, this disease is classified as persistent inflammation and edema in the throat, accompanied by pain, in some cases, requiring the prescription of systemic antibacterial therapy.

In our country, doctors usually recommend a rinse course consisting of 5 procedures, which are carried out every other day or less. This approach is not based on evidence of effectiveness, but on the preferences of a particular specialist, “his personal experience” and the patient's desire. Washing solutions are used by the most diverse – from furatsilin, ending with systemic antibiotics and bacteriophages.

Foreign doctors invite patients to remove traffic jams on their own in a variety of ways. It is not proven that the terminal washing of the tonsils reduces the frequency of the formation of tonsillitis. If caseous traffic jams deliver pronounced discomfort to a person, or he is bothering unpleasant odor from his mouth, it is proposed to discuss the possibility of tonsillectomy with the attending physician (tonsil removal). Sometimes, alas, this is the only way to get rid of traffic jams. It is allowed to rinse the tonsils for removal of tonsillitis (not during the period of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis!), If they cause severe discomfort, including psychological, and the patient cannot do it on his own.

The therapeutic effect of washing the tonsils in the prevention of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis has not been proven. There are no clear recommendations that determine the number of procedures either.

It is important to know: washing the tonsils of tonsils is not a therapeutic and not a preventive procedure.

Cuckoo or rinsing the nose by moving fluid along the priest

The method developed by American otorhinolaryngologist Arthur Priest more than a century ago. For many years, ENT doctors were used to treat acute diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

The Russian ENT doctors “Cuckoo” are prescribed for almost any complaints of patients, starting with acute rhinitis and sinusitis, ending with acute adenoiditis and Eustachhytic. Washing technique: the patient lies on his back (less often sitting), an antiseptic solution is pumped into one half of the nose, and from the other it is removed by suction. During the procedure, it is asked to pronounce the word “ku-ku” in order to reduce the likelihood of a solution in the throat and larynx (while the soft sky rises, closing the nasopharynx). However, there is still a high risk of fluid entering the respiratory tract, especially in children who do not always understand what is required of them and behave restlessly.

Due to the creation of negative pressure in the cuckoo cavity, the “cuckoo” can be traumatic for the inflamed mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and in the presence of severe edema in the nose and nasopharynx-painful for the ears.

The use of complex compositions for washing is less preferable than a physiological solution. Antiseptics can additionally dry the inflamed mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The addition of antibiotics to the solution also does not give a therapeutic effect (in the “cuckoo” this is often an antibiot of the reserve series of dioxidine, its side effects are dangerous: experimental studies showed that it has a mutagenic and damaging effect on the bark of the adrenal glands). The addition of hormonal drugs such as dexamethasone or hydrocortisone is also not justified – there are more suitable hormones for use in the nasal cavity (Momethasone, Fluticasone, Budesonide, etc.).When indicated, these sprays can be successfully used, while they have low bioavailability, that is, they act only in the nose, without having a systemic effect on the body and without showing significant side effects.

It has been proven that nasal lavage with positive pressure (Dolphin balloon, Neti pot) is more effective. Such washes are especially effective for allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis.

It is important to know: In acute bacterial sinusitis, it makes sense to discuss the use of oral antibiotics alone. Neither topical antibiotics nor topical antiseptics are indicated, even as an adjunct to treatment.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

Practically not used in modern otorhinolaryngology. In acute bacterial sinusitis, systemic broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are indicated that successfully cope with the bacterial process without punctures and cuckoos.

Punctures in case of a bacterial process in the maxillary sinuses are mainly indicated if sowing of the sinus contents is needed – as a rule, with the ineffectiveness of 1-2 courses of antibiotic therapy.

Very rarely, such punctures are performed for diagnostic purposes, when it is not possible to perform radiography or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses. Another indication is a pronounced pain syndrome associated with the pressure of the contents on the walls of the sinus. In this case, the puncture is done once against the background of the main treatment. Several punctures are indicated only in the case of a persistent bacterial process with two or more courses of antibiotics, while there is no possibility to perform endoscopic sinus surgery.

It is important to know: puncture, like any invasive method, can have complications, among them – trauma to the medial wall of the orbit, nasolacrimal canal, soft tissues of the cheek, nosebleeds.

Endolaryngeal infusions

Recommended for acute laryngitis, along with nebulizers, mucolytics and more.

The cause of acute laryngitis in most cases is a viral infection. Therefore, the main treatment here is time. The use of antibiotics is not indicated even for mild bacterial infections in the larynx, which are much less common than viral ones.

With endolaryngeal infusion, the solution enters directly onto the vocal folds at the time of phonation, which means that the risk of its entry into the lower respiratory tract is very high. In cases where the larynx is poorly visible and the technique of the procedure is not observed, the doctor pours the solution into the esophagus, the patient swallows it, there is no positive effect after the procedure, even a temporary one. At the same time, such a blind infusion of the solution increases the risk of aspiration (inhalation).

For injections into the larynx, antibiotics are used, which, when applied topically, do not have a bactericidal effect.Oil solutions can be used, the positive effect of which is easily replaced by a home moisturizer and ventilation. The effect of the use of hormonal agents (dexamethasone or hydrocortisone) is very short -term. At the same time, in emergency situations, for example, in singers before the concert, preference should be given to the systemic use of hormonal therapy. The use of hormones leads to a rapid disappearance of inflammation of the voice folds and improving the quality of the voice, but you have to put up with the possible side effects of this group of drugs, therefore, in standard situations, potential risk when using them exceeds possible benefit.

In a number of studies, it was proved that the voice is restored in an equal terms – in the treatment of antibiotics and when taking placebo.

It is important to know: Viral laryngitis usually lasts 7-10 days and passes on its own.

Smears on the flora (from the nose, pharynx, ears)

In the vast majority of cases, they do not need. For each disease, the most frequent pathogens are known, and empirical therapy copes well with its tasks.

Acute bacterial sinusitis. The fence of the material should be made either directly from the bosom (during puncture), or from the average nasal passage under the control of the endoscope. In this case, the swab that is performed should not touch the surrounding structures. Sometimes it is difficult to implement, especially in children, therefore, the technique is disturbed, which leads to the “travel” microflora into the material, and the true pathogen remains in the background.

Sharp tonsillitis. Two studies are recommended. Streptate-express diagnosis to β-hemolytic streptococcus of group A (BGSA). And, if it is negative, – a smear from a pharynx directly on BGS. Only with BGSA Tonzillite there are absolute indications for antibacterial therapy, because only in this case is there a risk of developing acute rheumatic fever leading to formidable complications.

Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. In this case, the bacteria obtained in the sowing from the surface of the tonsils do not correlate with those that are inside, which means the crops “on the flora” are also uninformative to determine the tactics of treatment.

Acute external or medium otitis media. The smear is indicated in severe course, inefficiency of prescribed treatment after 48-72 hours, frequent relapse of otitis media, immunodeficiency, with inflammation after surgical intervention on the ear.

It is important to know: Bacteriological examination is indicated only with the ineffectiveness of the basic treatment, the complicated course of the disease, the atypical clinical picture of the disease.

Chekaldina Elena Vladimirovna
Open -olaryngologist, Ph.D.

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A waste of money: a saline lamp and 5 more of things useless to the health of a child (2021-11-17 20:40:05)

A waste of money: a salt lamp and 5 more of things useless for the health of a child


17.11.2021 5408

If the child is often sick, parents are ready to do everything to facilitate his well -being and strengthen immunity. But do not rush to experiment – the benefits of goods and methods of healing are greatly exaggerated.

There is such a category of people – very curious and enthusiastic nature. They are always interested in trying something new, to purchase useful and unnecessary, only because the neighbor was praised on the bench. “And I need it!” Says a gullible and gullible person and leaves for another novelty. The advertising business is designed for this category. It is not customary to save on health, especially for children. But do not rush to buy – first read our list of what you definitely should not buy.

Salt lamp

Traditional medicine endowed this device with almost magical properties: it disinfects and strengthens immunity, and has anti -inflammatory and mucolytic effects, and also calms and increases appetite. Therefore, young parents are advised to put a salt lamp in a room with a newborn. If you have never seen the device, then it looks like an ordinary lamp, only the lampshade is made of a solid Galit mineral (sodium salt is obtained from it), and a stand is made of wood. Inside the ceiling is a low -power light bulb.

What actually: the subject of the interior and no more. The lamp has a comfortable light light, which adds comfort to the room. But there is no reliable information about the therapeutic effect of a salt lamp per person.

Portable viruses blocker

A fashionable way to protect against viruses transmitted by airborne droplets. They just use it, so parents take a device for their children. By the way, manufacturers have developed blockers even for newborns. The device looks like a small bag with holes, inside which a napkin with granules, attention – chlorine dioxide! The annotations to the miracle beagh states that the chemical substance evaporates and disinfects the air at a distance of up to a meter around, blocks the spread of viruses, bacteria, oxidizing their protein structure, destroys fungi, neutralizes pollen allergens. Sasha using a clip is attached to clothes or on a lace, like a handbag.

What actually: the miraculous Bajge has enough admirers, legends about its benefits are transmitted from mouth to mouth. But we will reveal the secret for those who skipped chemistry lessons at school: chlorine dioxide is toxic gas, it belongs to the 2nd grade of toxicity. Causes irritation of the mucous membranes and cough. By the way, in many countries of the world, the sale of virus blockers is prohibited.

Oxygen cocktail

Oxygen enriched with oxygen, herbal decoctions give children in private kindergartens, in sanatoriums, balneols, sometimes you can see points of sales even in shopping centers.It is believed that such a cocktail helps to saturate the body with oxygen, improve the body, help the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But there is no scientific evidence of the benefit of a cocktail.

What actually: an oxygen cocktail is prepared according to various recipes, but usually there is syrup, milk, gelatin protein, food foaming agent, plant extracts (licorice, hawthorn, straw flower, motherwort, rose hips) that cannot be taken without consulting a doctor is possible. intolerance to any component. As for the delivery of additional oxygen to the body, this is also a doubt idea. For comparison: in the liter of a cocktail there is about 100-150 ml of oxygen. And per day, a person passes through the lungs of almost 10 thousand liters of oxygen.

Among the contraindications for taking an oxygen cocktail – exacerbation of asthma, hyperthymic temperament, respiratory disorders, a state of intoxication, and up to two years old, cocktails should not even be given in a meager dosage.

Salt cave

Another non -drug method of treatment, popular among parents, whose children are subject to colds, pulmonary and allergic diseases. A special microclimate with salt microparticles is created in the room. The air enriched with ionized sodium chloride aerosol has several useful properties:

– stimulates immunity,
– reduces the edema of the bronchi,
– Helps with skin pathologies.
There is data on the sufficiently high efficiency of this method of healing, but many parents are faced with the reverse situation: after the halotherapy session, the child became ill.

What actually: a salt cave is more likely to grab the ARVI with the probability of catching an ARVI. The risk, however, is very small. How it happens. In the testimony for visiting the cave there is bronchitis, laryngitis, SARS. Allegedly, salt crystals lift sputum. If the parents brought a sick child there or a group of children from the garden came (and among them someone with a runny nose), then a healthy baby, having sat in a closed room for the nose to the nose, in an impenetrable room, can catch an infection.

There are side effects during sessions in a salt cave: a child may have a cough as an allergic reaction to an aerosol, temperature rises or a runny nose appears. In any case, you need to consult a pediatrician. By the way, in world practice, halotherapy refers to non -traditional medicine, the clinical effectiveness of this method has not been proven. It is better to run the child in the fresh air.

Quartz lamp

The pandemic of coronavirus taught us not only more attentive to its health, but also to study the entire range of disinfection. Most people, probably 10 years ago, could not have occurred to buy a quartz lamp home. Now there is nothing surprising in the purchase of the device for disinfecting the room.Nevertheless, they know that in hospitals sanitary treatment of premises using a quartz lamp.

The rays of ultraviolet radiation, falling into space and surrounding objects, affect microorganisms – they are destroyed and die. Therefore, the treatment of an ultraviolet lamp is considered an effective and fast disinfection method. But the procedure needs to be carried out with caution and subject to safety precautions. It is categorically impossible to be indoors at this time.

What really: the lamps are different. If the physical terms are for you – the radiation spectrum, power, ultraviolet beam is an empty phrase, that is, the probability that you buy a useless thing for a lot of money. A certificate of conformity certified by state bodies should be attached to the quartz lamp. In addition, you need to know safety precautions and side effects from the use of quartz lamps. For example, ultraviolet radiation of high power can cause a burn of the cornea of ​​the eyes, overdrying the mucous membranes and even provoke the development of oncology.

Beads to facilitate teething

At one time, mothers fell in love with a novelty – amber beads that need to be hung on the baby’s neck when his teeth are cut. Allegedly, amber, heated from the baby’s body, emits amber acid, which has an analgesic effect and relieves unpleasant sensations on the gums.

What really. Many experts opposed the use of beads: the benefits were not proven, but the risk of suffocation is quite real. In addition, the baby can swallow the bead. So the decoration of amber is more useful to mom or grandmother, and the baby can soften unpleasant sensations verified and safe ways.

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The best ways to restore the lungs after pneumonia

The main goal of doctors during hospitalization is to cure pneumonia to such an extent that you become strong enough to continue the recovery of the house. You will be written out when the temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels in the blood will be within normal limits. Your appetite and concentration level should also improve.

But returning home does not mean that you are completely healed. In the near future, unfortunately, you will not participate in any marathons. Your lung function may differ from the one that was before pneumonia. But you can completely recover to the level of activity that was before diagnosis.

Unfortunately, many people whose lungs were damaged by pneumonia (especially coronavirus), the level of activity may never be the same.

Pneumonia is a serious infection that can damage the lung tissue. Your lungs may not expand completely when you breathe, or some of the pulmonary tissue can be irreversibly damaged. This can affect the amount of incoming oxygen and the amount of carbon dioxide that leaves the body. This can cause you a feeling of fatigue, and sometimes shortness of breath.

After pneumonia, muscle weakness often occurs. This can happen due to the lack of activity and possible weight loss.

In addition, people who have additional problems, such as lung diseases or hearts, often experience an increase in the symptoms of these conditions. In these cases, home oxygen may also be prescribed.

Your doctor will give instructions that need to be followed in order to gradually come to their senses at home. This can be the use of drugs, a gradual increase in the level of physical activity and the performance of breathing exercises.

Restoration after coronavirus pneumonia

For many patients with Covid-19, getting rid of the virus is only half the victory. Many still suffer from unpleasant consequences in which the SARS-COV-2 virus affects vital organs, especially light ones.

Disorders of the function of the lungs, pneumonia, a decrease in blood saturation with oxygen and shortness of breath, pulmonary fibrosis and chronic pulmonary failure are one of the most serious damage that the Covid-19 causes mild. People with chronic respiratory diseases and weakened immunity are especially suffering.

After Covid-19, a respiratory distress often occurs.Even young and healthy patients report a deterioration in the functions of the lungs after recovery, some also require apparatus for oxygen support and artificial ventilation, which can also disrupt the quality of life. Acute respiratory diseases and a decrease in immunity can make a person prone to other problems. Environmental factors, such as high levels of air pollution, also exacerbate the situation.

We offer you a list of measures that must be observed to protect the health of the lungs after the COVID-19.

Regularly perform breathing exercises

Shortness of breath and difficult stream of oxygen are frequent symptoms of infection, since the Covid-19 begins to attack the lungs. Covid patients are often asked to practice simple deep breathing exercises and meditative poses that can help them breathe better and improve blood flow to the lungs and bronchi.

Diaphragmatic breathing, deep respiratory movements contribute to a deeper breath and movement of muscles in the lungs and chest. Deep breaths in the lying on the stomach can also help increase the flow of oxygen.

Pranayama is considered an excellent exercise to improve the work of the lungs. Patients suffering from breathing problems and oxygen levels can train using a responder, which also helps to improve the health of the lungs.

Eat products that increase the volume of the lungs

A good diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, increases immunity. There are certain products that remove toxins and help to breathe easier. This is a simple way to improve lung health at home.

Excessive use of processed and refined products should be avoided, betting on seasonal products, such as: beets, green tea, blueberries, tomatoes, nuts and seeds, they increase the volume of the lungs. Oranges, lemons and citrus products should also be abundant. Garlic and turmeric are powerful products rich in antioxidants, which, as they say, have antiviral properties.

Be sure to use many products rich in omega-3, which are especially useful for controlling inflammation in the lungs and reducing the risk of other respiratory diseases.

Experts also recommend people to monitor nutrients. It is necessary to rejection of diets that contribute to weight loss that may deprive you of the necessary nutrients for some time after recovery.

Avoid smoking

Smoking not only increases the risk of infection and transmission of Covid, but also causes irreparable harm to the lungs, which are already vulnerable. Smoking and tobacco cause an additional load on your vital organs, increase the likelihood of developing other pulmonary problems and infections in the long term.

Cardiral training can improve the respiratory function

Any activity that increases your breathing is a good way to restore lung capacity and function when you are on your way to recovery. Experts suggest that patients engage in moderate to vigorous exercise or sports. It can raise your heart rate and improve blood flow.

Walk regularly (if it's safe to do so), and choose home workouts and cardio exercises that are good for your respiratory health. Yoga asanas can also help restore functionality and boost immunity. Aerobic exercise can also help.

Remember to exercise regularly, but do it slowly at first. Athletes are also encouraged to start recovery with rehabilitation exercises that benefit lung health before moving on to other fast and intense movements.

Avoid exposure to pollution and smoke

People who have just recovered from COVID-19 or who have impaired lung function should avoid unnecessary exposure to smoke, polluted environments, and any activity that may interfere with the functioning of the respiratory system. Pollution can not only increase the risk of reinfection, but also expose you to carcinogens and other potentially dangerous irritants that can lodge in your lung cavities and make breathing difficult.

If you must go out, please take all necessary precautions, take your medication and take care of yourself. Steam inhalation and detox methods may also be helpful.

1. Breathing techniques. (n.d.)
2. Lung capacity and aging. (2018)
3. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2017)
4. Sivakumar, G., Prabhu, K., Baliga, R., Pai, M. K., Manjunatha, S. (2011, April-June). Acute effects of deep breathing for a short duration (2-10 minutes) on pulmonary functions in healthy young volunteers [Abstract]. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 55(2), 154-9
5. Treating tobacco use and dependence: 2008 update. (2008, May)
6. Your lungs and exercise. (2016). Breathe, 12(1)

Medicines for the liver

The liver is the largest biochemical laboratory in our body. It is involved in more than 500 reactions. Therefore, any changes in her condition can affect her well-being. Everyone knows its important role and have heard about such a formidable diagnosis as cirrhosis, many want to clean it, drink special medicines. Someone is looking for folk remedies, others trust the developments of the pharmaceutical industry more. The question remains, what will actually be effective?

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But what about the liver?

You might think that the liver is just waiting for us to help it. This is not true. The compensatory and regenerative capabilities of the liver are enormous. With the preservation of 25% of a healthy organ, it can recover itself. How a healthy liver works, we will never know. It has no nerve endings, so it never hurts. Liver cells are hepatocytes.If the cell dies, its load is redistributed to each other remaining. So, with the destruction of a significant part of the liver, there may be no symptoms and even changes in analyzes.

On the one hand, this is good, the liver does not bother us by trifles like a stomach that can twist after poor food, and after 3 days we have already forgotten about it. But if the symptoms appear, this may indicate serious problems, just like that you can’t get rid of. For problems with the liver, the following functions may suffer:

  • filtering and processing of toxic products coming from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • production of protein molecules, their accumulation, transformation of amino acids, urea formation and creatine synthesis;
  • glycogen formation and storage;
  • storage and transformation of many vitamins (a, pp, b, d, k), ions of metals of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, etc.;
  • production of enzymes involved in metabolic processes;
  • maintaining the balance between coagulating and anti -impoverished blood systems, the formation of heparin;
  • Depositing of blood plasma and uniform elements, regulation of the blood system.

Mistakenly for problems with the liver take problems with the gall bladder, pancreas, spine and many others. Pain in the liver may appear when it is enlarged and stretches its own capsule, but usually these are already neglected problems.

liver medicine 1

Often, problems with the liver take problems with the gallbladder, pancreas or spine.


Problems with the liver can develop for more than 10 years and not disturb. The average life expectancy with a diagnosis of cirrhosis is 9 years. Therefore, even having problems with the liver, you can fight them. About 1000 names used in hepatology are about 1000. During therapy, they not only treat the disease itself, but also support the liver to create the most favorable conditions for recovery. One of these groups of drugs is hepatoprotectors. Hepatoprotectors help restore metabolic processes in the liver, increase the resistance of the organ to the action of destructive factors, normalize functional activity and stimulate regenerative processes in the liver.

Requirements for hepatoprotectors

Since the liver is the body through which the exchange of many substances occurs, the drugs should not only be powerful, but also meet certain safety requirements, as well as:

  • suck well;
  • have the effect of first passage through the liver;
  • have the ability to neutralize or prevent the formation of substances that damage the liver;
  • reduce the activity of inflammatory processes;
  • slow down the formation of scars;
  • help the regeneration of the liver;
  • do not cause rejection during liver pathology;
  • extensive enterohepatic circulation;
  • Do not have a poisonous effect.

Despite the fact that the requirements are known, the ideal drug has not yet been created. More than half of the presented plants of plant origin, the rest of the phospholipids, synthetic derivatives, organ -drugs and amino acids are divided.

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Despite the fact that the requirements for drugs for the liver are known, the ideal has not yet been created.

List of drugs

Groups of hepatoprotectors are divided depending on the composition.

Group I: Flavonoids of milk thistle can enter both a natural extract of plants and produced in a synthetic way:

These products contain a substance from a spotted milk -thistle – Silimarin (Silibinin). It protects and stabilizes cell membranes. Proophasha spotted has a powerful antitoxic effect, can help with pale barking poisoning. True, in this case, a modification with intravenous administration is used. There is also antioxidant and metabolic effects, accelerates the regeneration of hepatocytes. The formation of cicatricial tissue in the organ slows down.

Cholestasis, that is, a difficult outflow of bile, can be a contraindication to the reception. If this is ignored, stagnation from taking drugs may intensify.

Typically, the course of admission is about 4 weeks, then take a break.

Group II: The rest of the flavonoids, except for the milk thistle:

  • Katergen; ; ;
  • Hepaliv.

Hofitol, has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect, due to the content of the extract of artichoke leaves. It can also reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood at an initially high level. The pluses of the drug include its small toxicity.

Liv 52 helps to strengthen the protection of the liver from toxins, has components widely used in Indian medicine. But the use of the drug in an acute inflammatory phase is unsafe and can increase inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended to use the drug when the regeneration phase is active and the liver needs support.

Group III: Hepatoprotectors from animal organs:

Hepatnosan – dried animal hepatocytes. In the intestine, he absorbs toxins. Digging, the nutrient components of the cells are absorbed and delivered to the liver. They work as protective factors at the level of liver cells, restore the activity of hepatocytes. The drug helps to accelerate reparative processes.

Sirepar is a hydrolyzate of liver liver extract. Contains in 1 ml of 10 mg of cyanocobalamin. Promotes liver regeneration, has a cleansing effect. Do not use the active phase of the disease, as the inflammatory process may increase. It is taken for chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, toxins and drugs poisoning.

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Some drugs should not be used in the active phase of the disease, as the inflammatory process may increase.

Group IV: Medicines that have essential phospholipids:

Phospholipids, including phosphatidylcholine, the most important component, of which most of the membranes of the liver cells consists of bricks. Phospholipids have been allocated and studied for almost 50 years, various experiments and experiments have been conducted. Restoring cell membranes, the liver normalizes its function. They are used for a very wide range of diseases. The course of admission usually lasts about 3 months in the absence of contraindications and undesirable effects.

Funds from other groups that were not included in the first four:

    ; ;

  • Non -steroidal anabolics (methyluracyl, sodium nucleinate); ; .

From this group, we will analyze in detail Ursofalk, as a drug that has a widespread prescription among doctors. The active substance (ursodexicoic acid) helps to protect the organ and has a choleretic effect. Used to dissolve the bile stones. Reduces toxic effects on the epithelium of the bile ducts in the liver and hepatocytic membranes. Facilitates the excretion of bile from the ducts, as a result of which it facilitates the excretion of toxins.

It has contraindications in the form of a non -working gall bladder, inflammatory diseases of the intestine, bile ducts, bile stones with a high calcium content (visible on the X -ray), in general, any states that will prevent the intensified outflow of bile from the liver. Also cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation.


There are many hepatoprotectors, they differ in composition, mechanism of action. Doctors have ambiguous attitude towards them, many of them are applied and produced only for the territory of post -Soviet countries. Sometimes you can meet, reviews that a person after leaving the alcoholic binge drank a certain drug for 3 months and his tests improved. This could happen not because of the drug, but from the fact that the toxins ceased to act on the liver, and it was able to recover to a certain extent.

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Upon termination of the effects of toxins, the liver can be restored to a certain extent.

The main thing in the treatment of the liver is not taking medications to compensate for the harm that we do ourselves, but the cessation of the effects of toxins and other destructive factors. That is, you need to abandon alcohol, smoking and extra pounds (risk of non -alcoholic fatty hepatosis). Since alternating courses of drugs with the wrong way of life, we create the illusion of well -being. If there are suspicions that something is wrong with the liver, be sure to consult a doctor. Incorrect self -medication for problems with the liver can only harm.