Director Viktor Merezhko: “In a country where there is a great art of cinema, the magazine“ Film Reporter ”is certainly needed” – KP. Ru

Director Viktor Merezhko: “In a country where there is a great art of cinema, the magazine“ Film Reporter ”is certainly needed” – KP. Ru

Professional critics, screen masters and creative figures appreciated the concept of the new Russian edition of the film reporter

Director Viktor Merezhko: In a country where there is a great art of cinema, the magazine Film Reporter is certainly needed

Maria Lemesheva, editor of the Russian version of The Hollywood Reporter, and now the new edition of Kinoreporter.

The editor of the Russian version of The Hollywood Reporter, and now the new edition of Kinoporter Maria Lemesheva.

The news that the editors of the Russian The Hollywood Reporter (ThR) – working in the franchise of the legendary American magazine – refuses the brand and creates a new completely independent magazine, did not leave indifferent readers, for the seven years of the publication of accustomed format, nor the professional film community . The former The Hollywood Reporter will cease to exist, the film directer magazine will appear instead. The publication will conduct rebranding, but will save the previous edition in an unchanged composition-a team of professionals who are truly in love with their own business and feel the strength to tell the Russian viewer about the cinema with their own language, not limited by the templates of the Hollywood analogue. According to editor of the Russian version of The Hollywood Reporter, and now the new edition of the “film regulator” Maria Lemesheva, the magazine team has long grown out the license. The film industry in Russia has its own characteristics, so initially the Russian version was created as a completely copyright project, which was borrowed from the Hollywood namesake except perhaps the logo. Over time, the changes have been rushed, and the desire to develop and move further suggested a logical decision about rebranding.

What will be the new film porter? Maria Lemesheva promises: he will be interesting to everyone – both the ordinary viewer and professionals.

– There are a lot of glossy lifes table, but publications about cinema- professional, high-quality and from the point of view of journalistic work, content, and from the point of view of photographs, design, printing, and even with access to the widest audience, there is no more in the country, – sure editor of the Film Reporter. – During the restart of the magazine, we plan to pay special attention to projects for film critics, professional movie journalists. The development contains very interesting retrospective and educational projects. We will pay more attention to the television industry, theatrical and musical art.

The ambitious plans of the editorial office “Cinema directorAlready appreciated the masters of domestic cinema and professional film critics.

– The more magazines about the world of cinema are published, the better for cinema as a whole, considers Kirill Obrogolov, host of the Cultural Cult program on the Culture TV channel. – Often, when they take some kind of franchise or a well-known brand, they face restrictions- this is a certain reckoning for using a well-known brand, and not create it from scratch.If you feel in yourself the strength to raise your own brand, then you can try to do it without a shadow of a doubt. I think that Maria Lemesheva has reason to be confident in her abilities. It is not easy to talk about the future of the magazine, but the main thing is that it must be alive. What formula will be successful in the domestic market, and why it will be successful is a difficult question. You can rely on large domestic companies, for example, the Cinema Fund, some creative projects or film club movements. It is clear that they will inherit the formula that they got in The Hollywood Reporter, which existed thanks to secured sponsorship. I would like to wish the editorial team of Kinoreporter courage and new solutions for the first issues, so that they can impress, and also so that they do not stop there.

Director and screenwriter Viktor Merezhko sees in the new Kinoreporter the successor to the Soviet Screen – a magazine that was published in the USSR in huge circulation and dearly loved by the audience. Today there is not enough such a personal publication that tells about cinema in an interesting and accessible way, but at the same time holds a high professional standard.

– If the state has not forgotten that the country has a great art of cinema, then ordinary people have already begun to forget it. Film reporter is needed, of course, – sure Viktor Merezhko. – I would like to see in the new version of the magazine information about film and television screenings, materials about the life of cinema and the Union of Cinematographers, directors, screenwriters, cameramen – that is, everything that was in the old Soviet Screen. I think that if the team is interested in promoting a new magazine, then, of course, they will succeed.

It is no secret that in the era of the Internet it is increasingly difficult for paper publications to develop and surprise readers with something fundamentally new. And Kinoreporter will have to compete not only in the gloss market, but also in the conditions of the existence of numerous online versions.

– Paper publications have now become much more difficult to publish, including glossy ones, since a significant part of what is now written and said about cinema exists in various forms on the Internet, – Kirill Razgolov believes.

According to the management of Kinoreporter, the priority of the editors is the publication of the paper version. At the same time, the journal's team is also not going to give up the advantages that digital technologies provide.

– The main version will remain the printed edition. This is a tribute to the culture of reading, – emphasizes editor of Kinoreporter Maria Lemesheva. – But, despite all our commitment to authenticity, we will not abandon modern tools. Thus, the distribution of the magazine will primarily take place with the help of a digital subscription – this is a guarantee of monthly delivery of the magazine to the door. We also plan to implement a number of digital projects. But I will not reveal all the ideas just yet.

“Today, all paper publications go online, and perhaps Kinoreporter will also have an online version,” says producer Iosif Prigogine. – I am sure that they will be able to raise their new brand. I wish the editors of the new magazine success and objectivity, as well as find their intelligent reader and strike a balance between art and today's trends.

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