A press conference was held at the Central Research Institute on the results of the work of the State Commission to determine the reasons for the abnormal situation on October 11, 2018 /

The industry news in the Central Research Institute of TsNIIMASH hosted a press conference based on the results of the work of the State Commission to determine the reasons for the emergency situation on October 11, 2018 at the Center for Flight Management of TsNIIMASH

Industry news

A press conference was held at the Central Research Institute on the results of the work of the State Commission to determine the reasons for the abnormal situation on October 11, 2018

A press conference was held at the Center for the flight control of the Central Department Store based on the results of the State Commission to determine the causes of an abnormal situation on October 11, 2018 when the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle is launched with a transport piloted ship (TPK) MS-10 .

The press conference was attended by: Chairman of the Emergency Commission, Deputy General Director of TsNIIMASH Oleg Skorobogatov, acting Director General of TsNIIMASH Nikolay Sevastyanov, Deputy General Director for Rocket Engineering, Operation of ground -based space infrastructure, ensuring the quality and reliability of the Roscosmos State Corporation Alexander Lopatin, General Director of the RSC Energia named after S.P. Koroleva ”Sergey Romanov, General Director of the RCC“ Progress ”Dmitry Baranov, general designer for the means of withdrawal and ground space infrastructure – Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute of TsNIIMASH, Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Head of the FMBA of Russia Vyacheslav Rogozhnikov, Academician, Director of the Russian Federation – IMBP RAS ORLOV and Head CPC named after Yu.A. Gagarina Pavel Vlasov.

From the conclusion of the emergency commission, the results of which was told by Oleg Skorobogatov to reporters, it follows: “The launch ended with an accident of the pH due to the emergency compartment of one of the side blocks (block“ D ”), which hit the central block (Block“ A ”) in the BAK area The fuel, which led to its depressurization and, as a result, to the loss of stabilization of the cosmic missile. ”

The reason for the abnormal separation is the non-deletion of the lid of the nozzle of the deposit of the Oxidizer of the Block “D” due to the deformation of the stitch of the separation contact sensor (bending 6@45 ‘) allowed during the assembly of the“ package ”at the Baikonur cosmodrome. The cause of the accident is an operational nature and applies to the back of the Soyuz type collected in the “package”.

The emergency rescue system of the TPK Soyuz MS-10 worked in accordance with the laid logic. The crew acted in accordance with the requirements of the on -board instructions and the instructions of the flight control center. ”

For the unconditional implementation of the plan of spacecraft launches according to the Federal Space Program and International Cooperation of Russia, Roscosmos State Corporation, a set of measures was organized to exclude the possibility of repeating an emergency and conducting priority measures to resume the launches of the Soyuz type in November 2018.At the same time, the State Commission approved the dates of launches under the program of the International Space Station: November 16, 2018 will launch the Soyuz-FG pH with the Progress MS-10 transport cargo ship, and on December 3, 2018, the Soyuz MS-11 TPK will be launched . The crew of the TPK Soyuz MS-09-Alexander Gerst (ESA), Sergey Prokopyev (Roscosmos) and Serina Aunyon-Chensellor (NASA)-will return to Earth on December 20, 2018.