Football workbook

Football workbook

Football workbook (theoretical course). For written homework in sections .. Physical education, Grade 9, Football workbook

Football workbook

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Football workbook (theoretical course). For written homework in sections.

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Football Workbook

Department of the Municipal State Institution

Additional education House of children's creativity

Children and Youth Sports School



History of world, Russian and Soviet football ———

Outdoor games with elements of football ———————-

Organization of football and futsal competitions ———


Surname, name, patronymic of the student ___________________________________

Department_______________ Year of study _________

Work form

Number of points

History of world football. History of Russian and Soviet football.

Mobile games with football elements.

Game technique. Game tactics.

Organization of football and mini-football competitions.

Results for the work performed

Explanatory note.

Football is one of the most popular and massive collective sports games. More than 3 million people play football in Russia. The collective nature of football activity predetermines the manifestation by the players of their best moral and volitional qualities: responsibility and discipline, respect for partners and opponents, mutual assistance, courage and determination, perseverance and initiative.

Modern football is a vivid spectacle, which organically combines the high performing skills of football players and uncompromising male martial arts on each section of the football field, the physical perfection of the players and the joy of victory or the bitterness of defeat among many millions of fans.

Elements of football, due to various manifestations of physical qualities, are widely used in other sports (and not only in games) as an additional means of training.

Football is widely used in various parts of the physical education system. In secondary schools, vocational schools, technical schools, universities, children, teenagers, students are engaged in football sections.

The training of qualified football players is carried out in the football sections of physical culture groups, youth sports schools, sports schools, sports boarding schools.

Football as an academic subject is included in the program of physical culture in higher educational institutions in the form of optional classes.

Football is widely used as the main means of physical culture and health-improving work in various recreation areas, parks, hikes, beaches, rest homes and sanatoriums, and children's health camps.



When completing the task, you must score the maximum number of correct answers, which are estimated at one point. Score 5 – 20-18 points, 4 – 17-16 points, 3 – 15-14 points.

The official date of birth of the sport (why this date?)

What the first rules regulated (the main points of the first rules)

Governing bodies of world, European football (year of formation).

The main competitions in world football (their rating, frequency).

5. Structure of competitions in Europe among club teams.

Stars of world, European football (at least 10), name, country.

The highest achievements in world football among the national teams. How many countries in the world hold the title of world champion?

Where and when was the 1st FIFA World Cup held? Which country holds the title of the 1st FIFA World Cup? How many World Cups have been held in the history of football?

9. Whose name was the World Cup originally called? Which country was awarded this cup forever, why?

Who is the current world champion, European champion

HISTORY OF RUSSIAN AND SOVIET FOOTBALL 11. In what year was the All-Russian Football Union organized?

In what year did Russia join the International Football Federation (FIFA) ______________________________

The highest achievements of Soviet football at the Olympic Games

14. The highest achievement of Soviet football players at the World Championships

Top Achievements Soviet club football in European cups

Top Achievements Russian club football in European cups.

17. The highest achievements of Russian football in 2008

In what year was the 1st Championship of the country (USSR) among club teams held

Soviet players – the stars of world football

Which country is the 1st European Champion (year, country).

Number of points: ________________ Score: __________

Checked: _______________________ _____ _______________ 20____


When completing the task, you must score the maximum number of correct answers, which are estimated at one point. Score 5 – 9-10 points, 4 – 7-8 points, 3 – 5-6 points.

Draw a drawing of a football field (marking, all dimensions, names of lines, areas).