Advertising for Belarus 5 📺󾠜 – Prices of accommodation • Calculator of value

Placement ➦ advertising on the ❰❰ television channel 📺󾠜 Belarus 5 ❱❱: Consultation ◾ Media Planning ◾ advertising strategy. [Price of placement per 1 min] • [cost calculator].

Advertising on the Belarus channel 5

Belarus 5 – a television channel that contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle of Belarusian society with the help of modern media resources. It is a healthy lifestyle that is one of the priority areas of the internal policy of our state.

The mission of the television channel is the formation of national identity by promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as the achievements of domestic sports in general and its individual representatives in particular. The most interesting sporting events can always be seen on the Belarus 5 television channel. The Directorate of the sports television channel Belarus 5 is working so that the competitions from the world rent appear on Belarusian television screens.

At the same time, the Belarus 5 channel does not forget about its main mission – the popularization of domestic sports. Therefore, on the air of the channel, a significant amount of broadcasting will be given to the competitions of Belarusian championships in various sports.

Data on the coverage of television channels for February 2022:

The cost is 1 minute – from 36.00 Bel. Rub.

Time Program Cost 1 min. Bel. Rub. VAT included
5:00-8:00 Sports/thematic program 36,00
8:00-12:00 Sports/thematic program 36,00
12:00-16:00 Sports/thematic program 40,00
16:00-18:00 Sports/thematic program 60,00
18:00-23:00 Sports/thematic program 190,00
23:00-01:00 Sports/thematic program 70,00
01:00-05:00 Sports/thematic program 36,00
5:00-8:00 Sports/thematic program 36,00
8:00-12:00 Sports/thematic program 50,00
12:00-16:00 Sports/thematic program 90,00
16:00-18:00 Sports/thematic program 150,00
18:00-23:00 Sports/thematic program 200,00
23:00-01:00 Sports/thematic program 75,00
01:00-05:00 Sports/thematic program 36,00

Separate tariffs are provided for the following programs:

The tariffs apply seasonal coefficients, as well as a discount system.

  • Belarusian manufacturers are given a discount – 60%!
  • When announcing cultural events – a 80%discount!

Internet channel Belarus-5. Internet

We also want to talk about a new possibility of advertising on the channel Belarus-5 Internet.

Belarus-5 Internet – This is a sports Internet channel on which sports programs, competitions, etc. are broadcast. The content intersects with the broadcast of the Belarus-5 channel, and also includes additional programs.

A significant difference between the new Internet channel and other similar television sports channels – The lack of commentators on the air. Belarus 5. The Internet will be broadcast only on the Interchum.

  • From 10/01/2018 it is available to all Belarusian Internet users of the Internet
  • more than 100 of the most interesting world sporting events
  • Translations of the competitions of Belarusian championships in various sports
  • Thematic programs devoted to the most popular sports, exclusive interviews and high -quality analytics
  • broadcasting – 18 hours a day
  • Free distribution

Statistics of the connection to the channel:


Advertising options:

  • Placement of commercials in Pre-Roll format in online broadcasts of the competition site and in a mobile application
  • Banners with real -time coefficients
  • Placement of the rollers Partner of the show before, during and after the match
  • Partner logo in the framework of programs and broadcasts
  • Products in the frame, Studio branding
  • Oral announcement of the host/commentator
  • Creation and placement of analytical headings and programs

Advertising manifestations are possible without temporary restrictions.

Tariff for accommodation from 01.10.2021:

Online broadcasting For residents of the Republic of Belarus, Bel. Rub. VAT included
a video in an advertising block; Integrated advertising 100,00

Special tariffs can be set for advertising in separate TV shows (broadcasts).

When calculating the cost of placing advertising for advertising tariffs, within the framework of online broadcasting, they apply:

  1. The coefficient when placing integrated advertising in the broadcasts of specific sports events:

Football. Europa League, qualification, Belarus Cup, etc.

Football. Champions League

In broadcasts of other sporting events, other coefficients can be established.

  1. The coefficient for the uniqueness of the category of goods/services – 2.

This coefficient provides for the uniqueness of the category of advertised goods: the type (category) of the goods of one advertiser cannot be advertised by another advertiser.

  1. The coefficient for exclusivity is 3.0.

This coefficient provides for the exclusion of all other partnerships in this television program.