All basketball courts and halls in Novgorod region, rent of a hall, search for venues

All basketball courts and halls in Novgorod region, rent of a hall, search for venues

A complete database of offers for the rental of basketball courts and halls in the Novgorod region on the sports information portal

Without a keyword

District: Novgorod Region

Address: st. Korchagintsev, 6

Phone: 8 (34992) 5 42 49

Basketball hall rental: on request

District: Novgorod Region

Address: Spasskaya sq.

Phone: 8 (81664) 9 25 50

Basketball hall rental: on request

Sports Palace Youth

District: Novgorod Region

Address: st. Mira, 27

Phone: 8 (81665) 4 49 82

Basketball hall rental: on request

Palace of Sports Sport Industry

City: Veliky Novgorod
District: Novgorod Region
Address: Cosmonauts, 32
Phone: 8 (8162) 98 29 01
Basketball hall rental: on request

City: Staraya Russa
District: Novgorod Region
Address: st. Tribuny, 16b
Phone: 8 (81652) 5 33 95
Basketball hall rental: on request

The sports information portal is not advertising and is not responsible for the indication of inaccurate information in the announcements about sports grounds and halls posted on the site