One hundred civilians died during the escalation of hostilities in the DPR • Krasnodar IA "VK"

The Government of the Republic of the DPR reported that 100 civilians were killed in the territory of the republic for 75 days. Of these, three children. 428 people received wounds of various severity, 36 of them were children.

One hundred civilians died during the escalation of hostilities in the DPR

One hundred civilians died during the escalation of hostilities in the DPR

The Government of the Republic of the DPR reported that 100 civilians were killed in the territory of the republic for 75 days. Of these, three children. 428 people received wounds of various severity, 36 of them were children.

About three thousand houses have been damaged and destroyed, civil infrastructure and 365 cars were also injured.
Only yesterday, May 1, eight civilians were wounded in Mariupol and a 44-year-old man was injured in the Volnovakh district.

Earlier, we wrote that almost 70 people from Azovstal left in the direction controlled by Ukraine.
Also read that 80 more civilians evacuated from Azovstali: some decided to leave for the territory of Ukraine. For a safe exit, a special humanitarian corridor and a mode of silence were opened. The buses drove people to the village of Nameless to the DPR. In the tent camp there is everything necessary. It became known that the UN representatives commented on the evacuation with Azovtsly: there are still a lot of civilian underground. The UN representative on humanitarian issues Saviano Abreu said that the situation with the evacuation from Azovstali is very difficult. He did not clarify what the difficulty.
See also: 32 adults and 8 children evacuated from Azovstali: about 300 people can remain at the factory.